
What Chase Never Knew

Jack was more than anyone ever thought and when the monks finally push him over the edge, they'll find he's more than they can handle. What will Chase think of this new development and will Clay ever recover?

littleonevixen · TV
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5 Chs

Too much to handle

So what do you think?

Chase was stunned. He had come to Jack's house prepared to be angry that his worm had kept something from him all while claiming to adore him. He had wanted to quickly kidnap, then punish Jack so that they could move onto more pleasant pastimes. Chase had expected resistance, maybe even a bit of a fight, but what he hadn't expected was speechless awe. Jack was even more beautiful up close than Chase had suspected from what he had glimpsed from the temple. His lab was amazing and intricate, and Jack had even been smart enough to hide it away and make sure no one knew he was smart, sexy, and creative.

"Who were those dragons?" That seemed like the easiest way to start.

"My first, Miyu, the black one, is a mixture of you, me and Dojo, my experiment with dragon DNA. Afterwards, with a little help from Ashley, Katnappe, I was able to figure out how to make my own dragons which lead to my second experiment, Gaia, a mixture of the monks, you and me and a possible mate for Dojo."

Chase raised an eyebrow and Jack shrugged. "People are more likely to help if you pay them well, and I've touched you enough to have a hundred samples, but anything I take from you is used immediately and completely. I know that magical beings would kill to get their hands on some Chase DNA so, I take precautions."

"Is "payment" why Katnappe has been missing for so long?"

Jack grinned maliciously as he answered in a deceptively soft voice, "Ashley made some… choices that she had to be punished for. She's alive just… preoccupied."

Chase was liking the way that this new, and most definitely improved, Spicer thought. Nothing was hotter to the dragon than casual intelligent cruelty. He was eager to know more about this newly revealed Jack. He opened his mouth to ask another question when a shrill alarm sounded upstairs and lights flashed downstairs.

Jack went pale… paler. "No no no no no NO!" He seemed frantic and Chase was lost. Why was this alarm so important? He reached out to touch Jack, to grab him and demand to know what was wrong. However, Chase grabbed nothing but air. There was a ripple of what felt like magic, then a breeze and Spicer was gone.

30 minutes earlier

Miyu had a hard time with magic. Her magic was untrained and fierce, a potent combination. Sometimes, it simply did whatever it wanted, which was rarely what was convenient for Miyu. So when she tried to teleport to the temple she only made it halfway and they had to fly the rest of the way.

Gaia followed Miyu quickly through the air as she took in her bright and new surrounding.

"Sister?" Gaia called.

Miyu answered without prompting, "We are going to what may be your new home, our new home, to meet some… possible friends. Father of course won't force you to stay, but he is hoping you'll keep the old dragon there company. I haven't met them but I've watched from afar and they seem interesting, if violent. Maybe the cowboy will let you ride on his hat, it looks comfy."

Miyu started to ramble on about what she knew about where they were going as she looked for the temple. Gaia happily flew beside her sister content to listen and gain information but she had to comment when she began to notice a pattern. Every other sentence, Miyu mentioned the cowboy and he was the only one she had nothing negative to say about,

"You like him don't you?" She smiled to herself as Miyu looked confused.

"Who? The dragon? He's amusing I guess." Miyu made a face.

"No not him the Cowboy, you like him a lot." Gaia laughed.

Miyu briefly dropped from the sky having forgotten to fly in shock. She soon gained back here abilities struggling to get her powers under control as Gaia waited patiently.

"You-I… How?"

"Well, you just keep talking about him-"

"Oh look there's the temple! Come on Gaia it's time to meet them!" With a speed born of both excitement and embarrassment Miyu shot off with a laughing Gaia on her tail.

The temple was quiet when the two sisters flew over the training grounds. At least it was quiet until a sudden shift in Miyu's magic sent her plunging with a shriek towards the ground, causing the monks to run out of the temple to see what was happening, which caused Clay to get an armful of dazed, shaking and dizzy girl. Miyu had become a pale girl who looked to be the same age as the monks. She was a bit tall with long arms that tapered off to elegant fingers. Her hair was thick, long and black as night with shimmers of dark red. Her eyes, when they finally focused on Clay were a beautiful emerald green with flecks of gold. Of course, once her eyes met Clay's she became even more of a stuttering mess, which left Gaia to make the introductions.

"I assume you are the Xiaolin monks?" She spoke while still in her dragon form as she hovered near the startled and confused monks.

Raimundo was the first to recover. "Who wants to know?"

"My sister and I traveled here so that I may stay and learn your ways."

Raimundo was not convinced "That didn't answer my question. Who are you and where did you come from?"

Kimiko too had questions "Where is your sister and why hasn't that girl let go of Clay? Clay drop her!"

This served to fluster Miyu even more and she once again lost control of her magic as she shifted back into a dragon.

This did not help Kimiko's suspicions as she snatched the newly transformed dragon before Clay could blink and shook the poor flustered dragon. "Who are you? What are you?"

Before it could escalate any further, Master Fung and Dojo walked in on the scene, and gently took Miyu from Kimiko and placed her around his shoulders as she shook. He sent a reprimanding look Kimiko's way.

"I see you're here girls. I apologize for their rough treatment. They had a difficult time earlier, and they are still on edge."

