
What Happens When The L.o.V. Isn't Trying To Harm UA?

Legally_Stupid · Cómic
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6 Chs

Tenko Shimura

3rd POV:

A woman is cradling a newborn baby protectively in her arms as her husband paces the hospital room anxiously. "I just don't understand why you don't want to put him up for adoption? You know we can't afford a kid right now! This is just gonna put unnecessary strain on the both of us."

Hugging the child closer, the wife speaks up. "You and I both know we'd regret it the second we did that. We did want kids...it's not like it was on purpose, but we can't just abandon him! We haven't even named him yet..." she looks down when the baby senses the tension, and starts to cry. "Look, either way, he's staying with us. I'm not leaving him."

With a noise of disbelief Kotaro stares intensely at Nao. "You can't be serious right now." he shakes his head before walking out of the cramped room to calm down. He doesn't want to stress his wife out more than she already is.

Once the door clicks closed, she looks down at her baby. "I think we'll name you 'Tenko'. It was the top of our list, after all." the longer she looks into the now named child's eyes, the more she falls in love with him. There's no way in Hell you're not staying with me for the rest of my life.