

One curse, friends turned foes. Their fate rests on she who shall love one and on her love shall he rise again to seek revenge on what he had Lost.

DaoistFC476t · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Vague memories

"please whatever you think I have to do with Xavier isn't true, he barely can even tolerate me" I cried sitting up to meet the pigs disgusting face. His eyes scanned my face, he smiled turning to the other guy. " This was never about Xavier sweetheart" he said licking his lips his eyes resting on my bossom which made me wrap my arms around my chest. " Xavier only made this personal but, I can assure you one thing " he paused touching my cheek "I will be gentle " he said as his fingers traced my cheek down my neck to the collar of my dress. " Stop please" I whispered, I was so tired,so weak, I knew I couldn't do anything to change my fate physically and we were far away from the party or any other human. "All I...no all we want is a moment of your time, you could either let us do this the easy way or the hard way, either way we are getting what we want" The pig said his fingers running down my zipper. " What do you choose sweetheart" he whispered into my ear as he unzipped my dress. I couldn't breathe, my body glued to the ground. He kissed my neck, placing one of his hands on my hips and with the other pushed me to the ground holding me in place. I closed my eyes tightly, folding my fingers so tight I could feel my nails piercing my palm. "This would be fun" he said, his voice raspy as he kissed my neck and shoulders . I felt my stomach tighten and I could barely breathe, the second his kissed my cheek I blanked out.

I touched the surface I laid on...it was soft and fluffy, I opened my eyes still feeling dizzy. I looked around the blurry room, then I realized I was back in my room. I tried getting up but, my sides hurt really bad. I looked at my knees, it was all cleaned up and covered up and I still had my dress on. My head felt heavy and my thoughts clouded by vague memories of being carried in the arms of a guy I couldn't make out his face. Then the memories hit me like a bullet, I curled up on my bed tears rolling down my cheeks , a lot of questions racing through my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, I sat up on my bed my mind alert to see who it was. " Why the hell would you let her out of your sight Xavier, she's our last hope on ever..." Tisha stopped talking her eyes meeting mine. "Anna were the hell have you been you had me worried sick !" Tisha said running towards me, she wrapped her arms around me tightly, "are you okay, what happened out there, were have you been " Tisha said pulling away,her hands resting on my shoulders, she looked worried. "I'm sorry" I said,my eyes tearing up I didn't know why but, I felt so guilty. "What happened cupcake" Tisha said cupping my face in her palms. "When. . you guys left without telling me" I said quietly. "You guys left and I went to look for you guys" I looked at my wardrobe focusing on the little crack at the edge, trying to avoid Tisha's eyes. "Anna I.. I never meant to it's complicated I'm sorry" Tisha said turning my face to meet hers. " It's okay, I'm okay" I said much calmer than I wanted to, there was nothing okay with what happened last night but, right now I just wanted the conversation to end. "I'm truly sorry Serena" Becky said sitting on Tisha's bed, she didn't seem sorry, she actually looked quite glad. "What happened cupcake, where were you last night" Tisha said sitting on my bed placing one of her hands on my hips. "I got lost in the woods it's silly I know"I said covering my face with my palms. "What's silly about that it's a large a forest anyone could get lost in there even me" Tisha said with a smile. "The silly thing isn't that you got lost in the woods but, you left your only source of help and wondered deeper into the woods,followed a little glowing ball of light and nearly got harmed twice "my subconscious said and my arms felt numb. " How did you get back " Becky asked lying on her side facing us "I don't know... I met some very unpleasant people and when I woke up I found myself back here " I said trying to swallow the growing lump in my throat. " Who were they Anna?"Xavier said leaning on the wall opposite my bed , how long has he been in here. "The same guys I. .we met earlier" I said trying to avoid his eyes , he looked very angry. "They met you where exactly? " Xavier said his eyes dark , if haven't already had an encounter with Xavier I would have thought he was actually worried about me. I looked into those blue eyes,those beautiful blue eyes, Xavier came closer, "did they hurt you Anna" he said holding my hand,he looked worried very worried. " No, I don't know" I said louder than I wanted too, this is a touchy subject for me, my bones felt weak,all I wanted was to be in my bed fast asleep and when I wake up this would all be a dream,a really bad one. Xavier let go of my hand running his fingers through his hair, his jaw clenched, his eyes looked scary, not calm, not beautiful, just frightening. "Xavier calm down she's okay" Tisha said holding his arm but,he pulled away from her grip. Xavier left the room without saying a word "follow him please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Tisha said to Becky. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Anna" Becky said with a smile, sure you are. When Becky left Tisha hugged me again "I'm sorry I left you, I was stupid, I'm sorry Anna" she said tightening her embrace. "It's okay Tisha I'm stronger than I look"I said with a weak smile.

dear readers please your thoughts s on this chapter will really lighten my mood thanks

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