
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Reality Check

Alexa opened her inventory again, the transparent panels appearing before her eyes. First thing's first - she focused on the Spell Tome: Magelight, using it for the final time. She could feel the mastery percentage tick over to 100% as the knowledge was burned itself into her mind. Good, she could now throw balls of light at things… Well, it was more useful than someone would initially think. She could throw the light orbs at dark areas in closed spaces to see, could throw them at someone to blind them, and could even use them to distract someone before she shot an arrow at them. In short, there were many uses for such a spell.

And since she was currently alone, absorbing Spell Tome: Conjure Familiar seemed useful as well. She concentrated, letting the tome's knowledge seep into her consciousness. The mastery percentage climbed to 33% - enough that tomorrow, she could summon her very own lupine companion to fight by her side.

Satisfied, she dismissed the inventory and made her way back over to her horse. The chestnut stallion whickered softly as she swung herself up into the saddle. With a gentle nudge of her heels, they set off back towards Riverwood at a slow trot.

As they went, she caught sight of a faint dirt trail winding off through the trees. Her interest was immediately piqued as she recognized it was probably the path leading to Embershard Mine. A hungry glint shone in her eyes as she recalled that deep within those tunnels rested an esoteric spell tome - Clairvoyance.

But… her eager anticipation was swiftly dampened by the recollection that the mine would surely be teeming with bandits. And Alduin wasn't due to return for at least another six months yet. It would be near the beginning of the 4th Era, year 201 when he burst forth from the Time Wound near the Throat of the World, though precisely when during that year she didn't know.

Either way, the Clairvoyance spell wasn't likely to actually be present in Embershard Mine until that moment occurred. That was disappointing, but she knew she could probably just purchase or find it elsewhere eventually. The mine itself still held appeal as a place to test her combat prowess against the undoubtedly greater numbers of outlaws squatting there compared to the game's portrayal.

But she had to stay focused on her current priority - taking her revenge on that guard who had humiliated her with those inescapable armbinders. Her jaw tightened with anger as she firmly nudged her mount back towards the village.

When they were about three minutes out, she brought the horse to a halt and smoothly dismounted. She gave the beast an affectionate pat on its nose before allowing it to wander off and graze nearby. She then sneaked into the underbrush, sticking to the treeline as she began stealthily closing the distance to Riverwood's outskirts.

She approached Riverwood from the west, and immediately she could hear that the villagers were in an uproar, scattering about frantically while the local guards tried desperately to calm them down. Climbing onto a small dirt mound, she heaved herself up onto a ledge to get a better vantage point overlooking the uproar. From here, she could make out a large crowd gathered near the mill.

Squinting, she scanned the crowd, her eyes narrowing as she realized Delphine was likely among them. As a member of the Blades - equal parts spymaster and assassin - Alexa knew she needed to be extremely cautious. The last thing she wanted was to draw the dangerous woman's attention.

It was then that a troubling thought struck her - how in hell was she going to identify the guard? She didn't know his name or appearance, only recognizing his voice. Getting close enough to hear it would be risky right now.

Perhaps it was best to let the villagers calm down before making her move. Avenging herself on that guard was important to her, but nowhere near as pressing as dealing with Hod was. Nodding to herself, Alexa climbed back down from the ledge and whistled for her horse. The chestnut stallion came trotting over, and she swung herself up into the saddle with ease. With a gentle nudge of her heels, she turned him away from Riverwood, instead setting a course back towards Embershard Mine. Plenty of time to exact her vengeance later.

Alexa's heart raced with anticipation as she approached the dirt trail leading to Embershard Mine. This was the perfect opportunity to test her combat prowess against real bandits, not just wolves. She dismounted her chestnut stallion and gave him an affectionate pat before sneaking into the bushes.

It didn't take long before she heard the telltale sounds of a sentry - a young man's voice grumbling curses under his breath. "Bloody Krevid always makes me take the shit shifts while he's back there drinking and enjoying pussy."

Alexa carefully parted the leaves of the bush to get a better look. The bandit appeared to be in his early 20s, pacing back and forth irritably in front of the mine entrance. After a couple minutes of ranting, he plopped down on a wooden chair and leaned his head back with a loud sigh.

Her eyes lit up - this was her chance. With her Sneak Attack perk, a well-placed dagger strike could end him instantly before he had a chance to raise the alarm. Slowly, silently, she crept in an arc around the bushes until she was positioned behind him. Her steel dagger appeared in her right hand as she inched closer.

