
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Ciencia y ficción
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93 Chs

Chapter 30: Chalu’s Journey (6)

 In the privacy of King Regulus's mansion, the air hung heavy with the weight of their conversation. Chalu, the young chimpanzee, stood respectfully before the king, his demeanor poised and earnest.



King Regulus regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "So, you are Chalu," he remarked, his tone betraying a hint of intrigue.



Chalu nodded respectfully. "Yes, Your Majesty. I am Chalu."



The king's smirk hinted at his amusement at the young chimp's audacity. "And how old are you?" he inquired.



Chalu responded without hesitation. "I am fifteen, Your Majesty."



King Regulus's expression softened slightly as he acknowledged the significance of Chalu's efforts. "Hm, a young chimpanzee training countless beastfolk in the ways of aura," he mused. "Hmmm..Thanks to you and your aura technique, many have reached new heights of power. Perhaps now we can finally put an end to the Eldoans."



But Chalu's response caught the king off guard. "Your Majesty, with all due respect, I did not train in aura to wage war or seek vengeance," he explained calmly. "My intention is to unite our people, to seek peace."



The king's demeanor shifted, his patience wearing thin. "You see, Chalu, that's where your naivety lies," he countered sharply. "The Eldoans have taken countless lives—our people, our kin!" His voice rose with righteous anger before he regained his composure. "I understand your desire for peace, but it's not that simple."



Drawing Chalu's attention to a portrait on the wall, King Regulus's voice softened with sorrow. "Look at this painting," he urged, his gaze fixed on the image of a youthful lion. "This is my son. He died in a battle against the Eldoans."




King Regulus's words weighed heavily in the room, the gravity of his loss palpable in the air. Chalu stood silently, absorbing the king's grief and the weight of the conflict that had claimed so many lives.




With a heavy heart, King Regulus continued, his voice tinged with sorrow and determination. "You see, Chalu, those Eldoans have taken countless lives from our people, our Beastfolk. It's a cycle of violence that seems endless, fueled by hatred and revenge. That's why, in order to stop this cycle, we must achieve victory."



Chalu listened intently, his gaze fixed on the painting of the lion, the symbol of strength and nobility. He understood the depth of the king's pain, the anguish of losing a loved one to the ravages of war.



"I know what you want," King Regulus said, his voice softer now, tinged with resignation. "I know you don't seek more bloodshed. You yearn for peace, for unity. But..." His voice trailed off, the weight of his words hanging in the air.



Chalu remained silent, his heart heavy with empathy for the king's loss and the suffering of his people. He understood the complexities of the situation, the deep-rooted animosity between the Beastfolk and the Eldoans.



As King Regulus turned away from the portrait, his gaze hardened with resolve. "We must end this conflict through War, Chalu," he declared, his voice firm with determination. "peace?... it seems like an elusive dream, a distant hope."



Chalu's voice remained steady despite the tension in the room. "Your Majesty, I understand your perspective, but my goal remains peace," he asserted calmly.




"Why? Why seek peace when they've brought us nothing but suffering?" King Regulus's voice thundered, laced with bitterness and frustration. "Is it because of this so-called 'mission' That I heard about, this Jesus figure?" He spat out the word 'Jesus' with a tone of disbelief, as if questioning the very existence of such a deity. "That Jesus from the myth?"



Chalu met the king's gaze unwaveringly. "Your Majesty, it's not about what Jesus told me," he replied earnestly. "Even if he hadn't spoken to me, I would still strive for peace—to end the bloodshed, the pain, the death."



King Regulus felt a surge of surprise at the commanding presence emanating from the young chimpanzee. However, he quickly suppressed any hint of intimidation. Refusing to be cowed by a mere chimpanzee, he fixed his gaze on Chalu and asked pointedly, "So, you oppose my decision?"



Chalu shook his head gently. "I seek only peace among our factions," he reiterated.



