
What if everyone disappeared? 2.0

Be paired for the dumb shit you’re going to read It is really hilarious

Kaden_Rambo · Otras
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11 Chs

Great, something other than dumb s****

Upon awakening to the dawn's gentle embrace, my mind buzzed with the promise of productivity. Recalling yesterday's musings, I resolved to embark on a mission of practicality: securing clean energy to fortify my existence against the impending collapse of the grid. An endeavor rooted in realism, yet tempered by the whims of fate.

With the power of the internet eluding me, I set out in search of an electric-powered four-wheeler, a symbol of resilience in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Though thwarted by digital barriers, I remained undeterred, determined to procure the necessary equipment for tomorrow's project.

Venturing forth to a nearby Nissan store, I laid the groundwork for future endeavors, setting the stage for a tale of innovation and self-sufficiency. But alas, today's efforts were to bear fruit on the morrow.

Returning home, laden with solar panels and wind turbines, I set about the arduous task of installation. Yet, as the sun dipped below the horizon, my gaze fell upon my handiwork with a twinge of dissatisfaction. A shoddy job, perhaps, but a step towards self-reliance nonetheless.

In a parallel universe, far removed from the mundanity of human affairs, a capybara of death charted a course across the open sea. Driven by vengeance, the capybara sought retribution against the hand that dared to threaten its existence. With each wave that crashed against the vessel's hull, the capybara's resolve hardened, a harbinger of impending doom for its unwitting prey.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson hue upon the vast expanse of ocean, the capybara's journey neared its climax. With America's shores looming on the horizon, the capybara readied itself for the final confrontation, a reckoning born of primal instinct and righteous fury.