
What in this world! Oh... Wait a minute. It's another world.

One day Dawson Sen was in a hurry to get to school and was nearly hit by a bus. However, when he looks to see the bus that almost hit him there was no bus, rather it was a rift in spacetime which appeared in its place. An entrance to another dimension, without being given a chance to investigate he is pulled into the portal. On the other side of the portal was... ---------- Chat with the author and get sneak previews: http://tiny.cc/DJLWNC (DJL=DeJeL... WN=WebNovel... C=Chat) A shout out to my cover's creator: yaoyueyi-Author of Power Up, Artist Yang! https://www.webnovel.com/book/11701767605489305/Power-Up%2C-Artist-Yang! A shout out to a fellow author who gave me a shout out in her synopsis: Ballisti-Author of God's and Glory https://www.webnovel.com/book/11206156105298305/Gods-and-Glory

DeJeL · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 8: First Date

[Author's Note: there is a flashback this chapter separated by asterisks]

We walk around for a while, looking for a good place to eat. After a while, I ask the guards…

"Do either of you have any suggestions of where we should go?" (Dawson)

"Sire, if you're asking my opinion, I'd suggest CCD." (Guard A)

"What is this C C D?" (Carmen)

"CCD is a place known for couples going on dates, and has a good atmosphere for such." (Guard B)

Carmen blushes.

"Don't forget, they have good food and also always have the best performances." (Guard A)

"What do you think Carmen?" (Dawson)

While fidgeting and not making any eye contact, "It...it sounds perfect." (Carmen)

"Would you kindly lead us there?" (Dawson)

"Yes, sire." (Both Guards)

The guards lead the way. After about three minutes of following them, I ask a question.

"Do you know what C C D stands for?" (Dawson)

"It has never been said by the one who named it, but many speculate it means 'Couples Concert Diner'." (Guard B)

"I wonder…" (Dawson)

It took us about ten minutes of following the guards to get to the diner.

"Do you have a reservation?" (Waiter)

"We do not." (Dawson)

"And how will the tables be arranged?" (Waiter)

"Two separate tables for two within sight of each other please." (Dawson)

"Alright, please follow me." (Waiter)

We follow the waiter as he leads us through the diner. He shows us where he'd suggest we have our guard sit and where he suggests we sit.

"If I may be so forward, I'd suggest you have your guard sit here, while," pointing at another table that is easily seen from where we are, "You sit over there." (Waiter)

Looking at our guards, "Opinions?" (Dawson)

"Seems like the best we are likely to get." (Guard B)

"Carmen?" (Dawson)

Spoken somewhat softly, "I like it, it looks like it will be easy to see the stage from there." (Carmen)

The guards sit at the table we are next to, then we walk over to the other table. When we arrive, I pull out the chair for Carmen in such a fashion that it's obvious what I'm doing. She blushes and sits. I then help her scoot in and then go to my seat.

"Here is the menu, feel free to ask about anything you don't know, and we will explain it to the best of our abilities." (Waiter)

"Thank you, and I apologize ahead of time, we may have many questions… we aren't used to the food around here." (Dawson)

"That'll be no problem, I'll just get a specific waitress here, she is good at explaining our dishes without referencing other dishes" (Waiter)

"Please, that will be most helpful." (Dawson)

The waiter walks off with purpose. I reach out and grab Carmen's hand with a soft smile while staring into her eyes. Time seems to slow down around us.

I honestly don't know how long we sat there like that, just holding hands and staring into each other's eyes, but after what seemed like hours had passed I looked around. I then notice that time had frozen… no, wait, not frozen, just slowed down to the point whereas it'd take two minutes just for one second to pass.

"Umm… Carmen?" (Dawson)

Softly, after a five-second pause, "Yes?" (Carmen)

"Look around…" (Dawson)

She looked around and gasped removing her hand from mine. Immediately time resumed.

"What…?" (Carmen)

"… Just happened?" (Dawson)

We look at each other in confusion.

"Wanna see if it happens again if we hold hands?"

Slowly, "Okay." (Carmen)

She slowly reaches back and grabs my hand. We look around, then back at each other.

"I wonder what happened, why time slowed down." (Dawson)

Looking down, with cheeks a little flushed, she softly says, "I wonder." (Carmen)

A waitress walks up.

"I heard you aren't from this area?" (Waitress)

"You could say that." (Dawson)

"Well, if you have any questions about the menu, don't hesitate to ask me, I should be able to give you an understanding of what the dish is." (Waitress)

Blushing a little, "Actually, we haven't actually looked at the menu yet…" almost inaudible, "sorry." (Dawson)

Glancing at the both of us, "That's no problem, would you like me to go and come back, or just wait here?" (Waitress)

"We'll look now…" (Carmen)

"So please wait, so we can ask questions." (Dawson)

"Alright" (Waitress)

We open our menus. Surprisingly, the menus explain the dishes to an extent whereas we don't actually need any extra help.

