
The day I become god

Hi my name is Jacob and I always think why that one day came in my life so then let's start the story. I was going home from school when my friend Ted came to me and said"Hey wanna go watch the new movie that came" I said "no man I have some work to do so not today sorry" Then I was gone. When I was crossing the road I got hit by a truck..I woke up in the hospital and said"what happened why am I here"and then the nurse came in and said "you got hit by a truck"I was shocked. The nurse said "you should rest"and she left. I was gone to sleep. When I woke up I wasn't in hospital I wasn't even on earth or something I was in some kind of other universe. There was this old man saying to me"wake up Jacob" I said "who the hell are you, where am I" he said "your in the realm of god's and I am the creator of everything and I bring you here because I want you to take my place and become the creator of everything".

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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