

LOVE DID NOT HURT YOU YOUR CHOICE DID The story love life of a successful bachelor name Fred, he has his idea girlfriend well sketch on his imagination and soon he finds her but it all turned out to be his worse nightmares as he was faced with difficulty and challenges in his life... Please take out time to find out by reading and also vote for me. Note: English is not my native language, so you will find some errors, feel free to correct me by commenting, the more you read the better I become. I really appreciate your efforts for reading this far. Please continue to support me...

Austin_Fidelis · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Chapter 24

Fred arrived 10mins earlier, after parking at the garage at the restaurant he walks inside to get a fine space since he did not make any reservations, still looking for where to sit, it's a restaurant with different sides, the biggest and their services are rated good

"Sir, do you want me to assist you with anything?" One of the waitresses asked politely

"Yes! I have a date today am looking for a nice cool spot with low lights to sit with my date " Fred reply describing what he would like

"Did you make any reservations earlier sir?" the waitress asked

"No, I did not, it's on short notice "

"Ok then you can sit by my right-hand side, it suits the description of what you just gave as your choice the VIP section has low lights and you are allowed to serve yourself without distraction from any of the staff "

"Ok thank you" Fred replied as he takes his turn to the VIP section, now she is few minutes late he took his sit then one waitress walked to him asking what he would like to order so they can serve him better, he made his choice and also for her without knowing what she would like to order.

His phone beeps in his pocket, he brought it out to check, he got a message from her saying she is close as he should be patient, he smiled and adjust himself a little trying to feel comfortable and shake off anxiety

The moment she stepped in she swift her gaze from left to right, immediately I caught sight of her, I stood up so she could see me from my seated position.

Isabella walked slowly across the room toward our table, swaying her hips like a runway model. Her elegant purple dress melted into her curves caused even the prettiest twenty-something to bristle and send a glare her way, she succeeded in catching the attention in the room with her pencil-thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, Silk eyelash. A sculptor could not have fashioned her dangling earrings and turned up her nose any better.

When she broke into a smile, she seduces, dazzling-white teeth lit up the room.

It could jolt you like an electric current when that megawatt smile gave you her full attention. Filed to perfection, her Venus-red fingernails ran through her coil brown hair. Her photogenic face with duchenne smile, eyes like crystal. For a while, her appearance kept the room on pause both the staff turned around glaring at her magnificent look

"Hi," she said


Isabella turned around and discover all eyes were on her and she got him lost in thoughts

"Are you gonna stand there, won't you offer me a sit "

"Oh...yes....sorry I lost my manners". He pulls out her chair. She sits. He sits across from her. The only light is from a few well-placed candles. A waiter approaches and, without saying a word, pours them wine and leaves the bottle. No menus. He has ordered for them in advance. There will be no interruptions from wait staff aside from the bringing and clearing of the courses.

" you look..."

"Please don't, we always look our best on the first date and out of a sudden, we don't want to see ourselves wearing clothes anymore" she cuts him before he could finish "ok fine, you want to say I look beautiful right?"

Fred took a deep breath before he answered "actually I wanted to say you looked different from the first time I saw you, I mean like a princess unlike the morning I met you, you were looking like a goddess" he sighs in relief

"You don't mean it, so which do you prefer the goddess or the princess?" Isabella asked

"Well I will say both because both will suit different times perfectly well"

"So you mean to tell me you like a woman of different sides" as she picks up her glass of wine and sips from it

"Well, I think having different sides and looks is not bad just that including a bad side will be an issue so people want to stay with the first look but my first look at you was..."

"Was what?" She asked

Fred watches as she sips the wine. She notices. Blushes. A shy smile slips out. He loves watching her.

"Well the first day I met you I guess it was bad timing and I was only trying my luck if I could be able to summon the courage to talk boldly to a lady for the first time, and I succeeded even when you tried to make it difficult for me," Fred said

"I did not make it difficult for you, it's annoying sometimes when you can't do anything without getting the attention of the opposite sex, I was pissed off when you approach me at first but then you sounded polite and I felt comfortable that's why I gave you my number and I waited for your call for days, I felt bad you did not call but it made me understand that you were not desperate about me," Isabella said with a smirk on her face

A voyeur looking into a secret world. He smiles warmly back as if to comfort her. It does. She begins to enjoy his gaze. Soaking it in. Feeling his eyes move over her. From her eyes to her nose, cheeks, lips. The curve of her neck. The slope of her shoulders. Her chest. The tiny bit of cleavage just peeking out from her dress. Again, she blushes. This time so does he. Back to sipping wine.

Fred's phone beeps, he excused himself to check who it is, Annie had sent a message reminding him to pick her up

"Is everything alright?" Isabella asked

"Yah sure everything is just fine "

They lock eyes across the table. Everything around them fades away. They are in a universe all their own. Lost in the depths of each other's eyes. She can feel his desire, he hers. But it is not lustful. Calm, gentle, controlled. With a sense of longing to escape forever into that universe around them.

They barely notice the waiter as he places the first course between them. A simple plate of fruit and cheese. He watches her as she eats. Calmly bringing each morsel to her lips. He marvels at the pleasure she takes from each bite and how she chew

"Stop starring at me that way" she let out a smile

"Ok am sorry, I just can't help it you know

They continued eating in silence

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Austin_Fideliscreators' thoughts