"Miss, I see these menus actually explain the dishes thoroughly enough. Honestly, this surprises me." (Dawson)

"May I take a look?" (Waitress)

I show her the menu.

"Oh, I didn't know they printed these out yet, ha ha ha. These are only supposed to be used if someone asks for them, well I'm guessing, if you knew we had them, you would have asked for them anyway… so, no harm no foul." (Waitress)

"You're right, so I guess you can go while we decide…" I say looking at Carmen. (Dawson)

"That's fine." (Carmen)

With a smile, "Okay, I'll be back in a little while." (Waitress)


When I asked my father for a guard wearing regular clothes, he explained to me the money system, then gave me 50 White Gold Coins. Hereby is the monetary system:

10 Iron Coins = 1 Copper Coin

100 Copper Coins = 1 Bronze Coin

1,000 Bronze Coins = 1 Silver Coin

10,000 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin

100,000 Gold Coins = 1 White Gold Coin

10,000 White Gold Coins = 1 Mint Coin

1,000 Mint Coins= 1 Sorcerer's Coin (Called this because they can only be made by someone who is a sorcerer, though not all sorcerers can make them.)

100 Sorcerer's Coins = 1 Legend Coin (Called this because no-one has ever seen this currency, but supposedly it exists)

10 Legend Coins = 1 God Coin (Called this because only a 'True God' can make it)

And common people tend to spend only roughly 1,000 Silver per month, so to have 50 White Gold is enough to take care of a commoner for 50 million months, which is over 4 million years, so… needless to say, I tried to tell my father that it was too much, however, he insisted, saying that his total would equate to 100 Mint Coins, so I accepted.


We discuss the dishes for a while, then decide on the dish titled "Surprise for Two". The description said "This dish is as the title states, it is a surprise for two. It includes a beverage, 2 side dishes per person, and a large shared main dish. We ask you to share any food allergies when you place your order so there is no chance of the surprise being detrimental to your health." The price was 350 Silver Coins. I sit and wonder how transactions are normally done here. The waitress returns.

"Are you ready to place your order?" (Waitress)

"We are… we'd like the 'Surprise for Two'." (Dawson)

"Are there any allergies either of you have?" (Waitress)

"I have none, Carmen?" (Dawson)

"No, I don't have any either." (Carmen)

"Any specifications on foods you don't want." (Waitress)

I shake my head no, then look at Carmen.

"Just nothing alcoholic." (Carmen)

"Understood, your order will be out shortly." (Waitress)

The waitress then walks off, leaving us alone. After a little of just sitting there not knowing what to say, we hear a commotion in the direction of the stage. We both look that direction.

Soft, heartwarming music starts playing on an instrument that sounds like a piano.

"I welcome everyone here, thank you for dining at CCD. Today we have yet another wonderful live performance for you. Please help me welcome our princess of the piano, Miss Ariko Faustina." (Announcer)

Applause starts up, we both hesitate to join in, I decide not to due to not knowing what to expect. However, Carmen claps with the rest. After the clapping dies down, some beautiful and powerful music fills the room. I listen with my eyes closed.

After about a minute of listening to this music, I feel something strange. I look around and see all the other men swaying to the music, they are all swaying from side to side at the same pace and rhythm. Even the guards were caught in the spell. I quickly stood up. Carmen looked at me inquisitively.

In a low voice, "Carmen, don't panic, but look around you carefully." (Dawson)

She turns her head slowly. A look of surprise as well as of confusion appears on her face.

"Dawson…? Do you know what's happening?" (Carmen)

I shake my head no.

"I have no clue. I think that it may have to do with the music." (Dawson)

I start to head to the stage.

"Please wait here, I'll be right back." (Dawson)

She grabs my hand.

"Don't take too long." (Carmen)

"I won't, I promise." (Dawson)

As I walk to the stage, I realize that not even the staff are unaffected. I also notice that the women can't move their feet nor talk. Also, the women that are sitting can't even stand.

Under my breath, "I guess me and Carmen are two of very few, if not the only two, who were spared." (Dawson)

I reach the stage and see clearly that this woman is saying inaudible words while playing the piano.

"Do you know what's going on here?" (Dawson)

The woman stops playing whatever she was playing.

Softly, and with worry, "H-how are you not like the rest?" (Ariko)

"Honestly, I don't know. Can you please answer my question?" (Dawson)

"I-I'm sorry, I can't. If you are here in three minutes though, you will find out. I'm sorry though, but staying will put you in danger… and anyone who is not safe like you has no chance of escape." (Ariko)

"I'll go to another like me and ask them to leave. Though after that, I'm returning." (Dawson)

"Please don't." (Ariko)

"I won't let my people suffer if I have the power to save them." (Dawson)

I walked away before she could respond. I walked straight towards Carmen.

"Carmen, let's go." (Dawson)

I grab her hand and start pulling her towards the exit.

"Why, what's going on?" (Carmen)

"I don't know, but I know how to find out, and it's too dangerous. I want you to wait outside while I take care of this," then under my breath, "If I have the power that is." (Dawson)

She yanks out of my grip.

