
The Deal

Zephyr was walking when he caught an interesting conversation. It was Derek speaking with jackson about finding scott. jackson refused and asked derek to sell him whatever he was selling Scott. Derek started to walk away but jackson stopped him and in turn derek slammed him on the lockers and scratched him behind the neck with his claws.

Derek walked away and hid in a corner trying to find scott when he suddenly felt someone grab him by the neck and throw him in a empty classroom. he looked up and saw Zephyr closing the door of the classroom and then turning towards him. 

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing here and why do you look like shit?"

"I was.... I was shot."

"Let me guess, wolfsbane bullet?"

"yeah but its not the normal kind"

"Show me the wound"

Derek removed the sleeve of his t shirt and the bullet wound came into the view. the bullet wound lloked like it was rotting and there was pus coming out of it. all the veins nearby had turned Bluish black.

"yep, that's definitely not the normal kind. It's a rare version of wolfsbane, called Nordic blue monkshood."

"I need more of it to cure the wound. you're dating the argent girl. can you get some for me?"

"there's no need for that, I already have some."

"then give it to me." derek said with visible relief on his face.

"Now now, that would be too easy wouldn't it" Zephyr replied with a sinister smirk on his face 

"what do you want?" derek asked with gritted teeth. 

"nothing much, i just wanna make a little trip down to the hale vault and get a little something"

"get what?"

"now that's really not your business is it?"

"It's my family's vault. of course it's my business"

"well in that case that wound of yours is not my business" he said and started to leave the classroom 

"wait! i won't ask you what you want alright? just... give me the wolfbane powder."

Zephyr turned around with a smile and said "now that's more like it."

he threw his car keys towards derek "wait for me in my car. I'll be there in 10 minutes" and then he left to find Allison.

he found her at her locker and silently walked behind her. he put his hands on her waist and and pulled her towards him

Allison was initially surprised but loosed up and got even closer to him when she realized it was zephyr and then they started kissing.

"Hi" Zephyr said after the kiss ended. 

"you scared me." allison said. Zephyr just smirked at her statement 

" we are still studying together today, right?"

"yeah, maybe you could help me get my grades up."

"your grades are already pretty good."

"yeah, but they could always be better"

they kept talking for sometime and then Zephyr left and got to his car. Derek was sitting on the passenger seat. 

"took you long enough" he said the moment Zephyr entered the car

"sorry next time I'll give you a chew toy or something."

"A dog joke? really?"

"what? it was funny!"

"just start the car."

"Ok" and then they left for Zephyr's house.

"You're really lucky that my mom isn't here." Zephyr said as he took derek to his room.

He put derek on a chair then knelt down and reached for a loose floorboard under his bed. he remove the floorboard and took out a transparent pouch containing a brownish powder. he took some of the the powder and put in on a metal plate he took from the kitchen and lit it on fire. it burned with lots of sparks. he collected the ashes of the powder then turned to derek and said "show me the wound."

Derek removed the tshirt covering his wound. Zephyr put the ashes and the wound and pressed them on it as hard as possible.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Derek screamed in pain. but the effect was immediate, the black veins started disappearing and eventually the bullet wound also healed.

"All done then? cool, now you go off your merry way because i also have a study date to attend. We'll meet at the school on the weekend for our trip to the vault."

"You're going to meet the argent girl right? you should stay away from, it's not safe."

"Don't worry derek, I'll be fine."

"Come with me. I'll take you to meet someone."

"who? Peter?"

"How do you know about peter."

"Well, i have a lot of money so getting information about your family was not that hard and its not like his situation is a secret"

"then you should understand that this is what they do."

Zephyr sighed "derek I understand that you're looking out for me and I'm genuinely grateful but trust me, I know what I'm doing."

then Zephyr got a distant look in his eyes and said "trust me, i know just as much as you about just how cruel hunters can be when they don't go by the code."

None of them spoke for some time and just looked at each other and the silence was starting to become awkward when Zephyr said

"Alright, now that we're done here, let's go before my mom comes home."


*In front of Argent house

Zephyr knocked on the door. he heard footsteps approaching and a moment later the door opened revealing allison.

"Hi" He said smiling at her.

"took you long enough." she said 

"sorry, there was a problem with the car."

