

Moving to Westbane for a fresh start, ex-army officer, Elfrida Stevenson is thrust into a more crazier world of supernatural creatures. ***** Reporting to duty as the deputy sheriff of Westbane, Elfrida thinks she's finally getting a break from danger and drama, but when an abnormal case pops up in the little town, Elfrida realizes that the little town isn't as little as it seems. She is soon caught between two worlds, where she is hit with the intriguing but scary fact that she's the soul mate to the only Tribrid to have ever existed, and the ruler of the second half of Westbane. Elfrida Stevenson is in for a real treat, entering into a world she had only thought was a silly myth created by people who didn't like the simplicity of the normal world. SEASON ONE

RebeccaJ · Fantasía
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11 Chs

10. Kai Labrosky

His footsteps echoed through the wide, long hallway as long legs shot out in long strides. The frown remained on his face, feral as always. He could feel him taking over. The control he had over the beast was gradually wearing off.

His head was pounding, heart racing, hands shaking. His third side was scared, cowering in fear at the rage in which his first side tore at his reserve. In which he fought within himself from giving into ...

He could still remember how those pleas turned into demands, reminding him that he wasn't the author of his own actions, and one day, that true color was going to surface and hurt the people closest to him, the people he had sworn to protect. He could feel the beast's rage, it needed blood, destruction, and all things he had fought for decades to seize from existence.

He knew why though, he knew damn straight why the devil was furious now more than ever.

He sensed it the moment he laid eyes on her. In fact, even before seeing her, he sensed it. Around him, the scent, too strong to be ignored, wafted. He was as shocked as the beast within.

His little devil within soon became pissed, pissed at the fact that she existed, the only being that could shift his emotions, the only being that could make him whine. One thing he knew about the little devil, was his thirst for power, but with her around, was a constant reminder that there was something out there, something capable of making him forget that thirst, and he didn't like it. Fact is, the little devil was confused, frustrated and enraged, he wanted out. He was done with his bullshit and he wanted to play.

The thing now was, the little devil's definition of play was nightmares waiting to be unleashed.

It had been a terrible mistake, falling asleep the night before. The beast had taken over and hurt someone in its territory, Brody Huffins.


He could see it all in his head, like a video with the most outstanding resolution. The memories of the beast taunted him, and he wished he could take it all back.

His number one rule was to never hurt any human who didn't deserve to be hurt, but his beast, the conniving little devil, just had to go against it, shutting him out.

The craziest thing was, he wished he cared, he wished he hadn't given in and unlocked that cage the moment he forced himself to sleep, he wished he hadn't missed the thrill the beast provided him the night before, he wished he didn't like it. But you see, that was the thing about demons... they taunt you, they push you to do that one thing you know is wrong, but you like it either way.

He thought he could fight it off after giving the little devil what it wanted, but he should have known better. Ever since she arrived, his world and his control, turned the fuck upside down.

She was ruining everything for him.

Still, his heart soared out to her, his mind betrayed him and thought of her every damn second of the time. Her beautiful blue eyes, skin clear as milk, hair as red as fire... why did she have to be perfect? Couldn't she not be the kind of girl he wouldn't be attracted to at first sight? Why did he even have a soul mate? He wasn't supposed to have one.

He pushed open the wooden double doors, walking into the familiar space of the room, going over to the throne-like chair in front of the table scattered with papers, books and a result of days spent researching.

He collapsed on the chair, lithe long fingers coming to stroke his temple. It was pretty difficult researching if his kind was meant to have soulmates. Especially when he was the only one of his kind. This meant everything that happened with him was happening for the first time in the history of time, and if he was wise enough, he would get a journal to record everything down, in the rare case someone else needed it.

Then again, he was created from very dark magic, forged by the elders in hell. There's no way another kind like him would resurface.

Elfrida Stevenson.

His mind whispered the name to his ears. He was done for, and he knew it.

"Thank God you do."

He suppressed a groan, refusing to look up at the voice he recognized so well, so well you would think it was his own, which technically was, but he didn't have to accept it.

"Ignoring me won't make me go away, Weakling."

His jaw clenched. The little devil.

"You should be thanking me, Weakling, my claws were aching and I could scratch no longer, bugging you was my next best option. Let me out."

If you ignore him long enough, he will go away.

"You do realize I can hear your thoughts, yeah? And I'm not going away, let me out Weakling. I promise I won't hurt anyone this time."


"You know it's quite funny, you're pretending to be a damn saint, when you're nothing but. You wanted to hurt that kid as much as I did yesterday. In fact, it was the way you wanted it so bad, that fueled me to tear him apart. And it felt so damn good."

Keep ignoring...

"Listen Kai, my man. I've been locked up in that fucked up head and body of yours for decades. I get it you're mad that I'm stronger now that she's here, but that doesn't compare to how bad I wish I could crush you and hurt you till you feel the exact same pain I felt from coming out last night."

This time, his head rose to stare at the little devil.

It was like staring at a vivid reflection of himself, the only difference between the two was their eyes... The devil's eyes were completely black and void of any emotions. But everything else between them, mirrored, the exact same.

