
What Chase Never Knew

Jack was more than anyone ever thought and when the monks finally push him over the edge, they'll find he's more than they can handle. What will Chase think of this new development and will Clay ever recover?

littleonevixen · TV
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5 Chs

The Hint

Jack had a bit of a secret he'd been keeping about himself, a few actually. Secrets that even Wuya didn't know, if she had she would have undoubtedly tried to use it to her advantage. First of all, Jack really was far more competent than he let on. The incompetency thing was because Wuya had pissed off Jack with her constant nagging and insults. If she would try to respect him she would have had all the wu her greedy little heart could desire. Does that mean he could have easily beat the monks if he'd bothered to try? Yes. They continuously used the same moves and while they viciously mauled him, like the good guys they were, he'd managed to slip onto them not only trackers, but spy cams that moved around to constantly record their surroundings. Jack honestly knew of every half baked plan, every stupid insult, every strife they held against each other, and of course himself. But best of all he knew every secret and weakness they had. Kimiko had been especially easy as she kept everything on her computer including a diary, of which he had several copies saved on his own computer and one hard copy. She also had some great blackmail material on the other monks which Jack appreciated and planned to use in the ver near future.

The second secret was Jack really was a genius. Now that didn't sound like much of a secret but it was. By hiding in plain sight Jack had convinced everyone that his sole field of genius lies in robotics. Really, Jack studied a bit of everything. He studied languages so he could travel, studied flowers, geography, chemistry, insects, medicine making, poison making; honestly if he wanted to get serious with the monks he could have killed them with anything.

Which brings him to his next point, Jackbots were made for cleaning and were just barely modified for battle. They were made of the cheapest metal possible and were more like pets than warriors. Jack had real warriors that would destroy the monks but honestly, he would rather have them fight the cleaning bots as he watched on amused. Which was part of the reason he was so distracted at showdowns, seeing how slowly they destroyed his Jackbots gave him giggles. Also, it gave data that each destroyed Jackbot automatically sent to his Brawlers who could be activated without using actual words especially since they were connected to his helipack. His real helipack, which was not so easily destroyed. Even his old helipack that he made when he was 4 was modified with a force field because those stupid monks threw their elements around like they didn't think fire was lethal or that earth, which is basically giant boulders being thrown at your face, wouldn't at least cripple him if they hit. And Jack didn't even wanna think about how drowning or being thrown into a wall hard enough to break his spine would be life ending. The monks were stupid,selfish and dangerously careless but he hadn't decided to actually hurt them until earlier today.

The Xiaolin/Heylin conflict had been annoying him more than usual lately and so he decided to take a little vacation just doing nothing and thinking about nothing while traveling around China for a day. One day he left, and when he got back his home was utter chaos. The usual wall was destroyed so that was nothing new, really he should start billing them for repair costs, however, what made him mad was that the destruction didn't stay in his decoy lab which he had built to be easy to be rebuilt no matter the level of damage and to work on his smaller projects. But apparently that wasn't enough for the destructive monks. They had left the basement and gone into the living area. They had destroyed priceless memories there were burn marks on each of his pictures, meant to make him look like he was alone no matter what picture he was in, his couch had scorch marks, the kitchen had obviously been thrown around by wind... That was strange; other than the wu safe being broken into he saw no signs of the earth elements destruction nor any water marks anywhere indicating Omi had been there. Jack was rather glad, he liked Omi. Jack had a weakness for cute things and a serum that could turn a person into whatever animal he wanted, just add DNA. Jack was thinking Teacup Persian but put future plans for Omi aside. Those other two, possibly three, had to pay.

Jack walked to his room and entered his closet. Once there, Jack shrugged off his clothes and reached for new ones. A long sleeved black shirt that fit his form and outlined muscles he doubted the monks knew he had and slipped into jeans that did the same.His red eyes were sensitive to light so he still needed his goggles, but he took a different pair ones that looked like sunglasses and analyzed like a supercomputer hung them on his belt loop for easy future access. Jack then quickly made his way to the bathroom where he washed the gunk out of his hair and let the naturally white locks frame his face as he combed them into a somewhat messy look, smirking at himself in the mirror, and slipped on his glasses before allowing his hair to fall over one eye. Then it was back to his room where he found his pair of modified black boots with a slight heel. These boots allowed him to hover and fly quickly and silently, he had made them a while ago and only used them on special occasions. He went through his drawers to find his gloves. The new ones were sleek and black, meant to make sure he left no fingerprints no matter what he touched along with some added features which made them useful in battle. He slipped them on and grabbed a subtler version of his heli pack, thinner with the ability to camouflage both itself and Jack. For a final touch Jack slipped on a few weaponized bracelets and a silver necklace with a red "stone" in the middle that recorded data and served as a warning system for wu. Now Jack was ready and he sneered as he walked to his window and jumped out, activating his boots to first hover and then fly quickly towards the xiaolin temple.

