
What's Wrong With a Gay Princess?

It's Princess Ash's 16th birthday today! She has to choose a prince to be her king, but Ash has only one problem...she's lesbian! As she tries to tell her parents the honest truth, the kingdom gets attacked! As Ash witnessed her kingdom's downfall, she managed to escape! Little did she know she was being followed. 20 year old Harumi-Chan or Sam blows her cover so makes up her identity and says she's headed the same way as Ash. On their way they meet 21 year old Aloïsia who catches Ash's eye, as well as Sam. They both need to lead Ash to her kingdom to marry Sam's brother Yu-han Chi. But—both fall in love with Ash! Will they keep Ash to themselves? Or will they let her marry Yu-han Chi and let him achieve his full power?

Angela_Levko · LGBT+
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4 Chs

The Lithuanian Kingdom

"Slow down!" Sam yelled, running after the horse.

"Aw, are we going to fast for you?" Aloïsia laughed.

"Yes, you idiot!" Sam yelled. The horse stopped running and Ash laughed.

"You guys are hilarious," Ash laughed.

"It's all for you peaches," Aloïsia winked.

"H-hey!" Ash yelled, blushing. She turned her head around. "I will not tolerate this type of disrespect!"

"M'kay peaches," Aloïsia said, turning around to face Sam.

Ash's face looked like it was gonna explode. "Okay, okay! Please don't ignore me!"

"Wasn't planning on it," Aloïsia said smoothly.

"Can we take a break!? My legs are dying!" Sam yelled, running after them.

"Your lucky I want to take a break too," Aloïsia said.

Sam shot Aloïsia a dirty look as if saying, "From what extent are you possibly tired!? From riding a horse!?"

Aloïsia got off Midnight and helped Ash off too. "I wanna change, mind turning around for a sec?" Ash asked Aloïsia and Sam.

"Sure, Alta," Sam replied.

"Anything for you, Peaches," Aloïsia added with a wink.

Aloïsia and Sam turned around. Ash reached into her bag and took out her extra clothes. She put on Jean shorts, a white t-shirt (which was a little small on her), and black leather boots.

"I'm done!" Ash said running over to Buddy. She began to play with him like a the little child her soul was.

"You look beautiful, Alta," Aloïsia grinned.

Ash's eyes widened. "Hold up! Hah! You just called me by my name and not peaches~!"

"Oh no! I was caught!" Aloïsia said sarcastically. They both laughed so hard it was hard to catch their breath.

"You guys having fun without me?" Sam said, approaching the two brainless idiots who were laughing all their brain cells out.

"Awww! Come on, its not like that," Ash said with a cute face.

"Well, if you gave me a kiss I'd feel better," Sam winked.

Ash looked annoyed in a sarcastic way. "I'd rather die," Ash said, laughing.

"I was being serious," Sam said, grabbing onto Ash's waist.

"H-hey!" Ash stuttered. "Let go!"

"And why would I do that?" Sam smirked.

"Because our little peaches said so," Aloïsia grinned.

Ash was shocked. "Hold up...our!? I certainly do not belong to anyone!" Ash said, blushing hard. "And let go of me..." Ash said, biting her lip.

"Oh...okay, sorry..." Sam said, letting go of Ash's waist.

"Yeah, eh...sorry," Aloïsia said. The two spies turned around and started to walk away.

"W-wait! Where are you going...?" Ash asked, but a responce she did not get in return. "G-guys...?"

"Okay...I guess I'll just have to do this to make them happy," Ash thought. She ran up to Aloïsia and Sam and stopped them from walking.

She pulled Aloïsia down by her shirt and gave her a long passionate kiss, and the same went for Sam.

"You taste good peaches," Aloïsia grinned.

"Why don't we do it again?" Sam smirked.

"I only kissed you because you guys were upset!" Ash shot out, blushing madly.

"Oh, we weren't upset, we just wanted a kiss," Sam winked.

Ash blushed an even deeper red, but it didn't show thanks to her deep breaths. "You bastards...let's just go!"

Sam and Aloïsia chuckled. "C'mon, Buddy!" Sam called out to the lonely wolf.

They approached the jet black horse and Aloïsia gestured for Sam and Ash to get on.

"Me?" Sam asked.

"Yep," Aloïsia answered.

"Wow, Ms. Rudy is being nice," Sam chuckled.

"Don't push it," Aloïsia growled.

Sam and Ash got on and Aloïsia stood next to Midnight, holding the rails tight. She started to lead the horse towards the Lithuanian Kingdom, and Buddy followed.


"Ay, y'all having fun without me?" Aloïsia asked.

"No—" Ash started, but Aloïsia interrupted.

"Just don't have too much fun without me," Aloïsia smirked.

"Wha—!?" Ash yelled, completely startled. She looked like she was a tomato being thrown around, close to exploding.

"Oh, we won't," Sam grinned.

"You guys are idiots..." Ash said, calming down.

"But we're your idiots," Aloïsia winked.

"Shut up, will you?" Ash blushed. She turned away and let out a sigh. "We should get going, you never know, someone might be waiting to take us back to my village any moment."

Sam's and Aloïsia's eyes met and they frowned. "Okay, let's get going," Aloïsia said, patting Midnight.

They started there journey again, but Sam and Aloïsia were disturbed. Were they really doing the right thing...?