King Regulus's patience wore thin. "Enough!" he bellowed. "You are not a warrior; you are a pacifist!"



Chalu's eyes widened at the accusation. "Are you going to kill me?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.



"For now, no," the king replied coldly. "Your contributions to strengthening the beastfolk with your aura techniques are valuable. I intend to use them on the frontline against the Eldoans."



Chalu attempted to speak up again, his voice faltering with uncertainty. "But, Your Maje—"



King Regulus's response was swift and cutting. "Shut up! Don't presume to order me around," he commanded, his gaze locking onto Chalu's eyes with an intensity that brooked no argument.



King Regulus's tone turned grave as he issued a stern warning to Chalu. "If you intend to interfere with my plan—So much that think about disrupting the war— Then I won't hesitate to kill you," he declared, his words laced with an unmistakable seriousness.


With a sharp command, King Regulus directed one of his courtiers, Simo, to escort Chalu outside. The urgency in his voice conveyed the gravity of the situation, leaving no room for delay or hesitation.



Simo hurried to obey, bowing before the king. "Yes, my lord," he said, his voice respectful yet tinged with apprehension.



As he was led away, Chalu glanced back at King Regulus, his expression a mix of determination and sadness. "I hope that in the future, you understand what I mean," he murmured softly, his words carrying a weight of unspoken meaning, before disappearing from the room with Simo.


[Joe's POV]


Outside the universe, I watched the unfolding drama with a mix of fascination and concern. Damn, so much is happening. The king really wants revenge, huh? I mean, by the looks of it, it seems his son died in that war. Does he still have a son?



The system interjected, answering my unspoken question. "Yes, host, he has two sons. The one who died in battle and another one who is still alive but younger."



I muttered, "Damn, no wonder the king is so angry. He only has two sons, and one of them died. Add to that the loss of his people, and it's clear why he's so fixated on wiping out the Eldoans. I kinda understand his bitterness."



Chalu, though, really did his best. Despite facing the king's wrath, he never cowered. He stood there with determination. Sheesh, if it were any other beastfolk, I bet they would have cowered in fear. But Chalu? He's different. A real sigma.



The king even threatened to kill Chalu if he interferes with the plan. Sounds like a battle between Chalu and the king is inevitable. I can't wait to see it unfold, but for now, let's see how the story continues.


[Chalu side]


After the tense meeting with King Regulus, Chalu returned to his base to confer with his friends. In the dimly lit cavern that served as their headquarters, Mandu, a wise and matured elephant; Lomi, a fast and agile cheetah; and Raro, a nimble and cunning cat, awaited his report. Gori, the imposing kingkong, listened in, still not fully chummy into the group but present nonetheless.



Mandu, ever the calm presence, broke the silence. "So, that's what happened?"



Chalu nodded, his face serious. "Yeah, the king has no intention of seeking peace with the Eldoans."



Gori grunted, his expression hard. "That's what I expected. The king and the beastfolk won't forget what those Eldoans did to us."



Lomi watched them silently, her sharp eyes thoughtful. She knew the beastfolk's pain ran deep and their memories of Eldoan attacks were still very fresh.



Raro sighed and asked, "Then what should we do, leader?"



Chalu took a deep breath. "We have no choice but to go to the Eldoans' place."



Everyone stared at him in shock, disbelief written across their faces. "What?" they exclaimed in unison, even Gori shouting in surprise.



Chalu remained resolute. "I know it sounds crazy, but there is someone who can shapeshift us, right? You all know that. he can turn us into an Eldoans."



The group nodded slowly, their eyes shifting to Raro.



Raro's eyes widened in alarm, his fur standing on end. "Are you kidding me? Me?!" he pointed at himself in disbelief.


[Raro possesses the rare Fok ability it allows him to shapeshift, granting him the power to change his appearance at will. But he can also change the appearance of others.]