Nothing beat the feeling of flying for Jack. Complete freedom, complete control it felt as if he had no boundaries no worries. At first Jack was content to drift along with no hurry. The monks would be there when he got there and if they weren't he could track them no problem. Then Jack cursed as he remembered that he still wasn't ready to be seen by any on the Heylin side yet. He really didn't want to know if Bean liked pretty boys, or what plans Wuya would have for him, because she did like pretty boys, and he was still working on something for Chase which would soften the blow of Jack having lied to him for so long. So Jack sighed, tapped his heels together to turn up the speed, and proceeded at a quicker pace.

A few minutes later, Jack arrived at the xiaolin temple. He hovered above the monks as they trained in the courtyard, they appeared to be in some sort of contest. That gave Jack an idea. He landed at the edge of the courtyard and bowed to Master Fung who sat silently watching seeming unsurprised by Jack's change. Jack would talk to him later, but for now he wanted fun and revenge. Jack walked confidently into the courtyard copying Chase's "I'm sexy and I know it" walk as he called out,

"Hey fakers, I need to talk to you."

Omi was the first to react, "Jack Spicer! What are you doing here?"

"Aww you know my name, I'm flattered."

"Don't you have some cleaning to do, freak?" Said Rai, cruelly smiling.

"Do I? How would you know if I did, stalker. I didn't know you loved me so much... Ew" Rai blushed and opened his mouth to protest, or ask what the hell 'Ew' was supposed to mean but he got cut off by Kimiko.

"Are you here to get your butt handed to you as you try for revenge and fail, like everything else you do?" Taunted Kimiko

"Ohh, real original I've never heard that one before Kimiho."

As Kimiko steamed, Clay just stood there with his mouth open and his eyes the size of saucers. The earth monk was standing slightly ahead of everyone and away from the main group. Jack headed towards him as he was the least likely to attack given that he was in shock.

"Oh, I see one of you is observant. I should have known it would be the cowboy." Jack lightly traced Clay's jaw with one gloved finger before gently shutting his mouth. Jack then leaned forward to whisper in his ear "Put your tongue back in your mouth cowboy, you're drooling. And I haven't even started yet." He said in a dark seductive voice while tracing the shell of Clay's ear. Then quickly shoving him away as he gracefully flew into the air neatly dodging a fireball thrown his way by Kimiko . When he looked her way she was in a rage preparing for another attack.


Jack smirked as he remembered her saying that she liked both him and Clay in her diary. If he correctly recalled she was also sleeping with Raimundo, who swung both ways. And was staring at Jack like he wanted to eat him up, or lock him up and keep him forever. Okaaaaaay Jack wasn't touching that. Instead he focused on Kimiko dodging each of her fireballs casually as he moved closer to her, before finally just barely swiping his fingers across one of his bracelets which shot out some rope, pinning her to a tree. It was flashy enough to disguise the needles that hit her pressure points making her unable to use her elemental powers. Then he grinned at her as he briefly turned to shoot tranquilizing needles from his gloves at Omi, Raimundo, and Clay. Each collapsed to the ground in a heap. At the look in Kimiko's eye he said

"Oh don't worry they're fine. I'd be more worried about what's gonna happen to you. Even Fung is asleep my dear little harlot, who's gonna save you? "

And then Jack smiled, it was a smile that said 'You're going to hell in a hand basket, and I'm happy to be the one to take you there.' Kimiko froze as tears leaked down her cheeks. She had never thought Jack would be this scary, and fear lumped her voice in her throat. Jack grinned and deftly opened a bracelet to show a compartment of small empty syringes. He lightly fingered each before taking one and testing its sharpness, on Kimiko's legs. Kimiko cringed as she tried to struggle away from the pain. Jack's voice was seductive and cruel as he said "C'mon baby scream for me." Before jamming the needle in her vein and slowly taking a sample of her blood. Kimiko screamed, Jack smiled, and then "Spicer?"

Jack swore, "Shit, well I guess the fun's over see you Kimiko" Jack said in a deceptively sweet and happy voice as he gave her a gentle mocking kiss on the cheek, slammed his heels together and shot up and away from the temple. Once he got in the air he activated his cloaking device and disappeared.

Chase Young looked around bewildered at the mess that was strewn in front of him. The male monks were passed out on the ground and Kimiko was sobbing and bleeding against a tree seemingly unable to simply burn the ropes off. He also could have sworn he saw someone with white hair and a very delicious looking body, torturing her. Chase had thought he'd heard Spicer's voice taunting the girl, but this was too sophisticated, too neatly done, to have been the work of Spicer. But if it was, Chase nearly licked his lips at the thought of what he would do to Spicer. Chase got a little excited about the possibilities, snatched Dojo from under the bush he was hiding in and demanded to know what happened.

Jack was speeding along trying to rush to his lab. He just needed one more test, one more test and his research for Chase would be complete. He had to hurry before Chase figured out that he was useful, that he wasn't as incompetent as he seemed. Jack knew Chase well enough to know what the dragon lord's reaction would be and he didn't have time to waste as he got back to his lab pulled up his shades and placed his hand on a sensor that was hidden in the back of the room. When a discreet door swung open he hurried into it and the door shut silently behind him.