


CIBIN- 1914

Have you ever seen the inside of a mill in your life? I have seen it, maybe in a hundred years there will be no mill left on earth, but if you are a nine-faced person like me, I recommend you to see it. The windows of the mill are very close to the ceiling and very small, so you can be comfortable inside, no one can easily see you; it is crooked. The walls seem to collapse on you at any moment. Sacks of crops piled up in a corner, flour stuffed in white sacks AGAINST you... and the fragrant smell spreading...

Fine particles constantly fly around the touchstone in the middle, and on the other hand, there is an ear-scratching sound. We had our first relationship together in this dusty, noisy environment. While I was with Apo in the dark mill on flour sacks, accompanied by a flickering candle flame, I was cursing myself for not coming to this world as a woman. She won't be in my life, I did my best to get her back, I secretly stole sugar from my mother, made a covenant while the sheep were grazing, and even took my hair. My only wish was that if she didn't want me, I had NO HOPE anymore. I'm getting married tomorrow and I can't do what she wants from me.. I can't waste my wife just for my own pleasure, I didn't know she would go this low. ..so his only purpose from the beginning was to be with Satenik. Apo was pleased when I first made a covenant, he said that you were like a real wife, every time he touched me, my soul would leave me and enter a woman's body, what I wouldn't give to be in Meryem's place! To be abandoned. It was difficult at first, but I couldn't bear it until that night.

That night, I took off my little yellow feathers until not a single one was left, I put the quilt on me in my warm bed in the mill, I closed my eyes to fall asleep, I felt the thick planks shaking, the tiny windows above were closed and only the walls remained, the thick walls started to close in on me, suddenly I felt a man on top of me. He had strong arms and he was on me, strong arms that I felt even though I couldn't see them. That night was my first night with the man who took Apo's place. Don't sleep alone and naked, as Islam always says! I thought this situation would end after I married Satin, but I was left hairless again, especially during my lonely nights. I felt her presence at nights, Saten sometimes asked me why is she plucking her hair like a woman, after that night at the mill, I no longer had any interest in Satin, I could no longer lift my arms whenever she came to me, people around me started telling me to have children, and Saten started to say, "You are a man like a woman", Apo, on the other hand, was barely happy with his life. He would dismiss our encounters with a greeting... I didn't know who to tell my troubles to, I didn't think they would believe them, neither our priest nor the imam of the Muslims... There was only one person I could share my secret with: Abdullah.

We met in their barn like in the old days, he misunderstood me and thought I wanted to be with him again. When I explained the situation, he didn't make a mocking expression, he didn't have a panicking facial expression, he said, 'I don't know your faith,' but that's what we call a nightmare. Jinns are unbelievers of Islam like us. And there is even sodomy; one of the sodomy demons haunted you the night you lay hairless to look shiny for me, Alp! "These things have always happened to you because of me, brother, we need to educate you, but if we talk to the hodja, the gossip will go away, let's meet at the mill tomorrow night, I will perform ablution and come with the Quran, you should also take a Bible and let's read it together, if it didn't work out, the next hodja will go and take care of your problem."

The next night, we sat in the coffee house until late hours, then we both headed to the mill; it was close to midnight, we kept looking back, we passed through the Islamic cemetery before reaching the mill; Apo was humming with his hands outstretched as we passed, with the light moonlight, the gas lamp in our hand could only see one step ahead. It was used for illumination. The mill door opened with a creak;

"He's haunted you here, right, Iblis?" That's why we'll try to drive him out here again, may God succeed, my brother, he said. Apo., and then he dropped the straps of the cloth bag in his hand and untied the tie that his mother had fastened with a pin, and looked through the small windows at the top of the mill. The moonlight hit his face even a little bit, Apo's, I shuddered at that moment, his face suddenly turned chalky, as if there was no blood, my poor friend...

It was ashen from the distant wolf howls and owl calls.

Then he started to read Arabic, Apo used to go to the mosque early every morning when he was a child, after leaving there we would go swimming in the lake, the little frictions in the lake would dive to the bottom and then turn into fiery back and forth movements either in the barn or in this mill. After he finished, he said Amen and literally swept both palms from his forehead to his chin. I asked what you were reading,

- Kul e'ûzü birabbinnas



Min şerrilvesvâsilhannâs

Ellezî yüvesvisü fî sudurinnâsi

Minelcinneti ven nas

He paused after each sentence, he looked like he was choking, I thought the phlegm was stuck in his throat, when I approached to hit his back, I saw the red color in his small pupils; he signaled me to come closer with his hand, then again in Turkish after each sentence.

breathing deeply and coughing less;

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Merciful.

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,

To the ruler of the people,

To the god of men,

From the evil of that insidious whisperer.

He is the one who whispers whispers into people's chests.

From both jinn and humans

Now let's go to Hodja Effendi's tomb and light a candle, Apo said. The tomb was on the hill behind the mill. For some reason, after he finished his prayer, his breathing improved and a little color came to his face, but I couldn't understand the little red dots in his eyes. I was lost in thought in the darkness of the mill, saying it didn't seem like that to me, sometimes here I was. When I was leaning over with support on the flour sacks, Apo opened his manhood from behind and entered it hard, our moans and breaths mixed together, I would watch our shadows to get more aroused, and when I looked at his shadow, his nails grew like a lion's claws, as if it was due to the light games in the mill; while he was pressing his hands on my shoulders, I was very much in front of him. I had a poor, helpless shadow. Of course, there was the concept of jinn in my belief, if I had to give you some information;

We didn't just have sexual intercourse that night, maybe that demon or whatever its name was could have entered me. I believe that in Christianity, a demon, or even many demons, can enter a person. These demons can be removed from the person they enter; Of course, there was exorcism in Christianity; sexual approaches to people (sex), supporting false worship (religious) and tormenting people (sadism-violence). These were different approaches. In the New Testament, people used fortune telling, witchcraft, necromancy, sorcery, help from the dead. There were warnings about getting involved in Jinn-related activities, such as approaching them with hope. We believed that Jinns had the power to influence people's minds with their superior abilities, and that Jinns could use dreams to give their own messages.

