
What if everyone disappeared? 2.0

Be paired for the dumb shit you’re going to read It is really hilarious

Kaden_Rambo · Otras
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11 Chs

Going to weed bit more Insane

As the first light of dawn pierced through the curtains, I made a spontaneous decision to adopt a British accent for the day. Immersing myself in two hours of quintessentially British television, I emerged feeling positively posh and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Breaking from tradition, I concocted a breakfast of unconventional proportions, blending frozen peas and carrots with a surprising twist: cat fur. Yes, you heard that correctly. Jeffrey the furless cat unwittingly contributed to my morning meal, though I suspect he would have preferred to keep his coat intact.

Fuelled by my bizarre concoction, I embarked on a peculiar quest to Walmart, where I commandeered a forklift and adorned it with an assortment of AK-47s. With my makeshift weapon in tow, I set my sights on a lone flower, determined to obliterate it in a display of absurdity.

With the deed done and the flower reduced to petals, I found myself drawn back to the library, this time with a new mission in mind. Gathering a plethora of fantasy novels, I embarked on a literary experiment, combining their pages into a single, unwieldy tome. The result? A fantastical mishmash of dragons, elves, and poorly constructed plotlines that left much to be desired.

As the day waned into twilight, I indulged in a spot of mischief, affixing laser pointers to the heads of unsuspecting felines with the aid of duct tape. The sight of cats adorned with glowing crowns brought a mischievous grin to my face, though I suspect the felines were less amused by their newfound adornments.

With the stroke of midnight, I bid farewell to the chaos of the day and retreated to the solace of my bed, my mind buzzing with the absurdity of it all. And as I drifted into slumber, my dreams were filled with visions of melted wax and uncooked rice, a strangely satisfying conclusion to a day of culinary experimentation.