
What’s This Life?

Nicole’s parent’s have taken her and her brother across the country their entire lives. Why you ask? They’re on the run due to a crime they committed years ago, while somehow managing to hide it from their children by explaining their job was the reason for their travels. Although it affected every aspect of their lives, the reason they always move remains a mystery. Having came from a troubling past due to the mysteries of her parents, Nicole works to keep her true thoughts and emotions inside, very careful not to let anything slip through. This move, this city is different; she is going to change although she believes it’s for the better. Amidst these changes, she meets West. Yet he sees through the wall she’s put up and breaks her down piece by piece until he finds out the truth. She’s is in for a bumpy ride as the secrets she’s been hidden from come to surface. Nicole begins to wonder what life... or what she thought was her life.... was all about. Tea will be spilt and big secrets revealed. Will Nicole be able to cope when the truth is revealed or will she fall apart? Only one way to find out! *Please note that this book is under very minor editing, involving grammar mistakes. The first four chapters posted will be edited shortly. Again, just grammar mistakes no changing of the plot so nothing other than a few punctuation mistakes will be changed. Thank you for taking the time to read this, hope you decide to read my book* -Alexa_Howell_6620

Alexa_Howell_6620 · Adolescente
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Nicole

I left through Evan's front door and pulled up my address on maps. Even though I knew how to get there, I just wanted to see how long it would take. It was only about a 30 minute walk. Honestly, that's not bad, I like walking longer distances anyhow. Its 5:02 now and my mom usually makes dinner at 6:00 so it's plenty of time for me to get to the pharmacy then home and also get some homework done before dinner.

I was about to leave Evan's community; I stopped to put my headphones on and some music. "Seventeen," by Sophia Annello started playing. This song really hits me hard because it's extremely relatable.

I cranked the volume up all the way, which so loud enough I'm sure my mom would say it would damage my hearing but I couldn't care less. I arrive at the pharmacy 10 minutes before they close at 5:30. Good timing. Once I get my meds, I thank the pharmacist and leave the building.

I continue walking towards the direction of my house and I suddenly feel a presence. I looked behind and saw a guy following close behind me. I took an earphone out to be more aware of my surroundings. A few seconds go by and he's closer, more like next to me, he looked to be in his early 20's.

"Hey hot stuff." He had a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

The second he said that, I could instantly smell the scent of alcohol on his breath and it made me grimace. I pretended to not hear him and just kept walking.

"What's your name?" He asked getting in front of me forcing me to stop.

"What's it to you?" I let my irritation come through loud and clear.

"Now now, that's not a nice way to talk to someone is it?" his voice was raspy and creepy.

"I honestly couldn't give two fucks. Leave me alone, thanks." I went to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist hard… it hurt.

He dragged me in an alley and put his hand over my mouth. His eyes searched my body and he had a smirk that was pure evil. He started at my breasts then darted back to my eyes. I was beyond scared; he could **** me… or kill me... or both.

He began to close the distance between us as he grabbed my chin and squeezed tight, it hurt. He started to lean his face toward mine, I whimpered and continued to try and fight back but he held my hands together in front of me with one hand and held my mouth with the other. I realized he made a mistake by slightly backing up. I acted off of instinct and kneed him in the crotch.

"Ugh, you bitch." He groaned and hunched over. While he was bent over I kneed him square in the face and saw the first sight of blood. I didn't wait any longer and started running away. He wasn't done, I heard him grunt and then heard footsteps behind me.

"HELP!! HE-" I screamed but was cut short by his hand over my mouth again, yanking me back.

"Oh, you asked for it now bitch." He aggressively as he raised his hand and slapped me hard across the cheek, I tasted blood. He then pulled his arm back and sent his fist to my mouth. I yelped as I fell to the ground. My head was ringing and I felt blood drip down from the inside of my lips. He picked me back up grabbing my shoulder with one hand; he held me in place and raising the other hand to hit me again. This time I was prepared... sort of… and I put my hands up in front of my face.

"HEY!!" I heard a different voice say.

I felt him being ripped away from me.

I continued to panic, sitting myself down. I looked up to see a random guy beating the shit out of my assaulter. I cover my eyes, too scared to look and all I hear are hard punches being thrown one after the next.

Suddenly, silence. I felt someone crouch down in front of me. Too scared to see if it was my assaulter, I kept my head down.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard a soft reassuring voice and felt a hand being place on my arm. I look up and see him. Not just any guy, it was Mr. Sexy from school. Still in shock of what happened; I said nothing as I let out ragged breaths and held onto him.

"Will you let me help you." He asked softly; I nodded still not able to speak.

Thinking he was going to help me to my feet, I grab his hand. He only let it go and put an arm under my knees and the other behind my head. Shocked, I stay quiet. I see a car parked in a lot not far from where he stood with me in his arms and walked towards it.

"Can I take you home?" He was cautious with me. It was very reassuring.

"No,no. My parents can't see." I pleaded.

"You can come to my house then." He said placing me in his passenger seat.

"I'll be right back. I gotta do something. Are you OK for 2 minutes?" I nodded yes, he locked the doors and jogged into the building.

Not long after he came out of the building and made his way back to the car before he hopped in turning the key to start it. We drove for a while in silence. I kept thinking about what happened and. I sniffled looking out the window. I then feel his hand on my arm.

"We're here." He said as he pulled me out of my trance.

I looked up to see an apartment building. He came to my side of the door and opened it.

"You need help?" He asked, "Maybe we should report this to the police?"

"No I can walk. And No, I don't want them to call my parents. I just want to forget this ever happened."

We entered the building and he led me towards the stairs going up to the second level; we walked down the hall and he stopped at apartment 207. He quickly unlocked the door, the apartment was pretty clean; I guessed that his mom probably cleans it daily.

"Come here, let's get you cleaned up." He spoke lightly, leading me to his bathroom.

He gestured for me to sit on the counter. As I did he came in between my legs which made me feel quite shy. With a first aid kit in hand, He pressed a damp cloth over my lips to get the dried blood off. I winced as he did so.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"It's ok, I've been through a lot worse. This is nothing."

"You're that kick ass dodgeball girl from gym right?" He questioned with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, Nicole and you're the hot guy who lost to a girl right?" I said immediately regretting immediately what I said.

"Yeah. West Andrews." He chuckled. I looked past him and sighed heavily. He seemed to pick up on it.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"I was on my way back from a friend's house, he offered to drive me home but I decided to walk because it helps clear my mind. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as I should've because I had headphones on. Next thing I know, that guy was trying to get me to tell him my name. I could smell the alcohol; It was overpowering. I tried to get away from him but he pulled me into the alley and.... he started.... looking at me a certain way. I found a chance to knee him in the balls, the then the face and tried to run but he grabbed me again. Then slapped me and punched me. As he was about to do it again, you came." I was so uncomfortable talking anbout this… I could feel the tears stinging my eyes.

I looked at Mr. Sexy, ahem I mean West. His jaw was clenched the entire time. He put a cold rag on my face where I was slapped, it felt good.

"Thank you." I spoke

"You're welcome." He whispered as he stared into my eyes.

"I gotta text my mom and tell her where I am, well lie actually." I reached for my phone. I felt safe with him.