
What! I'm reincarnated as kyogre!

when Ron wake up, he found out that he die and reincarnated as kyogre,killing monster on the sea and shock the world sending tsunami hundred meter with just moving fins and flood the world with just breathing, exposed by live streaming on the sea becoming the alpha Pokemon on the sea, exposing another legendary Pokemon and mythical to the entire world scientist:"what kinda creature are you?how can you send tsunami by moving your fins,is this even make any sense!" netizens:"what! this whale just control the sea and make Storm!" world:"what! there even more creature like this one? we don't know anything like groudon or rayquaza who live in ozone layer?" Ron:"I'm the god of sea and I just want to get strong to beat groudon and expand the sea"

Arceus_duke · Cómic
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4 Chs

killer whale attack

Suddenly Maya came up with a idea how to survive from Ron.

"H-hey there, i-if I give you the fish, you not gonna eat us right"

hearing this, Ron can't stop laughing, I'm gonna eat you? Not a chance.

I better starving to dead rather eat you.

But Ron still want to eat the fish, so Ron just play along.

Ron nod his head, Maya who still scared finally believe that she not getting eat.

"Alright we made a deal, we give you the fish, and you don't eat us, deal"

Maya then pick a buckets and put the fish in it, then she ask if Ron can get any close.

Ron getting closer to the side of the boat, Maya trembling when saw Ron huge body.

Ron open his mouth, and Maya pour a bucket full of fish into Ron mouth.

"Wait a minutes, hold on, did you just make a deal with him? How is that even possible!?"

"Congrats Maya, you did it, you not gonna eat alive"

"Yeah don't die like that, I want to see ocean"

"This is the first time I see someone just made a deal with animal"

Maya with her bucket with the help of captain, keep pouring the fish into Ron mouth.

again and again, until Ron satisfied with the food.

Ron want to show his gratitude by playing with her.

Then Ron splashing water to Maya, making her wet.

"Ah stop that you gonna make my camera broke"

Maya protect her camera so it not get splash by Ron.

"Protect the camera, I still want to see the ocean"

"Dude up there, you still want to see the ocean? Go to nearest beach"

"Haha host got splashed by him"

"This whale is really cheerful, I already love him"

all the Tension that happen while ago suddenly gone, like its never happen before.

"You there don't be rude and splash someone like that, anyway my name is Maya, nice to meet you, Mr whale? I guess"

"Hey stop that hahaha, stop it"

Just as Ron play with Maya, ron ability detect something not far from Ron.

there three orca are hunting some prey to eat, and what they saw first is whale like creature.

Ron, its normal for them mistaking Ron as normal whale, they think that Ron is just normal humpback whale.

Humpback whale natura predator is orca, so it's common to think that they not only hunt humpback whale.

But also all kind of whale, And kyogre is also a whale.

But also like humpback whale, so they mistaking Ron as a normal whale that wandering alone in the ocean.

Ron then weaving his fin at Maya and ready to get some exp point,

and also try some move.

because he don't meet strong opponent so Ron can't truly know how strong he is now.

Maya then notice something in the distance.

"what is that? An orca? Oh no! can Mr whale survive from them, I hope I can see him more better"

Maya seem to frustrated, because she just meet something interesting but not able to record it.

"No wait, we have underwater robot, we use that to Check fish, you can use that if you want"

"Oh? Really! Thank you captain"

Maya then begin to prepare to live stream, while the captain prepare the robot.

Finally the robot was active and place in the ocean, and everything become clear.

There three orca with Ron, and more and more people watching Maya live streaming.

Some curious and some are recommend by friend, and the live stream become more popular, many marine biologist also come to study the new found creature.

Ron Also heard Maya say to be safe and survive, she don't need to worry about Ron, but worry about those orca who soon be my exp point.


In the deep sea, the orca immediately prepare to hunt Ron.

orcas are great at teamwork, they are also deadly for their great teamwork.

They are also have tactics they use when they are hunting, and its the most deadliest predator because when they hunting, is guarantee success when they together.

In the deep sea, the Orca With it speed body, already surrounding ron and making intimidation voice.

this is used to confuse their prey so they can be easily attacked.

The orca was ready to attack Ron at any direction with great speed.

But Ron not scared, because he can detect any movement near him.

"Look like you to scared to move huh"

One of the Orca said in arrogant tone.

"shut up and become my exp point"

"What you saying little whale, are you crazy"

"Don't worry, its been long time since I start killing, now you my first victim"

With that Ron dash to one of them, the Orca never expect the speed of the creature if front of them to be so fast.

and when they realize it, they don't have time to react and hit with Ron body.

Ron use move Body Slam to the orca, direct killing it and the impact so huge you can even feel it in boat.

The boat that was far away still got the impact of that and visible through camera vision how huge the impact its is.

The Orca who saw one them had die want to take revenge, the remaining Orca was furious, they immediately swim toward Ron to kill him.

But before that happen, Ron immediately open his mouth and began preparing water pulse, then suddenly something appear in Ron mouth.

A huge water was fire toward the Orca.

The Orca was unable in time to move and directly hit by Ron move.

The move hit the Orca instantly kill it.

The last Orca don't know what is happening suddenly felt like they choose the wrong target.

Its feel like they are prey and the creature in front him is the real predator.

Run, that what the last Orca want to do but its already to late.

his animal instinct tell it to run as far as possible, this is the Alpha beast, owner of sea.

So it did, but it already to late to run away, Ron use scary face, its use is to slow down enemy movement.

Ron want to use its last move, origin pulse, this is what always Ron want to do.

Then I saw four water bubble mud air, the four water bubble its shoot huge water pillar to the last orca.

there are an big explosion in water, with that, The last orca was gone, reduce to atom.

The last killer whale is just same as the first and the second Orca, all of them were dead in the end.


The scene to shocking to be seen.

Maya and the captain was dumbfounded, both of them may not gonna believe what just happen in front of them.

Is they just hear this they may not gonna believe it, but this is really happen and they saw it with they own eyes.

what happened next on the underwater robot screen is more better. Its showing Ron rushing to the orca with the big impact afterwards.

they just die just in few second.

After that they saw water shoot out from the whale mouth and heading toward the second Orca.

The water was hit the second Orca and killing it.

Not a second later, Maya and the viewer saw that the last whale was running with it might.

But suddenly slow down.

And everyone see the whale creature is control four water bubble and shoot water.

When the water pillar hit the orca, there big explosion on the water up to few meters.

The impact is big, but fishing boat is able to survive and almost making it sinking.

"what the fuck is that thing! a freaking bomb!"

But they know this is was live and being watch by many people, its almost impossible to say that this is fake.

the barrage suddenly stop for few second, follow with many people asking if this was real

"Oh my god, is this even real?"

"That it, I would calling you the whale God

"She is so nice to host, but suddenly turn into monster"

"This must be fake right, there is no way this was real"

"I also feel that the host only want a popularity and do all this to gain more viewer"