
What if? Severus Snape.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] A resounding boom filled the night air as thunder reverberated through the sky, revealing the face of the once-feared wizard who had terrorized the entire magical population of Britain for the past years. Now, his lifeless form lay still, Voldemort, once hailed as the greatest dark wizard of all time, was reduced to an unrecognizable, charred husk. The man who killed closed his eyes, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. But among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the day of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to find his destiny. And on the day that woke up another part of him, one that he always feared. It was the day he killed his father. From that day, he must learn to adapt, rise, and conquer within a world teeming with gods, monsters, and Superheroes. The day that started his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? Follow Severus's journey to redefine the boundaries of magic unfurling in this new cosmology, a merge of the mythos of Marvel and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Author's Note: This is the old version of the book Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince. I will continue to post the chapters here as well but you won't find the changes I have made to the story. While it might seem idiotic to keep two versions here, this version was loved by many and they wanted the unchanged version to not be deleted so I left it here. Even with the changes the story remained mostly the same, the core, so I hope you all love it. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Cómic
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59 Chs

49. Trapped from within.

"What?!!!" Narcissa shouts, removing her head from his shoulder at lightning speed.

She looked at Severus, wide-eyed, startled, and in confusion. She was even more shocked seeing how calm Severus was.

Severus casts a modified Muffliato upon Narcissa's outburst. The modified Muffliato completely cuts off the sound around the caster and doesn't cause any buzzing sound, completely hiding the caster's voice.

Composing herself, She asked, "What do you mean he is cursed?"

"Exactly, what being cursed means. He is under a curse," said Severus with an indifferent tone.

"But how is cursed? I mean he looks fine. He is not sick. He is healthy and playing quidditch on the field right now. If he is really cursed, why are you so calm?" questioned Narcissa frantically, not understanding why Severus was calm about Reg's situation.

"It is not a curse that would affect him physically, it affects his mental state," explained Severus.


"This curse would feed on his insecurities and fears, chaining him down into submission. This curse manifests in his consciousness and slowly eats his confidence and feeds him paranoia, finally leaving him in a state of obedience to the caster of the ritual performed to cast the curse. It is very dark magic, it is quite hard to break but not impossible."

"Then why did you tell me sooner? We could have contacted a curse-breaker. It's been one and half months, the curse could have gotten worse. Just why didn't tell me, Sev? I trusted you!" Narcissa lashed out angrily at Severus.

She might love him but she was upset and angry at the fact Severus chose to hide it while doing nothing to help Regulus.

"Shh, Cissy, we are among people, and let me explain." Severus calmed her down, placing a hand over her hand.

"You better have a good explanation for this, Mister."

"I didn't tell you because I was not sure what type of curse it was at first. I didn't tell you later because it was not for us to deal with. No curse breaker could break it, even if they are capable of breaking it, it would be of no use, since the caster of the curse would know it instantly. No matter how many times we get the curse broken, the caster can cast it again immediately."

"What do you mean it would be useless to break the curse?"

"Cissy, this curse is a sinister dark arts ritual performed to chain the victim to obedience. It requires the blood/hair of the victim. Do you know why I told you the caster of this curse can cast the curse immediately after breaking?"


"Because as soon as the curse is broken, the caster would be alerted of the curse being removed. The ritual requires the blood of the victim but it would work even if the blood is from the parents, which the caster has plenty of."

Letting Severus's words, "Do you think my uncle and aunt are kidnapped?" asked Narcissa.

Shaking his head with a bit of disappointment, Severus said "No, They were the ones who cast it, or at least one of them, most likely your aunt did it."

Narcissa's jaw dropped in shock by hearing Severus's words.

"But...but why would they do this to their own son?" questioned Narcissa.

"Why would they not. From what happened this year, it would be perfect for your aunt's personality to chain her only son into obedience after the other one left. After kicking out Sirius Black, your aunt feared that her other son might want to run from the house and sully the house of Black's name. Just before you both returned, she performed the ritual."

"But how are you so sure that it was her?"

"Didn't I tell you everything follows a pattern, you just have to predict. When Sirius Black was suspended, your aunt and uncle were called by the headmaster. On observing both of their outbursts and reaction to Sirius Black's suspension, it was clear your aunt was crazier than your uncle. So it is more likely, no, it is her."

