

I went to visit Diyar's house this morning.

It's a mafia tradition

You go to visit the house of the man you killed.

His mother made a strong coffee

oh brother

Why did he do this?

I don't understand how he managed to do such a thing, ma'am.

I was in the kitchen at the time

That's why I couldn't make it

I am really sad

My condolences

Thank you bro

Do you know that my husband is also in prison?

We are living in difficult times

I try to help you as much as I can

Go to social services with you

Let's apply for financial aid

Shall we meet tomorrow at a convenient time?

It's a very important decision for me.

And I'm very happy, sir.

God sent you

I got a reaction I never expected.

Instead of getting angry at me, the woman was almost begging.

She was considered beautiful for her age.

I confess

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

I suddenly realized

I write like José Saramago

Apostrophe in conversation

I don't use

I do not write the sentence in quotes.

Actually, he is not a friend of mine that I love.

I don't know if he is alive now or not

I tried reading a little tonight but it tired me out

Especially his novel "See" has a gloomy atmosphere.

I threw the book on the sofa because José was bored.

I delved into philosophy while playing Neset Ertas folk songs in a low voice.

And I started reading about death

How little do people think about death?

For a short time, we forget that we are guests.

I will leave my first love, my adolescence, my memories in this world

Of course, I will not forgive myself for stealing a young person's right to live.

I came home

Deniz and Harika were lying half naked and smoking marijuana.

Lesbians are always different

Especially masculine ones

I wonder who plays the male role?

Meanwhile, Harika left school

She will go to private school

Why does the daughter of a man who owns a textile factory study in a public school?

Deniz wants to talk to me privately.

We sat opposite each other at my small table in the kitchen, having coffee and cigarettes.

She spilled the beans under her tongue

I want to get married immediately, Mr. Anderson!

You have to be responsible to get married.

I am free additionally missionary.

After this country, I will be appointed by the church to become a Christian in a Buddhist or Muslim country.

This is my real duty, Deniz.

You know best

Then I will tell everything to my retired petty officer father.

You may find yourself in jail for sleeping with a minor

Why do you want to get married?

I want to be a British person like you

It's the only way

I want to travel Europe

Okay, I said softly, you won.

Let's meet your family as soon as possible.

I bought flowers and chocolates and went to ask for a girl, as you Turks say.

Mother opened the door

Slippers were given to my feet

A small coffee table was placed in front of me.

I wanted my coffee with sugar.

It was obvious that the management at home belonged to the mother.

The woman told me what a big family they were.

Her sister brought the coffee instead of Deniz.

SHe recently separated from her husband

I got to the point without further ado.

The father, a retired soldier, said that he did not approve of this marriage due to the age difference.

I am so happy

I'm afraid of marriage.

The mother kept talking about her widowed daughter.

She almost said marry her sister instead of Deniz.

I thought I got away with this.

Until Deniz's crazy behavior, we started corresponding with her a week later. It was quite late and s he was constantly talking about death in his messages.

"This is the last message I wrote to you"

. I realized that she was going to do something wrong.

" I want to get married immediately. "

Her mother opened the door again. I'm very sorry to disturb you at this hour, but Deniz said, "I was made to do something wrong. I would be happy if you went to her room and checked. My guess was right

. I drank all my father's medicines at home." Deniz said.

We immediately called 112 Emergency, it wasn't too late, her stomach was washed immediately, but she could do the same thing again in the future.

Ah anyway, I was very afraid of this situation and , there was a solution: marriage.