Gradually getting softer as her words go on, "NO! I won't let you go by yourself, if anything were to happen to you I could heal you." Then as if commanding me, "So I will go with you." (Carmen)

After a short pause, "Fine, let's go to the stage then." (Dawson)

We walk to the stage.

"I thought you were going to have her leave, it's too dangerous." (Ariko)

"She can use 'Cure All', and she insisted." (Dawson)

With wide eyes, "She can what!" shakes her head as if trying to clear out unnecessary thoughts, "Well, it's too late now, here he comes" (Ariko)

I turn towards the entrance along with the other two, Ariko continuing to play while we are looking at the entrance.

"I hope we can succeed here." (Dawson)

"I do too. If you can, you may hopefully be able to save me too." (Ariko)

"If it's within my power, I will." (Dawson)

A shadow starts to appear right in front of me.

"How, How are you unaffected? Only those of royal blood should be exempt." (Shadow?)

The shadow manifests into a man affront my eyes.

"I am Dawson Sen, the Prince of No-Shew-Add, and this here is my fiancé. Does that help you understand what happened?" (Dawson)

"Actually, it does. So... how much are the lives of those here worth to you?" (Man)

"To me, they would be worth more than a God Coin. Lives are not a toy, they are people, to me all people are worth more than all the money in the world." (Dawson)

"Well then, I'll make you an offer... Give me 10 White Gold Coins and I will simply take Ariko and leave... upon her leaving, the spell will be released." (Man)

"I can't let you do that." (Dawson)

"Oh? And what will you do to stop me?" (Man)

I grab Carmen's hand, then time slows. This time slower than last, down to where it seems like it would take one hour for one second to pass.

"I-I... How did you do that?" (Carmen)

"I just thought that maybe it had to do with a state of mind, all that needed to be done is to focus on wanting this to happen. Please, keep a hold of my hand." (Dawson)

"Yes, also, if you need any help with what you are about to do, please feel free to ask." (Carmen)

"I will need it. First, we will take Miss Ariko out of here, then bring our guards here, then we will release our hands." (Dawson)

"Good idea, let's do it." (Carmen)

We start moving Ariko. It is easier than expected, like moving a slightly dense manikin through the water. After we get her outside, we continue by moving our guards in the same manner.

"You ready?" (Dawson)

"Yes." (Carmen)

We release our hands and time resumes.

"Men, capture this man in front of you." (Dawson)

"Yes, sire." (Guard A)

The man starts to do something, I think, trying to escape. However, one of the guards uses some sort of magic that entraps him.

"That should keep him held, it's an anti-magic barrier, those within can't use magic." (Guard B)

"Sire, what happened?" (Guard A)

"I'll explain it to father when we get back to the castle... will one of you go right out front and check to see to it that Miss Ariko is safe, and the other one make sure that this man is taken with us to the castle?"

"I'll check on the lass, sire." (Guard A)

"I guess that leaves me with the difficult job, well, if you see reason to capture this man, I'm sure that it's the right thing." (Guard B)

"Thank you." (Dawson)

"No need to thank us, we are only doing our duty." (Guard A)

To such a remark, I don't know how to respond. When the guard that is going to take the prisoner with us seems ready, we go outside.

Taking a knee "Thank you for your help, Your Majesties." (Ariko)

Grabbing her hand to help her stand, "Please, don't be so formal Miss Ariko, I may have this position, but it's new to me, so it feels weird to me when you do that." (Dawson)

"I understand, Sire?" (Ariko)

"Yes, Miss Ariko?" (Dawson)

"Is there any way I could serve under you?" (Ariko)

"Why?" (Dawson)

"Well, to be honest, there are two reasons. I have no home nor family to go back to, and I want to repay you for saving my life from that man." (Ariko)

"To be honest, I don't feel right having a woman work under 'me' as of yet," her face starts to look disappointed, "However, you could ask Carmen, I think she might be willing to." (Dawson)

I look at Carmen.

"Carmen?" tone of voice as if questioning who that is. (Ariko)

"If you wish to Ariko, I would be happy to employ you, however, I don't know what you can do?" (Carmen)

"I would be most happy for such, and with the training that man put me through I could do any job you want me to do, I was basically trained as a spy." (Ariko)

"Could you be my personal guard?" (Carmen)

"I'd be most grateful for such a position, and would guard you with my life." (Ariko)

"I hope it does not come to that, but I thank you for the sentiment." (Carmen)

"Well, let's head to the castle to have this dealt with, then let's check on Honey." (Dawson)

A tear streams down Carmen's face, of which I wipe away. I turn towards the guard that came out to check on Ariko.

"Please, tell the owner what happened to the best of your knowledge, then meet us at the castle." (Dawson)

"Yes, sire." (Guard A)

We then go to the castle.


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I apologize for the late update. When the next chapter is due will not change because I still posted this the same day.

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