"Ok. But why did you say we can't help him? From all the information you have about the cure and your talents in dark arts, you can surely remove the curse and help him counter the curse." pleads Narcissa.

"I can but I won't," said Severus, looking directly into her eyes.

"Why?! Why won't you help him ?!" roared Narcissa in anger.

Ignoring the daggers that Narcissa was shooting at him, He elaborates" because we are the reason he is suffering."

"Huh? I don't understand. Please don't speak in riddles, Severus. I am not in the right state of mood to solve your riddles. Tell me why you are not willing to help him?"

"Your aunt performed the ritual a bit incorrectly. The curse was cast but the caster was not determined. Due to the nature of the curse, the caster of the curse was decided to be the people that Reg trusts the most and doesn't want to lose. The people, who he fears would abandon him. The curse took the form of ego inside him, always compelling him to please us." explained Severus with a hint of sadness.

"Why would he think that we would abandon him? What does it have to do with you not wanting to remove the curse?"

"How did you feel when andromeda left? How did you feel when Bellatrix was slowly descending into madness?"

"Weak, insignificant, and abandoned," Narcissa answered weakly, remembering the times when she wept herself to sleep and woke up in tears.

She lost her only pillars of support back then, leaving her feeling worthless.

Seeing her sadness, Severus pulls her into him.

Placing her head on his shoulder, he explained softly " Now, Reg is feeling the same. From a young age, Regulus has been trying to be the perfect son for his parents. Always trying to meet their expectations, always running for their affection and acknowledging, he consciously craves approval. At first, in the hell known as his house, his brother was his support but that changed when he was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius Black, that fucking mutt, started alienating Reg. Slowing the distance between him and his brother increased, and so did his insecurities. Sirius Black leaving the house was the final nail in the coffin. After he left, Reg was shattered, he wanted to cling to the people who were left in his life."

Severus took a long breath and continued, despite knowing how much it pained for Narcissa to hear.

"These insecurities and that curse created a personality in his brain. Even if I removed the curse, the insecurities won't disappear, they would slowly eat him from within, trapping him in his own consciousness. Even if I oblivate the insecurities and his memories of the curse, his subconscious mind will remember his pattern and make him return to his old self. It is not our battle to fight, it is his, we can only support him and make him feel that we are not leaving. We have to be his pillars of support, not his sword. He has to win this battle himself. I know how he feels, it requires his own efforts to escape the prison he built. Until he wins the battle against himself, removing the curse would be useless. It's a battle between man and self. I promise I will remove it once Reg gains the trust and confidence he lost."

Severus knew how Regulus felt since he too once built a prison to escape the help he was getting, the path that shined so brightly that made him fear the shadow it would cast.

He knew all this since he read regulus after finding out about the curse. Reading his mind, gave Severus the insight required to understand what Reg was going through.

Despite many efforts from many people, he dwelled deeper into the prison of the abyss for a long time.

Now, he broke through the prison and found a world that he would love to explore.

After being quiet for a long time, Narcissa whispered in a muffled tone, "I understand, I do. Isn't there any way we can speed up this process? I don't want him to suffer. I know you told me we have to make him feel that we are his support but I don't think it would be easy and complete soon."

"Who said I don't have any other way?" said Severus, summoning an artifact that he found in the second vault.

"There is!" asked Narcissa, raising her head, in hope.

"Yes. Look here, this locket here is an artifact that functions mostly in the same way the luck potion works. It provides the person with at most confidence and surrounds their thought with positivity. It will also fight the effects of the curse as long as it is worn. With this and our support, he would recover. Take this and give it to him after he wins the match." said Severus, pushing the locket into her hands.

Pushing the locket back into Severus's hand, Narcissa said " You should give it to him. He considers you his brother. I think he would be happier receiving it from you." with a genuine smile.

Seeing her smile and honesty, Severus didn't refuse "Ok."

"Where did you find this artifact, Severus?" questioned Narcissa, curious at how Severus got his hands on it.

"A secret for now," said Severus seriously.