In the Christian belief, demons are powerful beings, they deceive people and use some people as mediums. Accordingly, what this medium says may be true if these demons are telling the truth to the medium. Because the Bible states that demons lie like Iblis. They can also harm people, so the Bible says that anything related to them, including any form of spiritualism, should be avoided. Iblis is the same personality as the devil. I had heard from the priest that jinn haunt women, but I never thought that a jinn could be a sodomite. When I think of sodomy, I always think of sultans. It is said that some sultans are fond of boys, even though it is mostly due to the power of Islam in our village. When I bring up this subject, everyone except Apo is said to be fond of boys. Muslims would get angry at me and say "look at your own ancestors" and then close the issue as if I came from ancient Greece. In fact, casting out demons was also part of our belief. Exorcism (commanding demons to come out of people) was practiced by various individuals in the Gospels and the Book of Acts: by Jesus' disciples as part of carrying out Christ's instructions (Matthew 10); by others who use the name of Christ (Mark 9:38); by the children of the Pharisees (Luke 11:18-19); by Paul (Acts 16) and by some exorcists (Acts 19:11-16).

It is understood that the purpose of Jesus' disciples casting out demons was to demonstrate Christ's sovereignty over demons (Luke 10:17) and to prove that the disciples were acting in His name and with His authority. This event also revealed their faith, or lack thereof (Matthew 17:14-21). It is clear that the activity of exorcising demons is important for the service of the students. However, it is not clear what role casting out demons actually plays in the discipleship process.

Interestingly, the final chapters of the New Testament show a change in the subject of war against demons. The teaching portions of the New Testament (from Romans to the end of Jude) speak of the activities of demons but do not address the activities of casting them out, nor are believers advised to do so. We are told that we must put on the armor of God to stand against them (Ephesians 6:10-18). We are told to stand against the devil (James 4:7), to be careful of him (1 Peter 5:8), and to give him no place in our lives (Ephesians 4:27). However, we are not told how to get him and his demons out of others, or even that we should think about such a thing.

The Book of Ephesians gives us clear instructions on how to be victorious in our lives in the battle against the forces of evil. The first step is to believe in Christ (2:8-9), which puts an end to the rule over us of "the ruler of the kingdom of the air" (2:2). From now on, again, by God's grace, we must put away ungodly habits and put on godly habits (4:17-24). This does not require the expulsion of demons, but the renewal of our minds (4:23). be God's children

But after a few practical instructions on how to obey Him, we are reminded that there is a spiritual battle. This war is fought not by casting out demons, but with certain weapons that help us stand against the tricks of the demonic world (6:10). We stand against demons with truth, righteousness, good news, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer (6:10-18).

As the Word of God becomes more complete, Christians appear to have more weapons to combat the spirit world than the early Christians did. The role of casting out demons has largely been replaced by evangelism and discipleship through the Word of God. Since spiritual warfare methods in the New Testament do not include exorcism, it is difficult to determine what the instructions are for doing such a thing. If such a thing is necessary, it is obvious that it is best to expose the person to the Word of God and the name of Jesus Christ. The night Alpinarian removed all the hair from his body in order to be more attractive, he felt an "object" on him, sure of this object, which was male. If it wasn't, was the object he felt on him a human, an animal, or a spiritual being?

She used to eat at least three pieces of parsley every day to make her breasts grow bigger. The elders of the village said that parsley was a milk maker for women; maybe this was the most suitable method for gaining soft fat masses instead of the gradual loss of muscles in her body. Her only dream was to have a more oval body and Abdullah Alpinaryan's admiration for him was because he was attached to him, he even wanted him to think about him more than Meryem, but he still shuddered when he thought of the mysterious red color in her eyes at the mill. While he was reading the prayer in the thin candle light that split the darkness, Abdullah's words became frightening in the dark, like the vampires or werewolves of Transylvania lined up in his throat. Satenik, on the other hand, was impatiently waiting for the wedding day, whereas the most important issue for Alpinaryan was to persuade Apo to go to the stable again. Three married couples did not attract much attention on the street anyway, and sometimes Alp was even upset that there was no Islam; because the sincerity of an Armenian and a Turk attracted attention; however, actual sodomy was not possible. Islam had a holy book that said, "Kill two men wherever you see them doing it!" But in the Bible, homosexuality was not criticized at least as cruelly as the Mohammedans. Even while sleeping next to Saten at night, Apo's dream will come to his mind and the hot moments he spent with her will cause saliva to flow from his mouth, so he will turn his back on Saten. He would have to, every time he hugged her would be a duty, even when he was with Satin, he would emulate Satene and think about what he wouldn't sacrifice to be like her, to be hugged by a man's strong arms and to feel the hard and warm masculinity inside him as he was lifted up like a baby and came down shockingly. ..

Alpinaryan experienced this with Abdullah and was ready to sacrifice everything to experience these feelings again; even satin...