
What's Wrong With a Gay Princess?

It's Princess Ash's 16th birthday today! She has to choose a prince to be her king, but Ash has only one problem...she's lesbian! As she tries to tell her parents the honest truth, the kingdom gets attacked! As Ash witnessed her kingdom's downfall, she managed to escape! Little did she know she was being followed. 20 year old Harumi-Chan or Sam blows her cover so makes up her identity and says she's headed the same way as Ash. On their way they meet 21 year old Aloïsia who catches Ash's eye, as well as Sam. They both need to lead Ash to her kingdom to marry Sam's brother Yu-han Chi. But—both fall in love with Ash! Will they keep Ash to themselves? Or will they let her marry Yu-han Chi and let him achieve his full power?

Angela_Levko · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Worst Birthday Present Ever

It was a beautiful morning. Like every other day, Princess Ash was asleep on her royal bed. She was always very unique. Ash was different from other princesses; she was calm and collected, kind, and very beautiful—but if you even try to mess with those she loves, she would fight you with her bare hands. But something that made her especially unique was her loss of interest in men. Ash had never fallen in love with a man nor showed interest in them.

Princess Ash was the future monarch of the Alyinthi Kingdom. Despite her well-behaved characteristics, she never missed a chance to sleep in; unfortunately, today was not one of those days.

"Princess Ash! Wake up! Your parents are waiting for you in the throne room," a young maiden said, bursting into the princesses room. The maiden approached the princesses wardrobe and took out a special dress that was made specially for today's occasion.

The dress was long and poofy. It was so white, it looked like it had a tint of violet around it. The dress had small, violet, fake butterflies attached at the bottom of the dress.

The maiden approached the future queen and shook her awake.

Princess Ash sat up, still sleepy.

"Molly? What in world are you doing?" Princess Ash asked the maiden.

"Oh my! Do you not remember? It is your 16th birthday today! You have to go downstairs to greet your parents," Molly explained, as she put the dress down next to the young princess.

Princess Ash gasped. "Oh goodness! I forgot!" She stood up and asked Molly to leave her room. The maiden did as she was asked to do so. Princess Ash took off her nightgown and dressed herself into the beautiful dress. She hurried to her shoe closet and put on a pair of violet glass slippers.

Princess Ash was a beautiful young woman. She had bright blue eyes that sparkled in the suns light and beautiful Auburn hair; her hair was tucked away in a bun that was held tightly above her head and she had two strands of hair (that were curled) next to her face.

Ash put mascara and eyeliner on. She put foundation on and applied blush. She smiled to herself and walked out of her room.

As she walked into the throne room, the princes waiting for her to arrive bowed at her presence. The men were all 18 or older which made Ash feel a little insecure.

These princes had come all this way to ask for Ash's hand in marriage. Little did they know, at the end of the day she wouldn't choose any of them...

"Ash, darling!" Ash's mom said, embracing her presence. "Happy birthday sweetie! You have to choose one handsome man in this room. If they identify as compatible you will reach your full potential! You will be able to use your magic on free will."

"That's great Mom, but—" Ash started, but her mother interrupted so dearly.

"We'll start with the young man with the blonde hair!" The queen yelled out to the only blonde in the group of 7 men. "Introduce yourself please."

"My pleasure," The blonde man said. "My name is Prince Luis of the Amphisist Kingdom. I am 21 years old and fully capable of leading a kingdom. I am the eldest son of King Dynasty making me the rightful heir to the thrown. It would make great business for both kingdoms since we would rule both."

"I want love and compassion, not business," the future queen whispered to herself.

After all of the men had spoken on their own behalf, it was time for the young princess to decide whom she would spend the rest of her life with. Ash did not want to choose because she did not seem to have interest in men at all!

Just as she was about to tell her parents the honest truth, the royal head guard ran into the room. "YOUR MAJESTIES! WE NEED TO ESCORT YOU TO SAFETY IMMEDIATELY! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" He yelled.

Princess Ash saw this as an advantage to escape. She started up the stairs when Molly called. "Your magesty!? You need to leave!"

"Molly, I highly appreciate your concern. But this is my chance to escape and be...me! Please I'm begging you!" Princess Ash begged.

"All right! All right! But as soon as you get your stuff, leave immediately!" Molly said, knowing she was the only one who knew Ash's secret.

"Thank you Molly...now you get to safety! Future queen's orders!" Princess Ash yelled to Molly. Molly was hesitant at first, but when she saw the castle set ablaze she quickly ran towards the exit and exited safely.

"Now to pack," Ash whispered to herself. She ran into her room and instantly took off her slippers. Princess Ash took her dress off and looked inside her wardrobe for the villagers clothes she stored for the day she would escape. When she found them, she dressed into them. Ash was wearing tight jeans and a puffy, tan sweater; she looked into the mirror and frowned.

"I look exactly like what I am; a princess escaping," Ash thought.

She looked at herself again and took down her massive bun. Her hair was curled and reached down to her waist.

Ash looked out the door of her room. The fire was traveling up the stairs.

"Gotta hurry," she thought.

She put her hair into a pony tail and all of her short hairs were now sticking out. Ash took off her foundation and blush, knowing villagers can't afford it.

She put a pair of fake glasses on and put long leather boots on. Suddenly, Ash's door was set ablaze.

"Shoot," Ash said outloud.

She quickly packed her bag with extra villagers clothes, a coat, a pair of outdoor boots, and extra utensils for taking care of herself in the wilderness. Ash packed two blankets and a small pillow. She put her bag on and ran out onto her balcony.

Her balcony had a rope she'd been saving to climb down through. Ash tied the rope onto the ridge of the balcony and let the rope down. She slid down the rope and ran off into the village. It was completely destroyed with fire.

Something caught her eye. It was the soldiers who had invaded her future kingdom, and they had her parents!

"That's mother and father!" She thought. "I can't go save them..I'll get caught!"

Ash heard a swoosh sound in the trees. She turned around but saw nothing. Then it happened again. Again, she saw nothing.

"I better go before this thing actually comes out," Ash thought. She ran off towards the forest.

Little did Princess Ash know that someone was watching her every move...

It's a very good chapter of the book. It introduces Princess Ash of the Alyinthi Kingdom and her journey to safety. Hope you guys will enjoy it!

Angela_Levkocreators' thoughts