"You speak as though I wasn't the one to suffer the physical pain." He spoke.

The devil grinned. "See, you're talking to me... weakling."

He sighed.

The devil knew exactly which strings to pull. Shifting had been a death sentence. When one bone breaks to fit the shape of the beast, it heals once more, because the vampire side to him hates imperfection. It was a real struggle... but he pushed past it. Let the devil out after decades, and wrecked irreparable damage afterwards.

"Just buzz off... I'm in no mood to deal with you."

"Well, we're kinda one and the same, so it's pretty weird telling yourself that you can't deal with yourself."

He groaned.

The devil grinned once more. "You should tell the girl."

"Hell no."

"Hell yes. My man, you're gonna drive yourself crazy... you found the other half of your soul, avoiding it is tearing you to pieces... have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Oh... stupid question, just take a look at me, I'm the only mirror you need."



"Not now."

The devil rolled his eyes, taking the visitor's chair and sitting on it. "I feel what you feel, my man. I know you're scared of telling her-"

"She's human... she knows nothing of this world... What am I supposed to do? Walk up to her and tell her I'm a supernatural being and she was made just for me and I for her? She'd think I'm crazy."

"So, what? The worst she could do after finding out is rejecting you... which I'm sure we're gonna brush off and find another chick to bang."

His eyes widened. "No one is talking about rejection. She won't reject me if she understands. I'm gonna take it slow and talk to her."

The devil scoffed. "You'll cower like a chicken about to be sliced when you're within a 5 feet distance to her."

"No, I won't... you on the other hand..."

"I am you, you are me... big difference." The devil rolled his eyes, relaxing back on the chair. "For real though, don't you feel it? This aura and vibe whenever she's close? Like there's just something there, in her... I can't quite point it out."

"I feel it, devil. But I don't focus on that... it's pretty difficult to focus on that when she just looks at you with those eyes... fuck... I want to know everything about her. I mean, her life before me-"

"Slow down, weakling, I think you mean before Westbane. You both are not an item."


"That is if you don't drive her away with your stalker tendencies."

"I don't stalk her."

"Oh, so what would you call your nightly 'appointment' when you just stand your ass right in front of that sorry looking house. Watching like a creep."

"I don't see how making sure she's protected at all times is a crime."

The devil placed his hand on his chin, staring dreamily above. "The moment I felt her that night, I knew we weren't completely broken. The Angels didn't completely abandon us."

He looked up at his devil. "They did. If anything, the deputy is just more punishment."

"Few nights ago, you called her Elfie."

"Elfie feels too intimate."

"God, you're confusing."

A small smirk pulled at his lips. "My whole being is, devil."

A scent reached his nostrils.

"Ugh! That bitch is here... bug you later."

The double doors pushed open, followed by her gracious steps. She had made a habit of not knocking. She smiled at him, those blue eyes were beautiful, but nothing compared to that of his woman. Her pale skin complimented her long blonde hair that seemed to never lose its shine.

She moved over to where he sat, settling herself on his lap. "The car is here. How are you holding up?" she asked, her fingers coming up to stroke his cheek.


"And the beast?"


He could hear his devil scoff.

"If you don't want to go, I can go alone—"

"No, it's fine... I'm fine."

Her cold hand came to cup his cheek as she leaned in to kiss him. He turned his face so her lips landed on his cheek.


"I'm sorry Cassie. I'm just not in the mood—"

She frowned, getting up from his lap, and making her way to the large window that displayed a great deal of the bane woods. Her back to him.


Never start something you won't be able to finish... dump her ass, she has served her purpose.

Shut the fuck up, Devil.

He knew he had to do something about Cassandra at some point. Now that he had found his soulmate, all interest he had in the blonde beauty seemed to instantly fade. He did care for her, but it was nothing compared to what he felt when he sensed Elfrida Stevenson, when he saw her and looked into her eyes... it barely held a candle to the forest fire of the need to be in her presence.

He got to his feet, moving over to where Cassandra stood, hugging her from behind.

"You promised nothing would change between us now that you've found her." Her voice wavered.

But then again, he made a promise.

Cassandra turned to him. "Why do I feel things changing, Kai?"

He swallowed. "Nothing is changing, Cassie." He tried to assure her. But he knew the lie he spoke of... everything was changing... but the last thing he wanted was to hurt the woman standing in front of him.

When he met Cassandra, he'd never thought there was going to be someone out there who was going to walk right into his life and claim his heart with just a single glance.

He didn't want to hurt Cassandra, but he'd be damned if he let being with Cassandra hurt the other half of his soul.

"All this just came up, unexpectedly, okay... anyone would need a little time to figure everything out."

"Do you still love me?"


"Of course, I do Cassie." He lied.

Fuck weakling, you're making everything worse.

She smiled, raising on her toes to place a small peck on his lips before wrapping her arms around him.

I'll handle everything, Devil.

"I love you too, Kai." Her grip tightened, the pace of her heart increasing. "I love you so much."

Oh weakling, you're fucked.

Fun fact... I know.