Gaia hovered above Kimiko, who hadn't seen the dragon move, and nodded serenely. "Father was a bit rough on them but my sister did nothing wrong. I heard that I was supposed to stay here but now I'm not sure I want to." She easily shifted into a small woman with long black hair shot with green, red eyes and an odd yellowish skin color. She took her shaking sister and held her as Miyu once again transformed into a crying girl. Gaia glared at Kimiko and Raimundo. "We were looking forward to meeting you but it does not-"

Omi interrupted "Father? Jack Spicer is your father? How can Jack be your father."

Aggressive stances back in place the young monks were again suspicious.

Gaia was officially fed up with the monks.

"Our father being Jack Spicer does not make us your enemy. We came here for allies and training and we get cruelty and distrust. This is the good you're so proud of? You verbally abuse my sister at first sight, then accuse me of being the bad guy? This is how you are trained to act? I'd rather figure this all out myself than trust myself to your "good hands"."

The monks, other than Clay who actually decided to reflect on what why Gaia was angry, felt enraged at this insult to their virtue. After all they were the good guys right? Raimundo was first to speak.

"So Jack made you in some lab and now you think you are better than us? Is this Jack's new dumb plan? Make an army of defective dragons to-"

Clay interrupted "Hey, That ain't no way to speak to a lady. Don't you think we've done enough?"

Kimiko, angry that Clay was defending any spawn of Jack, was next to throw in her opinion,

"That's no lady, that's a thing, no, a monster made by Jack Spicer! However, like everything else he made it's both worthless and defective."

Clay looked surprised at how venomous Kimiko sounded, opened his mouth to calm her down but was interrupted by Dojo.

"Oh, so I'm a monster now Kimiko?" He asked sharply.

Kimiko looked surprised and slightly panicked.

"No, No I didn't mean you Dojo I mean you're-"

"Jack borrowed my DNA to make the one crying and the second one was likely made to be my mate. You just couldn't stop to think and look could you. You know when there's danger that I'm the first to hide and that I very rarely trust anyone not on the side of good. You know that Fung and I usually will warn you if there's danger. So why didn't you stop and think about why Fung and I would ask you to stand down. You made someone cry and continued to attack her. Her sister is right that is not the actions of someone on the side of good those are the action of a bully. A petty bully."

The monks were stunned and had a thousand questions but when they all opened their mouths Omi was the first to speak.

"I am truly sorry, we did not think and were most rude to our guests" He said looking sheepish. He looked around to apologize to the two girls as well.

"Hey, where did they go?"

The young monks looked around until Raimundo saw them flying away.

"They're probably going to get reinforcements! We have to stop them." Said Kimiko.

"We must go after them! We need to apologize before they turn to the side of evil!" declared Omi.

"I think we should meet them at Jack's and give a little sneak attack of our own." Said Raimundo, Omi didn't hear him but Kimiko did.

The three hotheads looked to Dojo who didn't bother to speak. He simply turned his back on them with his arms folded. Clay also gave them a stubborn look.

"Fine!" spat Kimiko, "We'll take the Golden Tiger Claws and go without you."

"This is not a wise choice young monks. It in fact it may destroy you." Cautioned Master Fung.

But the two young monks scoffed as they left Omi quickly following after.

Master Fung looked at the young man and the dragon left behind.

"Go make sure they at least don't die." So it was with reluctance that the two headed

off towards Jack's house.

Meanwhile, as the other three arrived in Jack's decoy lab. They noticed Gaia and Miyu heading down a door that they hadn't know was there, and as it closed the monks quickly followed after the two dragons. They followed the sounds of Miyu's sobs down several dark gray halls covered in what looked like armor to a gray door that almost blended in with the walls. Usually the young monks didn't truly think before busting down a wall or door into a room. This time however, they didn't have a large earth controlling Texan to break down the reinforced door with his powers, so as they thought of the best way to deal with their current problem they overheard the conversation inside.

Gaia: "Where are we?"

Miyu sighing sadly: "Welcome to my happy place Gaia. Just being near these guys calms me down you know. So quiet so warm and it just always smells sweet in here. Father's masterpiece It makes me happy to be able to be part of it."

Gaia: "Can I touch them?"

Miyu, with a real laugh this time: "Sure, they don't bite, not yet any way."

It was at this moment that Raimundo and Kimiko blasted the door open with a combination of Sword of the Storm and Star of Hanabi attack and Kimiko started in with the Star of Hanabi again as soon as the door was open. They were in the middle of coming in wu a blazin when what they saw gave them pause. They found themselves in an absolutely massive room that looked like a nursery. It was colored in shades of red with tiny stars of white on the walls and a lush golden carpet on the floor. Near the back of the room, Gaia and Miyu were pushing what looked like a basket back into a decent sized hole in the wall. They finished while the monks stood confused and then as a previously unseen panel covered the wall the two dragons whirled on them. Both of the two dragons had eyes of blazing red with flecks of gold.

"How dare you?!" They shrieked and the monks had to cover their ears as the girls grew into large Dojo sized dragons.

The two hissed so angry that they couldn't form words.

"W-wait we came to-" But the dragons were to angry to listen. The monks got into defensive positions and the fight began as the sisters simultaneously stuck.

'We should not have come." Thought Omi.