
What is a Saint?

Who gets to decide what is right, or what is wrong? What makes stealing wrong? What makes murder evil? Are there really no grey lines? "Their faces, their bodies, her body, all of it began to haunt my mind..." What is a Saint? Saints are supposed to be powerful beings that help people, and yet... Why are there rumors of one extorting a poor family? Why are there rumors of another forcefully stealing married women? Why are there rumors of several who enjoy torturing people, as well as colluding with the very things they've sworn to eradicate? ●~●~●~●~ The synopsis is pretty short, but allow me to simplify what the story will be like. This story is meant to be one where the MC mentally & physically grows stronger. There will be a strong emphasis on morality, and a fair share of gore. The MC will at times be naive, but hey, growth! I'm not sure what else to add, but please know there will be NO HAREM. Whether or not there will be romance... I'll leave it up to Chris ;) ●~●~●~●~ Extra's! 1. This is my entry into 2022 WSA, so it would be nice if you support this & give me any feedback! 2. Upload speed will be a minimum of one chapter per day, with 2 being the average. I will write more depending on demand. 3. If you want to contact me, then either write a comment or add me on discord via: dSaruk#0413

dSaruk7 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Diary Extract #1

Every single child grew up listening to stories of the Saints defeating countless monsters alongside their Knights.

The Saints, beings that are called upon by the world every decade, are legendary individuals that every person grows up practically worshipping.

They are beings who can cast miracles using the world's energy, something that no mortal has ever achieved. Those very same beings can heal fatal illnesses just as well as they can make meteors fall on the ground before them. In short, undefeata- no, untouchable, would be a more apt way of putting it.

With all that power, surely there were some people who came close to matching them, right? If only.

The Knights, are in fact, the strongest sword-masters that are handpicked by the Saints to serve them. The strongest people of the world flock to serve them as their Knights, it was the greatest honor a mortal could have.

As far as history goes, us 'mortals' are only destined to be beneath of the Saints, as we are, in every manner, inferior to them.

Even the strongest of sword-masters, who become Knights, are only capable of wielding aura, a power of will. A power, unilaterally accepted as weaker to the world's divine energy.

Now then, a little bit of trivia for the reader of this text:

What does it mean to be good? What about evil? What does stealing classify as? How about the act of taking life? Why do the nasty beasts exist if the world is so capable as to send beings such as the Saints? What drives people to worship baseless ideals?

Questions, questions, questions.

Intriguing to start with, and tormenting to continue with, yes? As a piece of advice, reader dearest, never truly answer questions that concern ambiguous concerns such as these. You'll live longer.

As for those who simply do not care, congratulations, you're quite the adorable fool.

In my earlier years, I've once been told how curiosity killed the cat, and it wasn't until some time later, that I found out the full phrase. I couldn't help but laugh then, since he was dead, and I, alive.

So then, the foolish cats who question the world around them for what it is, outcasts who dislike the world for what it is, idealists who want to make it better; join me.

My name is Christopher Schmidt, and I'm the cat which graduated from childhood stories & laughed till my soul was satisfied.

And this, is the story of how it happened.