
The helmet

There was one last item in the nova core vault that I wanted. A Helmet that honestly looked a little like a bucket. The prototype Nova Helmet, it lacked a few features, but the ones it had were incredible.

From Translating every language imaginable. Creates a field that allows one to breathe in space and underwater. It records video and can display holograms, which essentially made it a glorified phone. Finally it gave superhuman abilities like flight, superhuman strength and energy blasts. It lacked panned features like telekinesis and Nova core connection features. However the lack of Nova core features is what I wanted it for.

I put on the helmet and and blue screen opened.

<Booting up....Loading history.... No history to be loaded...Creating user interface....Created Interface, Welcome...This is Prototype Nova 23000B...Enjoy>

{Great if the symbiotic metal you had us absorb wasn't bad enough now we have a a computer in the shape of a bucket. At least the metal alloy doesn't have sentience.}

Neither did this helmet, I was pretty sure due to the many feature lacking in the helmet, that the user interface was the bare minimum and wouldn't appear unless transferring data or something.

{Still annoying makes our....ears?}

Ring? Symbiotes like yourself don't really have ears what do do you hear with?

{Our whole bodies really, the mixing of our minds here is bit confusing. We keep trying to use your slang. It's very annoying.}

I stuck my tongue out and just used the space stone to leave the planet, The nova core would follow us or try to at least, but with the helmet and the space stone I really could go anywhere. We just needed to collect Vibranium now. As well as rob stark industries for a iron man suit. Any one of them would do fine, we just needed a model to make our own super suit.

{Robbing this person you call Tony Stark will be far more difficult, the vibranium should be easier. Let's do the suit theft first.}

Let's go get our asses kicked then. I phased into the space near earth and used the Nova Helmet to fly around. I needed to get used to flying first.

Blazing through the sky felt exhilarating, I spent hours just flying across the ocean until arriving in New York. Where I flew between the buildings dodging and weaving, until I slammed into something.

I spider web like substance clung to me, it stopped me from falling to the ground. I began floating again and looked where the web lead.

"Hey are you alright man? Sorry about that, we both came around the corner at the same time."

Shit, you wanna handle this?

{Fine, do we place nice?}


"No problem We just recently got a hold of our powers, just flying around testing them out ya know?"

"I totally get it, like when I first got my I was totally freaking out. I am Spider-man, what's your name?"

"Our name is Seer and Cognition, we are new around here, mind telling us what we can do around here?"

"Seer and Cognition? There's two of you?"

"Oh right, we are from space, we are..."

Two fused consciousnesses...

"Two fused consciousnesses. Sometimes you can't help what happens."

"Oh that's crazy! Do you mind telling me the story or is that too personal?"

"Well, we don't mind, but can you show us some good eats, we are starved from our travels from space, We just got here after all!"

Really? We don't even have money, you want to scam this kid for food? What Gluttony...

{Shut up, I am hungry, and I can tell your hungry too.}

"Sure, though I'm guessing you don't have any money so we will have to figure something out for ya!"