
Golf lessons

After their lunch, Karin went back to continue reading his book which causes his grandma to look at him in a fascinated way.

"How about you drop the book for sometime and escort me to the golf course, I'm expecting some important guests that I would love to introduce you to, and I promise to teach you how play golf if you are interested" said his grandma, "it's kind of a win win suggestions, so what do you think about it?".

"Of course I'm interested to learn grandma, I already have it in mind to learn but it kind of slipped my mind, let's me quickly go and have a change of cloth" said Karin before running to his room.

It didn't take him long before running down the stairs with a change of clothes.

"I'm surprised you still remember your room, I thought you won't be able to remember it because you were so little when you came here" said Patricia as Karin walked down the stairs.

"I do have a good memory and beside it hasn't been long we last visited" replied Karin.

"You are intelligent indeed, what position did you took last semester?" asked Patricia.

"I was on top of my class last semester with a a Ninty four percent score" said Karin.

"That's good, come on let's start going" said Patricia as she hold the hand of Karin and started walking out of the door to their golf cart.

On their way going, Karin could no lonher hide his curiosity than to ask his grandma.

"Grandma how is it that you have your own personal golf course?" asked Karin.

"I'm a politician sweetie, therefore money is not my problem and I do like my place to suit my taste" said his grandma while laughing.

"Those that means you run the affairs of this country?" asked Karin.

"Not really, but I do hold a very important position, to put it simple for you, just one person can't be able to run the affairs of a country, that's why there are house of assembly and such, hope you understand it now?" asked Patricia.

"Yes, I kind of understand it" said Karin as they get down from the golf cart. The journey didn't take them more then six minutes because the golf course was just a kilometers distance from the house.

"We are here, I think in two minutes time, my guests would be coming" said Patricia.

"Grandma, hope you didn't forget that you promise to teach me how to play?" asked Karin.

"Did I?, I don't really remember promising you, but I did say I will teach you of you are interested, so are you interested?" asked his grandma.

"I'm more than interested right now" replied Karin.

"Okay then, go and take one of the golf clubs from the cart" said Patricia. Karin didn't waste anytime as he walked over to take the golf club from the cart.

When he came back with the golf club, Patricia started teaching him all the rules he need to know about golf"

"Good, now play the ball gently so it can roll into the hole" said Patricia as Karin place the ball on the golf tee and was about giving it a try.

Karin was finding it hard to position the golf club properly so he can hit just the ball without the golf tee.

After positioning the golf club, he look at the hole for the fifth time before he managely hit the ball.

"Don't be disappointed dear, you did good for your first try" said Patricia we she looked the ball which pass the corner of the hole, "why don't you go for it again, maybe this time you might get it".

Karin picked another ball and went for it for the second times. This time he limited the force he use to play the ball, causing it to stop when it was a few inches away from the hole.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it" said Karin.

"I think you are, just keep on practicing, you will get one eventually, it seems my people are here, I'm going to go meet them, do you want to come with me or you want to continue practicing?" asked Patricia.

"I will come meet you in some minutes, but right now I want to keep on practicing untill I get one ball in" replied Karin.

"Okay, when you are through, come meet me over there" said Patricia while pointing to the place where are people were already waiting for her.

"Okay grandma" replied Karin.

After Patricia left, Karin kept on playing with still no luck of one ball rolling into the hope, more than thirty golf balls was now scattered around the hole and flag.

"Come on, how is it so hard to for just a single ball to roll into the hole" said Karin in frustration as he play the ball in anger, causing it to fly off into a long distance.

If not for the excessive amount of golf balls that was brought with them, the ball would have long been finished, but after playing for about half and hour, he finally potted one into the hole. With great joy he began running to the direction of his grandma, he couldn't wait to tell her what he just achieved.

After running for a little while, he saw his grandma talking to one of her guests, so he just wait for her to finish before he approached her.

"Grandma, you wouldn't believe it, I finally played a ball in after many attempt" said Karin when his grandma finish talking with the person in front of her.

"Wow, that's amazing sweetie, I know you would be able to do it" said Patricia to her grandson.

"Are you seriously being that happy just because you manage to play a ball in after about twenty trials?" asked a girl when she heard the words of Kiran as she was standing not too far from them.