
When I Saw Her

I heard a loud bang as I jumped up from my bed. The window had a big branch sticking threw it and glass was all over the floor. I could hear my brother down stairs.

"What's going on?" I said as I rubbed my eyes sitting up in my bed. Seeing my younger brother was missing. I started to remove the blankets to get up.

I was a twin and the middle child. I have an older brother who was the bad boy and did pretty much whatever he wanted. My twin sister was next in line who happened to be the only girl and was older by five minutes. We shared the same light blond hair but I have green eyes and hers were dark blue. My little brother was only 3 but I got the joy of sharing my room with him because I wasn't the oldest and I wasn't a girl.

"We have to go now!" someone yelled.

My feet hit the hardwood floor and I ran to the door. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, slowly peeking out as I opened it. I slowly moved to the steps than I froze. Two grown men ran out of the door. My eyes widen as I caught the eyes of a girl being pulled by one of the men. I ran down the stairs, but the men were gone. When I looked in my living room I saw my father laying silent on the floor.

"Help! Please...somebody please! Help!" I screamed as I felt the hot tears roll down my face.

I was only 12 years old I didn't wanna lose my father.

"Wyatt!? Wyatt where are you brother!?" I heard my older brother calling my name.

"COME QIUCK WADE!" I screamed barley able to get it out. My chest was so tight.

Wade came up behind me and grabbed my arm picking me up off the ground looking at our father my brother grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

My sister Willa and our little brother Walker came walking down the stairs when I ran up them to stop them from coming down all the way. Meeting them half way on the steps.

"What is going on brothers? I heard a loud bang and than screaming. Walker was already sleeping in my room because he was scared but now I am scared too!?" Willa looked at me totally lost but when she saw my face she realized I had been crying. Looking at Willa and Walker I put my head down.

"Could you just give Wade and I a second and wait for us in your room?" I asked. She didn't ask anymore question, she simply just grabbed Walker's hand and went back to her room.

I walked up to Wade with tears in my eyes.

"Those men had a little girl with them. There was two of them. " I said looking out the window as the cop lights lite up the house.


Wade was 18 and able to take me and my siblings. Our mother had already passed away giving birth to Walker, our father is all we had left. We had also learned that our father left a lot of money to us each. We also learned that the house was already paid off and left to Wade.

Growing up with Wade wasn't easy he took the father role very seriously after our father's death.