While Molly and Jennifer explored town, Jake was hard at work in the stables, trying to catch up on some of the work that he'd fallen behind with over the last couple of days while he hoped it would keep his thoughts off of her.
Beth was still trying to think of something she could do so her brother and new friend could see each other today after all, but she was struggling to think of something.
"Finished yer homework yet?" Jake asked when she brought him a drink and a sandwich.
"Yeah!" she started to object until she suddenly got an idea. "Well, there's one bit I'm strugglin' with, but I'm sure I'll get there," she said, trying to sound genuine.
"Want me to have a look?" he offered as he took a bite.
"Nah, I'll be okay. Ye got enough to do yerself," she teased as she backed away. He gave her a glare but couldn't be bothered getting up to chase her. It was too hot and he was enjoying this snack break too much to interrupt it.
Beth hadn't been completely dishonest with her brother, there was some of her biology homework she was struggling with and totally didn't want to go over with him or her father. That assignment needed some female conversation and luckily enough she knew exactly where to find that. She ran up to her room to sort out what she'd need, stuff that would take at least an hour or two to go over.
Once Jake had finished his lunch and drink, he got back to work on cutting the grass and fixing parts of the fence. Within no time he was just so hot, he decided to take his shirt off. It was drenched anyway. He hadn't noticed that his neighbors had come back in the meantime and that Molly was having a hard time looking away from where she was stood in the kitchen. If she could whistle, and didn't mind him or her sister hearing, she totally would.
"Molls, what's taking so long?" her sister asked, still waiting for her lemonade, not realizing she was interrupting her appraisal of Jake's physique. He was lean and muscular from the work he did on the ranch, with a healthy tan from being outside so much. She could see his muscles tighten and ripple as he moved, making it very hard for her to concentrate on anything else. She wiped her hand along her mouth to make sure she wasn't drooling.
"Nothing you'd want to see," Molly muttered to herself, counting to five before she yanked herself away from the window. "Nothing!" she called back louder for her to hear and quickly got the pitcher and two glasses out. "So what else are we doing today?" she asked as she made her way back to the living room where her sister was sat in the doorway to the back decking. She was trying to catch the breeze without too much of the heat.
"We could dig out some of our old board games," Jennifer suggested, gratefully taking the cold glass from her.
"Could do," Molly considered casually, hoping her sister wouldn't ask for any suggestions from her. She was struggling to keep her mind off of Jake's upper body and what she'd like to do with him. Or to him.
"Better than watching TV," she retaliated, which the younger girl had to concede was true, especially where they didn't have Tivo out here.
"Sure thing. You go get it, you were the one who unpacked it."
Jennifer rolled her eyes at this but finally got up to get it from the third bedroom upstairs. Her sister gave it a second before she ran back to the kitchen, hoping he was still there where she could see him. He was still, but the longer she looked the worse she felt, realizing that he had been such a gentleman with her last night that it was completely unfair of her not to show him the same respect. She resolutely turned away, facing the other window and seeing Beth striding up the path to the front door. Molly frowned to herself as she headed towards the front door, opening it just as the younger girl was about to knock. "Hey Beth, you alright?"
"Oh hey Molly, ye scared me," Beth exclaimed a little surprised. She looked like she thought she might have had another minute to think of her excuse for coming over.
"Sorry," Molly smiled. "What can I do ye for?" she asked now, mindful of hearing her sister rummage for the game they were about to play.
The girl held up her biology book and notepad. "I need yer help, if that's ah'ite?" she asked apologetically.
"Oh… Well, yeah I suppose. I can't guarantee I'll be any help," she said as she held the door open wider for her to come in. "I was supposed to hang out with my sister, but she shouldn't mind," she continued and closed the door after her visitor had stepped in.
"I'd appreciate any help ye can give, it'll be more than Jake 'n my pa," Beth said with a chuckle, making her chuckle too.
"Fair point. Come on this way," Molly beckoned her over to the dining hall table. "Lemonade?" she offered as she gestured for her guest to sit down, getting a nod in response.
"Found 'em," Jennifer said triumphantly as she came running down the stairs with a couple of games in her hand, stopping short when she saw the unknown girl sat at their dining table. "Hi, who are you?" she asked, trying to sound polite.
"Oh, my name's Beth, I met Molly yesterday. I live next…" she started to explain.
"Nearby," Molly interrupted. "She lives nearby, a couple of ranches over, and I offered to help her with her homework if she needed any," she continued to explain.
"I hope that's okay?" Beth turned to the oldest Matthews.
"Yeah of course," Jennifer said quickly, not being able to think of an argument good enough to kick out a girl who needed her sister's help. "We can play this later," she continued to her sister. "I'll be in the living room if you need me," she finished and headed over to the sofa where she still had her drink and looked up a book that she liked the look of. She was forever saying that there were so many she wanted to read but never got a chance to.
"Sorry about cutting in but she knows your brother lives next door and if she won't let me hang out with him she probably wouldn't be thrilled about you being here either," Molly said in a whisper as the two girls sat down at the table.
"That's fine. He's kind'a the reason I'm here anyway," Beth responded in a similar tone, opening her book to the correct chapter and assignment.
"He sent you?" the oldest asked surprised, as that didn't sound like Jake.
"Oh no, he doesn't know I'm here. But if I stay here long enough 'til it gets dark, yer gonna have to walk me home… 'n as yer sister thinks I live a couple o' ranches over, there's no rush for ye to head back…" the blonde revealed her master plan, seeing a small smile creep onto the brunette's face.
"I like the way ye think," Molly told her happily, taking on her accent again. "Come on, let's see if I can't help you with this in the meantime though," she added seriously and pulled the book towards her to find out what the assignment was.
Beth grinned happily to herself, convinced of her own brilliance.