Raro shook his head vehemently. "No, no, it's a bad idea. I won't do it if I were you." His tail puffed up, and he started to pace back and forth, his white belly fur showing with each anxious step.



But Chalu was insistent. He stepped closer, his voice earnest. "Please, Raro. This is our only chance to bring peace. To make a world without bloodshed, without pain."



Raro looked around at his friends, seeing the uncertainty in their eyes. Finally, with a reluctant sigh, he nodded. "Alright, Chalu. I'll do it. But this better be worth it."



Chalu smiled, gratitude in his eyes. "It will be, Raro. I promise."



Then Mandu, with his calm and steady demeanor, interjected. "So, what's the plan, Chalu?" His nose swayed slightly, betraying his concern.



Chalu took a deep breath. "Mandu, you will stay here."



Mandu's eyes widened in surprise, his large ears flicking in agitation. "What? Why?"



"Because you are the only one I can trust with this job," Chalu explained patiently. "If I'm gone, who will organize this place? Who will guide these beastfolk? You need to maintain order, train them, and gather more allies while I'm at the Eldoans' place."



Mandu sighed deeply, reluctant but understanding the necessity. "Fine," he said with a heavy heart. "Just be careful, okay?" His eyes, usually so composed, showed a hint of worry.



Chalu nodded, placing a reassuring hand on Mandu's broad shoulder. "I will."



Suddenly, Lomi spoke up, her voice filled with a mix of anger and sadness. "I won't come with you, Chalu."


Chalu turned to her, puzzled. "Why? Lomi, we need you."



Lomi's eyes were fierce, her claws flexing slightly as she spoke. "I can't go. Being there would only stoke the fire of vengeance within me. I can't shake off the memory of what they did to my father."


Chalu looked at her with deep empathy, understanding her pain. "I understand, I respect your decision. Then it will just be me and Raro."


Gori stepped forward, his expression unreadable, muscles rippling beneath his fur. "Since when did I say I wouldn't come?"


Chalu was taken aback, genuinely surprised. "I thought you hated me."



Gori shrugged, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, I hate you. But I want to learn more about the enemies, the Eldoans. And besides," he looked directly at Chalu, "I want to understand your motives, your perception, your techniques. So that the day we fight, I can finally beat you."



Chalu chuckled softly, appreciating Gori's honesty. "Alright then, it's the three of us."



Raro, who had been silently observing the conversation with his sharp, yellow - almost orange - eyes, finally spoke up, his fur fluffed in anxiety. "Can't I just change you into Eldoans and stay here?"



Chalu shook his head firmly. "Nope, can't do. What if something happens with the shapeshifting? That's why you have to come with us."



Raro sighed, resigned to his fate. "Looks like I don't have much of a choice, then," he muttered, though his catlike eyes betrayed a hint of excitement at the adventure ahead.



Chalu placed a reassuring hand on Raro's slender shoulder. "We'll be fine. Together, we can do this."



Mandu, still looking concerned, asked, "Who else will be coming with you?"



Chalu turned to his friends, determination shining in his eyes. "It will be me, Raro, and Gori."



Mandu nodded, his hands touching Chalu's arm gently. "Just remember, Chalu, we trust your conviction. Do what you do and better achieve it."



Chalu smiled, a mixture of determination and hope in his expression. "I will do my best."



Lomi, her fur smooth but her eyes still filled with a lingering anger, said, "Stay safe, Chalu. And remember, we are with you in spirit."



Chalu nodded. "Thank you, Lomi."



Gori grunted, cracking his knuckles. "Let's get this over with. The sooner we start, the sooner we can see what the Eldoans are really like."



Raro, though clearly nervous, managed a brave smile. "Alright, let's do this."



With their plan set, Chalu, Raro, and Gori stepped out of the cavern and into the night, ready to face the challenges ahead. The forest seemed to whisper around them, carrying their hopes and fears as they embarked on their daring mission to unite the beastfolk and Eldoans.


To be continued

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