
What awaits the horror in darkness

~it was midnight I was trying to take a sip of my drink (blood) when I heard footsteps~

kimhwaaishav · Horror
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22 Chs

chapter 22: Dark side of the moon!

°• At the dungeon•°~

(Witch Queen)

I need to find a way to get out of this place she muttered as the tingle of light appeared, this time to her surprise it took a little longer than usual before it disappeared, thinking maybe it might be the spirit of her ancestors, she stood from where she was squatting, even though the place was dark and there isn't any trace of light, walking through the dark she bummed into something huge yet soft, brushing her fingers through it she realized she wasn't alone in the dungeon, she had company with that she spoke what's here, who are you and what followed was silence, who's here she asked again, don't let me lose my patience,

Do you really want to know? a deep voice filled with danger replied

Which really made the witch queen shiver in fear.

Do you? The voice asked again this time impatiently

Silence followed, that was when the witch queen saw 4 pair of red light shining just few feets away from her, I'm sorry I'll just go back to my side she said as she turned hurriedly, TOO LATE the voice replied as it began to chase her.

.....the moon looks nice isn't it? Tessa asked yeah it does but not as nice as how you look he said as he pointed at her, really? Well I'm sure that it isn't the blanket that made me look nice she replied with a smirk, sure of course i didn't mean the blanket i meant what is hidden within the blanket he said sexily as he gave her a gentle kiss on her soft pink lips

Tessa turned to take a quick glance at the moon but then realized it has dimmed a bit, Love look the moon is turning red, oh rea.. Wait what did you just say, he asked as he turned and gazed at the moon, his eyes blazed with fire, burnt with hell and erupting with the molten lava, this is bad he hissed, lets go he said with no emotions, Tessa could just comply as to this isn't a good time to question him.

She quickly dressed up and followed him out of the room, surprisingly he was heading to the dungeon, here it was, everything's melted, lincius stared at it calmly as he heard the witch's voice calling for help as the beast ripped her to Pieces while running into the woods, this is bad he muttered as he leaned and watch the beast run, he turned to Tessa the moment their eyes met she knew everything's messed up big time.

Lets go pack everything no one's safe here, Lincius said calmly,  you look calm and you're saying no one's safe what happened Razernvens asked, hmph it's the RED BEAST, that was all Razernvens needed to hear as he rushed to look through the window, the Moon was pure as red Blood, oh my god it's going to be the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON'S SEASON he said with clear disbelief and panic, we must stop him before he forms his own army, No it's already too late, he's already awake Lincius replied, can you for goodness sake tell me what's going on Tessa said almost yelling, look love this isn't any time to start asking questions, go upstairs and start packing our things, same to you too Ashley we're leaving right now, we can't let you get hurt we must protect you by all means, lincius said without any further argument both girls complied, Lincius how did the red beast escaped, it took a lot of effort and sacrifices before it was captured in the first place right, yes you're right, the witch queen woke it up, i think she mist have used some forbidden spells when she was in the dungeon and it must have woken the beast up, and by the looks of it she proved him, lincius explained as he got up from his chair and headed towards the stairs to check on the girls as they're taking took long,  As soon as he reached the massive stair they heard screams, shouting and calling their names but the odd thing was that not just two people were screaming but many maybe 10 or so, both men quickly ran up the stairs and both headed where their rooms are but fortunately enough both girls are fine and still packing.

What's wrong? Tessa asked were you not the one screaming? Lincius asked a little bit hesitant, No i didn't scream, did you check on Ashley, just then both Ashley and Razernvens came in, i didn't scream either Ashley said, so wait, i didn't scream, you didn't scream then who screamed?

The red beast did, lets go lets go, all four of them quickly went down stairs and entered the car as they volted to the city, we will come back well prepared because this isn't just a simple fight that we'll use sword to Slash and Pierce he said as he sped up the car engine as they heard screams coming from the house they just left.

The screams kept becoming louder and deeper until they left the forest where peace is once more regained.

We need to start training ASAP lincius said as he drove to the*DARK BLACK AWAITERS* forgetting about the girls sitting in the back, as soon as the shadows saw the unexpected guests everyone went into panicking, the gates were opened wide even before the car arrived.

Lincius stepped out of the car and oh boy Tessa knew what he felt, this is where he belonged, the house of chaos, he walked like a demigod, his eyes burnt with golden rage as he lead them into the Mansion where mercy isn't in the vocabulary, set for the meeting, i don't want to hear any excuses, we're at war he said as he made his way into the dark Mansion, Tessa And Ashley couldn't follow so they simply stayed outside waiting for further singles, of course Razernvens stayed with them to avoid pissing Lincius off even more....

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