
Werewolf slayer forbidden love broken in to the twilight.

DeathNight · Adolescente
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7 Chs

The new couple like never seen before

Austin said," Let's match right now since you worked hard to make this outfit for me." Kaitlyn said," Nobody will see you. Theirs no one in the school." Austin said," Will you be on my stage singing with me?." Kaitlyn said," I will do it." Austin said," Where's that confident coming from? I like this you." Kaitlyn said," Theirs my family again ready to kick me out." Austin said," Never fear a snowman is here." Kaitlyn started laughing like crazy. Austin said," quit laughing at me. I was ready to be your hero." My family said," You impressed us. your fixing your mistake you did on your own.Your not kicked out this time around." Kaitlyn said," Thx mom but I'm moving out. I'm living with Austin here. he is my real boyfriend." Austin smiled and kissed Kaitlyn like never before in front of her family. Her mom said," Don't come back if you move out. Will drop off your stuff. only what you owe us will keep until you can pay us back. driver," Austin said," Hold on! I will pay for all the stuff. I am a rich guy after all. how much?" Her mom said," 50,000 dollars." Austin said," but that's my life savings. I can pay 40,000 dollars for now but give us time." Her mom said," Ok that's fine. will drop off the rest of her stuff at your apartment.Come Kaitlyn you can pick out all the clothes you want to take." Kaitlyn comes as she is walking to the car, Austin holds her hand in hopes to keep her around as long as possible. Her mom said," You do have a ton of fabric you can have for 10,000 dollars as will. you used it to make all of your clothes." Kaitlyn said," here put everything on my credit card of what I owe you." Austin said," Don't do that. put it on mine." Kaitlyn said," Your really sweet Austin but you don't need to do that." Austin said," why? I'm coming to help you get the stuff." Her mom said," That's fine but no kissing." Austin smiled and kissed her on the check. As they walked to get the stuff, Austin zipper on his pants got undone. Kaitlyn zipped it up for him when no body was looking. Austin said," Thankyou for your help miss Kaitlyn. Do you need help carrying those?" Kaitlyn said," Their a little heavy but I will mange on my own." Austin took them and said," only carry the light stuff from now on. You got way too many clothes." Kaitlyn found her designs she loved so much and bringing the book along. Kaitlyn said," Thankyou for the help Austin." Austin said," You made these pants way to tight. that I have on." Kaitlyn said," Sorry about that. I couldn't take your measurements was why." Her mom said," Here take these pants this will match even better than those. Their your size." Austin took the pants and changed in the back room. Kaitlyn looked stunned in the pants her mom gotten him." Austin said," These are way better." Her mom said," Give me the other pants. I'm not giving the other pair to you. I'm charging you for them at a discount price. The cost is 500 dollars." Kaitlyn freaked out. But she was almost done with all the clothes she could bring." Austin said," claim down first. it's no big deal the cost of the price I must pay. it's all worth it. it will only take me a month to pay it off." Kaitlyn said," We can sell some of my clothes since I will be making more." Austin said," I'm calling some buddies of mine. Their willing to help me since they owe me a favor." Kaitlyn said," This is your apartment. it's so big." Austin called his buddies about 10 of them. Austin said," Yes I own this whole building is why. Don't tell your family but I am really a rockstar. I have more money but it's in a savings account." Kaitlyn said," Than why did you lie to my family?" Austin said," So they think I'm a normal guy. Make yourself at home." Austin said," Thx buddies of mine." A buddie said," Who is this chick? Your girlfriend or something." Austin said," Yes she is. Let me introduce him to you his name is Tyler." Tyler said," Oh wow. you got hottie right their. What happened to the other girl you told me she used you like crazy." Austin said," I'm trying to get over that now. Shhh. this is the girl I was talking about." Tyler said," Kaitlyn, Get out of here now. You don't deserve him. Don't you see he is still in pain from what you did to him." Kaityn said," But I changed my ways and he could see it." Austin said," Stop talking about it. You have no right to talk to her that way." Austin started crying from the pain he was in. Kaitlyn said," I'm really sorry for how I treated you back than." Austin stood up and hit his buddie of his. His buddie left and said," Never call me again." Kaitlyn kissed him. Austin kissed her back right away. Austin helped her unpack her stuff. After that she got in bed in a different room that night. Austin said," Why aren't you in the same room as me?" Kaitlyn said," I'm not ready for that yet." Austin sneaked in the room anyways to sleep with her. When she woke up, she woke up Austin on a school day. Austin that morning kissed her and walked off to get dressed. Kaitlyn walked out and saw his 8 pack abs. Austin said," How about I wear a vest to be fancy?" Kaitlyn said," What ever you want. but I'm wearing something that is way over the top dress." Austin looked stunned at what she was wearing, never before seen dress. Austin said," Your amazing girlfriend."