
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Ciencia y ficción
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93 Chs

Chapter 1:What?


Joe Cameron was sitting on his old couch, eyes fixed on the TV screen as the game came to an end. The room was tense, and Joe's heart raced as he watched his favorite team, the Golden State Warriors, giving their all for a win.


But when the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game and the Warriors' loss from the playoffs, Joe felt like he'd been punched in the gut. It hit him hard, like a wave of sadness crashing over him. Losing felt awful, like a heavy weight on his chest, making it hard for him to breathe.


"Piece of shit," he muttered bitterly, his hands clenched into fists as if he could somehow vent his frustration through sheer force.


Clutching at his chest, Joe felt a sharp pain shoot through his body, a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced. He tried to call out for help, but his voice caught in his throat, suffocated by the weight of his own anguish.


As darkness surrounded him, Joe's mind was a whirlwind of feelings. The pain of losing mixed with his fear of what would come next, creating a storm of sadness that felt like it could swallow him whole.


Suddenly, the pain faded away, leaving Joe with a deep sense of calm. his vision blurred, and the world around him faded into nothingness, leaving him adrift in a void of infinite possibility.


When Joe opened his eyes again, he was in a place he couldn't quite understand. The bright light from the TV was gone, replaced by a gentle, strange glow that lit up a landscape that seemed to go on forever.


Confusion gripped him as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. "Where... where am I?" he whispered, his voice lost in the vast expanse.



As Joe struggled to make sense of where he was, a voice spoke in his mind. It said, "Welcome, Joe Cameron, to the realm beyond mortal understanding. You have been granted the opportunity to ascend beyond your former existence."



Joe's heart raced, but not like it did when he had heart problems before. This was something totally new, a feeling he couldn't quite understand. "Who... who are you?" he asked, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.



"I am One of the Divine God, the entity tasked with guiding souls like yours to their next journey," the voice replied, its tone both soothing and authoritative. "You have been chosen to become something greater than you ever imagined."



A shiver ran down Joe's spine as he absorbed the weight of those words. Becoming something greater? It sounded like a wild fantasy, too crazy to believe. But here he was, faced with a reality stranger than anything he'd ever imagined.



"Why me?" he ventured, his thoughts racing with a million questions.



"Your time in the mortal realm has ended, Joe Cameron," the voice said. "But your journey is far from over. You have been bestowed with the power to shape a new world, to craft life itself in your image."


But why?" he asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "Why me?"


The response came not as words, but as a flood of memories, each one flashing before his eyes like fragments of a shattered mirror. He saw his life, his loves, and all the things he regretted, laid out in front of him like a story waiting to be told.



"You have been chosen, Joe Cameron, because of the potential within you," the voice explained. "You possess the capacity for greatness, the ability to transcend the limitations of mortality and become something more."


"Do I really have that?" Joe Cameron's voice trembled with disbelief as he confronted the entity before him.


"Yes, Joe," affirmed the Divine God, its presence exuding a sense of unwavering certainty.


Joe struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what was unfolding. "So what do I do now?" he asked, a mixture of uncertain and acceptance filled his words.


The Divine God's response was both reassuring and enigmatic. "I will give you a system that will guide you on your path to becoming a creator of the universe," it declared. "With this system, you can shape heaven, earth, anything."


"W-wow, that's cool," Joe stammered, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay before him.


With a sense of finality, the Divine God bid Joe farewell. "Farewell, Joe Cameron. I wish you luck," it said, its voice fading into the ether.


But Joe wasn't ready to let go just yet. "No, wait!" he called out desperately, but it was too late. The Divine God had vanished, leaving Joe alone in this new, bewildering reality.


Joe Cameron sighed as he found himself alone in the vast landscape that seemed to stretch on endlessly. It was a void of nothingness, leaving him feeling small and insignificant against its boundless expanse.

Then, out of nowhere, a voice chimed in his mind. "Hello, host. I am your System. I am The Creation System."


Joe was clearly taken aback by the sudden appearance of the voice in his mind. "Wait, are you the system The Divine God gave me?" he asked, sounding both curious and a bit skeptical.


"Yes, host. And you already know what the system can do, so there's no need for further explanation," The Creation System responded in a straightforward and efficient manner.


"Yep, I already have a basic idea, been reading some novels and comics back in my world" Joe confirmed, a spark of excitement igniting within him. "So, what can you do for me? I mean, what should I do?"


The Creation System wasted no time in responding. "Easy, host. You just need to create a galaxy. You know, like in the Genesis book, where God created the universe."


Joe nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea of creating a galaxy seemed both daunting and thrilling, but he was eager to take on the challenge.


Joe's excitement surged as he eagerly addressed the Creation System. "Show me, system, how can I create?"


"Of course, host," the system responded promptly.


A holographic window materialized before Joe, displaying the various options available in creation mode:


Creation mode:


Galaxy unlocked

Heaven locked

Hell locked

Sun locked

Planet locked

Species locked




"So, this is where it all begins," Joe murmured to himself, scanning the options before him. He noted that while the galaxy was unlocked, other aspects of creation remained inaccessible.


"It seems I'll have to start with the galaxy," Joe mused, understanding the sequence of creation laid out before him. His mind buzzed with excitement, ready to embark on this divine journey.


With a deep breath, Joe turned to the Creation System and spoke with resolve. "System, show me how to create a galaxy."


The system responded promptly, its instructions appearing before Joe in the window.


"First, envision the structure of your galaxy," the system began. "Think about the number of stars, their arrangement, and the overall shape of the galaxy."


Joe nodded, taking in the advice as he imagined his upcoming creation. He pictured a large spiral galaxy, with arms stretching out like long, glowing tendrils. Each star within it shone brightly, illuminating the dark expanse of space.


"Next, focus on each star," the system continued. "Decide their size, brightness, and whether they'll have any orbiting planets."


Joe shut his eyes, allowing his imagination to take soer as he envisioned stars of different sizes and brightness. Some burned fiercely, scattering their radiance across vast distances, while others glimmered softly, their gentle glow adding to the beauty of the cosmic canvas.


"Once you've defined the stars, consider the planets," the system instructed. "Think about their characteristics - size, composition, atmosphere, and any unique features they may possess."


Joe's mind raced as he envisioned the diversity of planets within his galaxy. From barren wastelands to lush green land, each planet held the promise of endless possibility, waiting to be shaped by his creative touch.


As Joe continued, he became lost in the incredible act of creation. Time ceased to have meaning as he crafted his galaxy, putting his entire being into each star and planet.


Wow," Joe breathed, his eyes wide with awe. "I... I actually did it."


The Creation System chimed in with its own praise. "Well done, host. Your galaxy is a magnificent sight to behold."


Joe couldn't stop smiling, feeling proud of what he had accomplished. He had started a journey of creating something cosmic, and there were countless possibilities ahead.


With a sense of anticipation burning in his heart, Joe turned to the Creation System once more. "Show me what else I can do," he said, his voice filled with determination.


And so, Joe's adventure as a god had only just begun.


[ in another Cosmos]

As the Divine Gods observed Joe's progress from their celestial realm, a conversation unfolded between them, echoing across the vast expanse of the cosmos.


"Are you sure that he can do it well?" one Divine God inquired, their voice resonating with a hint of doubt.


The other Divine God, exuding confidence in their response, replied, "I am sure. After all, he is my son."


To be continued