
What an American does, when the world terns into a game.

There was a huge buzz in the sky, everyone in the world heard it, along with a burning sensation on their left hand ware a mark aperid. An American citizen named John was walking home when it happened, but right after the buzzing, the ground cracked under him and with it, a black light shot up and pulled him in and brought him into a different world.

hake12 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

jungle fracture.

"Arrrg, Damn it! Did they really have to taze me like that, and how was I able to move? Was it due to increasing my Def stat?" he got up off the ground and pulled out the two rods that were stuck in his back. He looked around, it was in a very different place compared to the last fracture, this one was full of life, like being in a jungle. He didn't hesitate to pull out his gun and tap his mark.


Level 4 |X|

Name: John Smith <male>

MP: 40/40

780/2000 exp

Str 3 < > Def 8 < > Int 4 < >

Agl 9 < > Sta 5 < > Wis 3 < >

Stat points available: 9


|- Event Map <MAX> {cost: None} {cooldown: none} only active on Earth -|- 2x multiplier <MAX> {cost: None} {cooldown: none} this skill will disappear in 29 days -|- Black Shard <1 / 5> {cost: 10 MP} {cooldown: 5sec} each level up will decrease cooldown by 1sec -|


Active quests:

{Clear level F dungeon}

Clear conditions: kill the goblin tribe leader - you can not leave until he is killed

Rewords: 1200exp, 2 random potions, 120G

[ Shop - level 5 Required ] [ Auction house - level 20 Required ] [ Mailbox ] [ inventory ]


"Goblins this time? And Are they going to be harder to kill because the rewards are better?... wait, is that blood?" he noticed that there was red blood on the ground, which led deeper into the jungle. He also noticed that there were curved marks on the trees, and as he was about to follow them, the bushes next to him started to rumble.

*swoosh* a small minicar green thing jumped out of the bushes and tried to bite him. John managed to step away in time and dogged it. The goblin wore a small piece of hide around his waist and was skinny to the point where you could see his bones. it had sharp claws and pointy teeth with drool dripping from the points of the teeth.

"Does a monster attack the first time you come in? Well, that will explain the blood trail that was left behind... wo! The goblin seems a lot slower than the dogs in the last dongon, is it my stats or are they just like this?' as he was talking to himself, the goblin kept charging and jumping at him, but it was too slow and sluggish to reach him. As he pointed the gun towards the goblin, he remembered the skill he got last time.

"Ah right, I think I should test the new skill on him… Black Shard!" he instinctively pointed his palm towards the goblin and said the words to activate the skill. A cloud of black smoke started to form in front of his palm, then it snapped and took place into a crystal looking spike. It was 2 feet long and at its thickest diameter was two inches coming into a very thin point, then it shot towards the goblin at a very fast speed like a bullet, this all happened in an instant. *Swoosh* The goblin didn't have time to react and the shard went cleanly through its stomach and plugged into the ground where it went up in smoke and disappeared.

"Wow… this, this is powerful." he wasn't expecting the skill to be this OP because the message said that it was lower tier skill and it only used up 10 mp, this just didn't seem fair. As he stood there stunned, he noticed something strange on the screen that was still up from before, it was the mp.

MP:30.6/40 MP:31.2/40 MP:31.8/40

"Why is it going up so slowly? Is it to nerf skills or something? But couldn't you just increase Int to the point where it will last you until the end of the dungeon? Well, I guess it would be bad if you run out of MP because you would just be killed if you didn't have a party watching your back." he closed the screen and followed the trail of carved marks and blood. As he was walking through the jungle, he noticed that there were no other animals or bugs to be seen. It was very strange, but he ignored it and moved on.

"Huh, was he building some kind of fort?" At the end of the trail, he saw twigs stacked up around a tree making a small shelter. He walked around it and noticed that half of it was missing and not only that, he saw bloodstains all over the place. It looked like a battle had happened, and it was obvious who lost.

"Sary Kate, but it looks like your dad might be dead." He looked around some more but couldn't find the body, then he noticed drag marks on the ground leading left to where he came from and he started to follow it. He walked down the trail until he heard a noise in the distance, he crouched down near some bushes and took a look. What he saw was like a campsite, with a bunch of goblins surrounding a fire pit in the middle of the camp.

"Holy shit, why are there so many of them? In the last dungeon, there were only 5 monsters near the boss, but there are at least 14 of them here. How am I supposed to do this? I only got 9 bullets in my gun and it takes me a while to reload, and I can't forget about the boss. I could just kill him and leave but with this many monsters, it would be even more dangerous than the last one." as he was contemplating on what he should do, he heard a loud sound coming from the big tent near the middle.

"Damn it, he is still alive, I can't just kill the boss and leave like before, I'm going to have to kill them all if I want to get him out of here alive." a bigger goblin came out of the tent and pulled a man covered in blood that was tied with vines. Obviously, this man was Kate's father.