"oh? the love of your life got sick?" Allison said jokingly

"no, just feeling a little under the weather." He replied and then he added "so, you gonna invite me inside or are we going to study at the porch"

"oh, yeah, come on in."

she invited her inside and they went to her room.

"so, what should we start with?" he asked 

But allison suddenly turned around and kissed him. Zephyr was a bit surprised but soon started kissing her back. he slowly led her to the bed they laid down with Zephyr on top of allison. their bodies started rubbing together. their hands explored each others bodies while their tongues fought for dominance in their mouths. Zephyr moved one of his hands downwards and grabbed her ass, which caused allison to moan. his other hand slipped under her dress and made its way towards her chest. he pulled at her bra and unhooked it in one swift motion. she was about to take his tshirt off when they heard the main door of the house open. 

They quickly separated. Allison started adjusting her bra, while Zephyr set up the books. the moment the preparations were done and they sat down on the bed, the door to allison's room was opened and chris argent walked in and said "allison can you help us ge-" 

he stopped abruptly and his eyes narrowed when he saw Zephyr.

"yes, dad?"

"I was saying that how about you guys help us get the groceries inside"

"sure" she said and then they reached the car which was parked in the garage.

Zephyr looked around and saw many boxes. he also saw many guns but ignored them and picked up a compound bow lying around. 

"wow, it's been a while since I held a bow."

"you practiced archery, Zephyr?" asked Mr. Argent. Allison also looked surprised

"Yes, among other Martial and weapon arts."

"I would love to hear about that." said a female voice. Zephyr turned around and found himself face to face with Kate argent.

" now that's a pretty face and those blue eyes of yours are just adorable. how about you stay for dinner and tell us all about the martial arts you learned"

"sure, Ms..."

"just call me kate"

*at the dinner table

"So, Zephyr, would you like something else besides water?" asked Mrs. argent

"we can get you some beer ." said Mr. argent 

"no thanks"

"a shot of tequila?"

"Dad, really?" said allison

"you don't drink?" asked mr. argent 

"all right, changing the subject to something a little less conservative. Allison said that you played lacrosse. I don't really know much about it. can you explain what it is?"

"it's like field hockey but the sticks have nets"

"I see. and what were saying about practicing archery among other things"

"Oh that. i started martial arts because school was boring." 

"Boring. does that mean that you don't like studying. so how are you grades Zephyr." asked Mr. argent 

"i have straight As in everything, mr. argent. by boring i meant it wasn't challenging enough." he replied and then turned back towards kate.

"so like i was saying, i started hand to hand combat first like MMA, muay thai, karate, bjj, aikido etc. but when i learned kali arnis i started to deviate towards weapon arts. so i started archery, Sōjutsu for spear, kenjutsu and vaal payattu( sword fighting part of the indian martial art, kalaripayattu) for sword and some other armed martial arts."

"wow, thats amazing" said allison

"it is certainly impressive. but what about guns? didn't you try shooting" said kate

"I don't really like guns."

That's where i have to disagree with you, zephyr. after all our family does sell firearms to local law enforcement."

"i think you misunderstood me, i certainly do understand the necessity of guns and i did try shooting once but i didn't like it because it was too easy"

"too easy?"

"yeah, it's basically archery but many times easier. it's not that hard to point and pull the trigger if you have a decent aim."

"but in a real fight a gun would be way more useful."

"i guess that's not wrong."

they continued talking until it was time to leave.

Zephyr was standing with allison near the door.

"today was pretty fun. we should do this again" zephyr said and then added in a low voice "maybe next time we could finish what we started"

"i would love that." replied allison with a smile and then leaned towards him

"uhm, your dad's watching." 

"good." she said and kissed him

after a short kiss, Zephyr left with a big smile on his face.


Hi everyone, this is the author, thank you for reading. I have to ask for everybody's opinion. I'm thinking about writing Zephyr's backstory. I mean the original Zephyr before MC took over but since they merged it doesn't really matter if it was the original zephyr or the new one its all the same. About how his father died. I mean he was a weretiger too, so its not like he died from an Illness or something. But the backstory most likely will not have a significant effect on the canon. if i write it it won't be just done in one chapter, small bits will be shared through many chapters. so what do you think?