The bandit remained oblivious, lazily gazing up at the clouds. Alexa struck with blinding speed. One hand clamped over his mouth as her dagger slashed across his exposed throat. He jerked violently, eyes bulging in pained shock, but she quickly dragged him off the chair. A second vicious stab punctured his heart. His muffled gurgles faded to silence as the life drained from his panicked eyes.

Sneak increased to 27

One-Handed increased to 30

Alexa dragged the corpse into a clump of bushes, concealing it from immediate view. She took a moment to catch her breath, blood pounding in her ears, before turning her attention back to the mine entrance. No going back now.

She turned her attention back to Embershard Mine's entrance. Alexa gripped her steel dagger tightly as she approached, giving the rickety wooden door a firm push. It creaked open slowly, revealing a pretty dark tunnel stretching out before her.

Alexa slipped inside, gently pulling the door closed behind her to muffle the sound. The dank air was thick with the musty smells of earth and smoke from the scattered torches lining the walls. She kept to the shadows, back pressed against the curved stone as she crept forward. To her surprise, there were no traps - the bandits must not have fully settled in yet.

The tunnel opened up into a fork, one path continuing straight ahead while the other veered off to the right. Alexa's eyes narrowed as she studied her options. This wasn't like the game's layout at all - reality was already proving far more complex. The left path was 'familiar' territory, but the right could have bandits who would come from behind her as she cleared out the mine. Better to play it safe.

Hugging the right wall, Alexa continued deeper into the mine's twisting maze of tunnels. The soft crunch of her leather boots on the hard-packed dirt seemed thunderous in the oppressive silence. She found herself holding her breath, straining her ears for any sound that might betray the bandits' presence.

After several minutes, she emerged into a larger open area, tunnels branching off in multiple directions like the spokes of a wheel. A musty, organic smell hung in the air here - mushrooms? Alexa's boots crushed a smattering of red-capped fungi underfoot as she scanned her new surroundings. Fly amanita, she recognized it from the game. She scooped up all of the caps, tucking them into her inventory - could be useful for alchemy later.

The soft scuff of a boot on stone spun Alexa around, dagger raised. She flattened herself against the curved tunnel wall, heart pounding as the sound grew louder. Peering around the corner, she spotted the source - a lone bandit woman, whistling tunelessly as she approached with an axe hanging from her belt.

The woman passed by Alexa's hiding spot, and the wench burst out in a blur of motion. Her thrown dagger lashed out towards the bandit's exposed back - only to go clattering across the stone floor as the woman quickly turned around before she even threw it and side-stepped the flying dagger. A green blade came to Alexa's hand as the bandit's axe arced down towards her head.

Steel rang on steel as Alexa parried the powerful overhand chop. She countered with a blazing gout of flames from her outstretched palm, engulfing the bandit woman. Her foe screamed in agony, charging through the flames to bring her axe crashing down towards Alexa's shoulder. White-hot pain lanced through her as the blade bit deep.

Block increased to 13

Destruction increased to 5

Alexa's shriek echoed through the tunnels as she staggered back, clutching at the wound with one hand while the other poured searing flames over the bandit again. Her foe's agonized yells were cut short as Alexa's blade pierced into her stomach. The bandit crumpled, flesh sizzling.

Destruction increased to 6

Cradling her mauled shoulder, Alexa quickly cast a healing spell. The golden light knitted the gash in her shoulder back together, but the thunderous footsteps rapidly approaching left no time for relief.

Restoration increased to 2

She gulped down a Potion of Minor Magicka, the cool liquid revitalizing her magicka reserves as she quickly cast Oakflesh. Her skin took on a woody hue and texture, hardening to deflect incoming blows.

Three more bandits came charging around the corner - two men and a futanari woman, all brandishing wicked-looking weapons. The first man was large, hefting a massive two-handed iron waraxe that looked heavy enough to cleave her in two. The second wielded a sword and shield in a more defensive stance. The futanari gripped an iron club menacingly, while her other hand was kept high in the air.

Alexa quickly put some distance between herself and the oncoming threats. The narrow tunnel restricted her movement, preventing her from being surrounded but also denying her the ability to maneuver freely. As the waraxe-wielder closed in, she summoned her Nordic bow and rapid-fired three steel arrows in his direction.

The first shaft slammed into the bandit's thigh, punching through the leather armor. He stumbled but kept coming. The second lodged in his shoulder with a meaty thunk. The third arrow found its mark, burying itself in the man's throat. He collapsed like a felled tree, waraxe clattering uselessly to the ground.

Archery increased to 18

Alexa put her Nordic bow back into her inventory and thrust both hands forward, unleashing twin gouts of searing flames at the remaining two bandits. The futanari reacted instantly, a lesser ward of magic energy springing up to absorb and deflect the flames. Shielded by the transparent barrier, the sword-and-shield bandit charged forward.