Seeing Severus's serious expression, Narcissa doesn't question him further but her mind was not calm, it kept coming up with conspiracies on how Severus acquired the artifact.

Deciding it would be best to change the topic, Severus asks "What do you want to be, Cissy?", which he wanted to ask for a long time.

To him, his goal was clear. From a young age, he wanted to discover the boundaries of magic and research it further.

He knew Lily wanted to research magic as well, mostly healing and charms. Healing suits her nature too.

In Cissy's case, he didn't read her mind or discuss it with her.

"Huh? what do you mean what do I want to be? didn't I tell you I will follow you on your mission?" replied Narcissa, confused why Severus was asking her this question.

"Sigh, Cissy, it is ok to have a goal of your own. From a young age, you have always followed and done things for others. It is ok to be selfish, it is ok to have a desire to strive for, and it is ok to be your own person. Just because we are a couple, you don't have to make your world around me, I am not like your parents. Despite my mission to remove the enigma in the Wizarding world, I want to research magic, and possibly science now."

"I don't need to ?" Whispered Narcissa quietly, the concept of self-importance was foreign to her.

Her parents wired into her that her worth came from how others benefitted from her.

They used her for their family's bloodline, never giving her a chance to develop her own worth.

She was happy that she got Severus in her life and never thought of anything else.

Now that Severus questioned her; what would her life be outside of Severus.

"Yes, you don't need to. I will support you in whatever endeavors you wish to pursue. You don't need to answer me now. You can find it along the way but remember, you are worth a lot." said Severus honestly, looking directly into her eyes.

Narcissa's heart beats rapidly due to his words and sincerity. She never had someone care for her in this way.

Looking into his mesmerizing eyes; she found herself in them.

Pulling him closer by the hum of his shirt; she kisses him, pouring all she felt into the kiss.

"Thanks for caring for me in a way I never did," said Narcissa, pulling away from the kiss with a smile.

After the initial shock left, a look of understanding downs on his face.

"Always," said Severus.

No one noticed the couple lost in their own little world as the match drew closer to the end.



"YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" The crowd cheered as the champions tear through the air to perform their victory dance.

"Let's greet the champions, Sev. I believe you have a present for the captain," said Narcissa, pulling him by his hand.

"Ok, let go."


[ Slytherin's players' room ]

Narcissa and Severus passed through and reached the room where players were allowed to rest.

Regulus spots them afar and runs towards them.

"Did you see that, Cissa, Severus? We won, I won. I did an awesome swirl in the air and caught the golden snitch." boasted Regulus, happy to see his cousin and Severus.

"Congrats, Reg. I would have hugged but you reek." teased Narcissa.

"Congrats, Reg. It was an amazing performance." Severus congratulated him sincerely.

Despite being lost in their conservation, both Narcissa and Severus watched the ending of the match.

Rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, Regulus said "Thanks, I was hoping that I performed well."

"You did excellent, Reg. I am proud of you, I mean we both are. Severus even got you a present." said Narcissa, pushing forward.

"Ah yes, the present. Move a bit closer to me."

Regulus moved towards Severus, impatient at what Severus got him.

Severus puts the locket around Regulus, silently activating the artifact.

Regulus looks down at the black and green, elegant locket on his neck that Severus gave him.

"This looks expensive, is it alright for me to have it?" asked Regulus hesitantly

"It's alright. It is your first win as captain." turning towards all the other team members who were looking at Regulus with envy, Severus shouts " Victory celebration party at three broomsticks is on me, enjoy till you can't!"



"Regulus, your brother-in-law is awesome.!!!!!!"

"Severus is the best!!!"

Reg's teammates took him away from Severus, and Narcissa, and celebrated along with him.

"Was that necessary? I didn't think you were a party type." teased Narcissa.

"Let him enjoy his time, it's not like a party would cost me much. I said I would pay for it, I didn't say I would attend it."


Hey guys, Check out my new novel,

Marvel: The Last Son of Krypton.

[ Marvel X DC ]

The story is centered around superman. It will explore the true depths of Superman's powers.

A lot of adventures and action, and of course a bit of lemon in there.

Please check the story, I hope you find it enjoyable.