

When Deniz came in, his father and sister were starting to have dinner.

They opened the door and greeted Deniz, who entered slowly, with a warm greeting.

Afterwards, the sound of plates and cutlery regarding the meal dominated the room.

They spoke very little

A few words from time to time hung in the air.

They have nothing to share...

her older sister was going through a divorce

According to Deniz, it has been ignored for years

Her relationship with her family was not good due to her failed marriage.

A dull spinster girl..

Her smile was fixed, and her father had become alienated from the flow of life due to the monotony of doing military service for years, and he had started to cover up the pain he experienced, especially after losing his mother.

On such ordinary evenings, Deniz would also become silent and think about her. teacher.

She felt like she couldn't fight in this environment

fell into deep dreams

Besides, she was too tired to fight this war anyway.

she needed herself

She wants all the emotions that fill her during the day to flow away calmly.

Because she felt pain.

It was useless to express one of her feelings and another. She gathered all her courage and wrote a message to her teacher.

They wanted to go to dinner with three other people from the class and they wanted their teacher to be with them.

Who knows, maybe they would meet privately after this dinner.

Her only purpose is to get closer to the teacher ..

A slight line at the corner of her pale lips showed the meaning of the war raging inside her.

Sometimes she could not stand it and had a crying fit.

That line reflected her longing

dinner didn't take long

The father stood up and said good night to his daughters

He walked towards his room to light his cigarette.

It was a day like any other

Her sister sat under the lamp and picked up a magazine.

Deniz also walked towards her room. It was still very early. If there was another Night, she would take her book and read it until late hours, or she would look out the window to see what was going on.

While watching the streets, she would follow people passing by one by one and form opinions about them.

She would look at the bags in her hands and not think about anything in particular on nights like these.

SHe would think about middle school teacher, the first time she got into his car, the one he drove to the woods outside the city and

SHe would remember them making love in the car and she had an indescribable love for the beauty of the windows shining with the moonlight.

But today there was a weight on her

She longed for happy dreams

She changed her clothes, put on her pajamas and lay down on her bed.

She was remembering today's beautiful moments.

She and her teacher had tea together in the canteen. All eyes were on them. She spent the day with him.

They were rehearsing for their concert, which would include her own melodies accompanied by the violin. There was going to be a show at school. Then her teacher played according to her. Then she got emotional with the beautiful words coming from her. Today, they were flowing before her eyes. Suddenly, she was dreaming. SHe suddenly fell into reality and was saddened by the flow of time they spent together. At that moment, she suddenly heard her sister entering the bed in the next room.

The question crossed her mind that one day. he. would like to invite her to his house.

I wonder if her sister was crying in her room? It was obvious that she was going through a difficult time.

Her lips were covered in a sly smile. When she woke up, she found a message on her phone.

YOU come alone this time!

Let's meet again!

It was a few words, but for Deniz, these ordinary words were a gift

Today was her happiest day

Because that man's hands wrote these words...

Deniz needed great excitement from such important things.

She didn't expect that love to be a sparkling lover who would only embrace her.

She wanted this love to come from the depths of her soul

There was a hesitation and a dominant feeling of loneliness that came from her childhood, she never knew these feelings.

Thanks to her ability to communicate with objects from her childhood, books, pictures and pieces of music are literally talking to her. Before she met her love, she used to look at the men who entered her life. Her thoughts were like this. The few words in the message meant big things for her. She read these words to herself as if that man was reading her at that moment.

When she read her own name, she intoned it thinking that it was written with great respect.

She wrote with a bit of distance in case her family saw her.

In fact, while reading the lines written in a formal language, she felt so much like the man's voice and the image of his situation while writing them...

SHe almost didn't understand what the man said

The man (Mr.Anderson) had to write distantly because he was afraid of his family's reaction.

According to what was written in the message, her teacher wanted to know whether she would join the dinner planned for this Sunday.

They were also going to do a study that was planned much earlier, and he wrote something about it. Finally, a friendly greeting was given, the writing was finished and a good day was wished.

Here Deniz was reading the lines in front of her over and over again.

Really intense feelings under those lines. she believed that she was sleeping

But this is practices were nothing but reflections of her

So this love was not a very old story.

They met at school. Deniz was loved so much here..

SHe was more like a friend to everyone than just a student

The man was invited as a guest to an event here. This invitation later became permanent. He came by taking advantage of the teacher exchange program.

Even though he was a teacher to young people, their unsuccessful meeting took place very naturally.

The man was invited there to give a lecture.

He first caught the merman's attention in class.

He watched him so beautifully that he could immediately capture the calmness in the man's soul while he was working.

Yes, on the day of class, as the students were slowly leaving, he asked her to chat for a while.

Deniz showed his acceptance by slowly nodding her head.

However, unfortunately, this conversation did not take place due to the fact that it was very little intense.

Because they were afraid that the surrounding students would look at them.

They were afraid of attracting attention

From time to time, her eyes met with furtive glances. It was as if the man was lowering her body to his brain.