"Fuck!" Alexa cursed, her magicka already running low.

A green blade appeared in her right hand as her left summoned a kite shield. The narrow tunnel restricted her movement as the male bandit's sword came slashing down. Their blades met with a metallic clang, sparks flying where his blade ultimately glanced off her shield.

Block increased to 14

Alexa grunted, straining to hold her defensive stance against his attack. The futanari hung back, iron club at the ready to capitalize on any opening. She kept one hand aloft, prepared to deflect further spells.

Sweat beaded on Alexa's brow as the sword-wielder rained down blow after blow, each strike jarring her arms. She retreated, but the cramped environment allowed little room to maneuver. The futanari's heavy club lashed out, cracking against her raised shield with bone-rattling force. Alexa staggered, nearly falling.

Block increased to 15

Seizing the advantage, the male bandit pressed his attack, his sword a blur of steel. Alexa parried and riposted, but her counterstrikes glanced off his shield time and again. She was rapidly tiring, pinned in the constricting tunnel with no way to evade.

An idea sparked. During a brief pause, she dismissed her kite shield, freeing up her left hand.

"What's the matter, wench?" the swordsman sneered as he raised his sword. "Running out of tricks?"

The futanari laughed coarsely. "Should've stayed on your back where you belong, whore."

Alexa grit her teeth, ignoring their taunts as she focused her will. As the two bandits advanced again in the confined tunnel, she used up the last of her magicka to conjure up a brilliant orb of magelight and flung it directly into the swordsman's face. The blinding flare erupted right before his light-sensitive eyes.

Alteration increased to 4

"Arrrghh! Dammit!" He bellowed, staggering backwards while frantically clawing at his burning eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he blinked furiously, his sword clattering uselessly to the rocky ground.

"Mals! Mals, back off for a second!" The futanari bandit called out, gripping her iron club tightly. "Let me take this bitch!"

The blinded swordsman named Mals nodded jerkily, leaning against the tunnel wall as he continued rubbing his watering eyes. "Be careful, Raina...she's crafty."

Raina the futanari sneered at Alexa, raising her club menacingly. "You'll pay for that trick."

She charged forward, bringing the heavy club down in a brutal overhand swing. Alexa managed to get her kite shield up just in time, the iron weapon crashing against it with bone-jarring force. The blow was so powerful that it knocked the shield right out of her hand, sending it spinning away down the tunnel.

Block increased to 16

Alexa hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of her lungs in a pained wheeze. Raina loomed over her menacingly, iron club raised high for another devastating strike. Alexa's eyes widened as she caught sight of her own steel dagger lying just within reach - the one she'd thrown earlier at the female bandit.

With no time to spare, she snatched up the dagger and flung it with all her might. The blade sank deep into Raina's left shoulder with a meaty thunk. The futanari bandit howled in rage and pain, her empty hand clutching at the protruding hilt as her club clattered uselessly to the floor.

One-Handed increased to 30

"Bitch!" Raina snarled through gritted teeth. Before Alexa could react, the bandit's booted foot lashed out, catching her square in the stomach. All the air exploded from Alexa's lungs as she doubled over, wheezing.

In that same motion, Raina brought her club arcing down in a vicious overhand swing. The heavy iron head slammed into Alexa's massive breasts with brutal force, flattening them against her chest. An agonized scream tore from her throat as blinding pain blossomed through her upper body. The sheer power of the blow drove her back into the unforgiving stone floor, shoulders and head bouncing off the hard surface.

Light Armor increased to 10

Light Armor increased to 11

Stars danced in Alexa's vision as she gasped for breath. Raina ripped the dagger from her shoulder with a savage grunt and raised the club high once more, murderous fury etched across her features.

Alexa's hand trembled as she summoned the last dregs of her magicka, a shimmering ward of energy springing into existence just as the bandit's mace came smashing down. The transparent barrier shuddered violently against the impact, immediately crumbling into bits - barely slowing the heavy club's descent enough for Alexa to awkwardly roll aside.

Restoration increased to 3

The mace head cratered the stone floor where she'd been lying mere moments before. Alexa scrambled to get back on her feet, but before she could fully rise, a glint of steel filled her vision.

Mals, the sword-and-shield bandit, had recovered from the blinding magelight and pressed the attack persistently. His longsword cut through the air in a blur, aiming to hamstring her as she tried to stand. Alexa twisted desperately, avoiding the crippling strike by a hair's breadth. The razor-sharp edge scored a long gash along her outer thigh, instantly soaking her leather breeches with hot blood.

Light Armor increased to 12

 Mals lunged forward again with his sword leading the way.

Raina was right behind him, clutching her shoulder where Alexa's dagger protruded. "Hold her still!" the futanari bandit growled.

Alexa tried to roll away but Mals was too fast. He dropped his sword and pounced, his weight slamming down on top of her. Alexa grunted as the air was driven from her lungs. Mals' calloused hands clamped down like a vise around her wrists, pinning her arms over her head.

"Get off me, you piece of shit!" Alexa spat, thrashing wildly.

Raina grinned wickedly, ripping Alexa's leather breeches open with one powerful tug. "You're gonna pay for this, whore."

With her free hand, the futanari gripped her thick cock, already stiffening with arousal. She straddled Alexa's hips, using her knees to roughly spread the wench's legs apart. Alexa screamed defiance, bucking and kicking, but Mals' weight was too much.

Raina laughed coarsely. "Yeah, fight all you want, slut. Your cunt's gonna be my cock-sleeve."

She leaned forward, lining up her engorged cockhead with Alexa's entrance. The futanari thrust her hips forward, burying half her length inside the wench's tight sheath with one brutal stroke.

Alexa cried out, more in outraged indignation than pain. She clenched down hard, her skilled inner muscles rippling and massaging Raina's invading member.

The futanari groaned in pleasure. "F-fuck...Mals, you gotta feel this pussy. It's like it's sucking me in, milking my cock."

"Let me get a turn when you're done," Mals grunted, tightening his grip on Alexa's wrists.

Raina grinned savagely and began pistoning her hips, sawing her thick cock in and out of Alexa's convulsing depths. "Oh fuck yeah, you whore...work that sweet pussy..."

Despite her fury, Alexa couldn't stop the instinctive rhythmic flexing of her inner muscles, trained by the Brothel of Dibella to milk any cock buried inside her. Raina threw her head back, blonde hair whipping wildly as she hammered into the wench with animalistic grunts.

"You like that, slut?" she panted.

Alexa seethed, clenching her jaws and eyes shut as she was pounded into the stone floor. She could feel Raina's flared cockhead bashing against her cervix with each hard thrust.

Mals suddenly released one of her wrists. Alexa's eyes flew open just as the bandit shoved his rigid length towards her face.

"Open up, whore!" he growled, slapping her cheek with his cock. "Show me what that mouth can do."

Alexa kept her lips sealed in a defiant sneer. Mals backhanded her hard, making her head snap to the side. When she turned back, her mouth was forced open by the blunt pressure of his cockhead pushing between her lips.

"That's it, slut...worship it with your tongue."

Alexa very deliberately did not move her tongue, keeping it pressed flat against the bottom of his dick as Mals' hips began pumping.

That only seemed to enrage the bandit more. "You fucking cunt!" he snarled, grabbing a fistful of her hair. He used his grip to violently fuck her face, his cock slamming into the back of her throat with each thrust.

Between the furious pounding from both bandits, she managed to get one hand free. Slowly, carefully, she summoned a steel arrow from her inventory, gripping it tightly.

With perfectly timed precision, Alexa drove the razor-sharp arrowhead into Raina's exposed eye socket. The futanari bandit threw her head back, letting out a shrill, ear-piercing scream that reverberated through the tunnels. She convulsed wildly on top of Alexa, hips jerking erratically as thick ropes of hot seed flooded the wench's spasming cunt.

Seizing the moment of distraction, Alexa opened her jaws as wide as they could stretch and clamped down on Mals' cock with every ounce of strength she possessed. Her teeth sank into the turgid flesh like knives, drawing a guttural howl of anguished surprise from the bandit.

Mals instinctively recoiled, trying to pull his mutilated member free from Alexa's vice-like jaws. But she held on, shredding more of his cock with each frantic movement. Warm blood filled her mouth, trickling down her chin as she gnashed her teeth back and forth.

"Gaaaahh! Fuuuck!" Mals shrieked, tears of agony streaming down his contorted face. He brought his fists raining down on Alexa's head and face, trying in vain to make her release her death grip on his mangled cock.

Light Armor increased to 13

With her free hand, Alexa quickly snatched Mals' sword from the ground. The steel blade flashed in the torchlight as she swung it in a vicious upward arc, burying it to the hilt in the bandit's unprotected groin. Mals' eyes went wide, his mouth frozen in a silent scream as the sword impaled him from pelvis to sternum.

Gurgling wetly, he collapsed forward, pinning Alexa underneath his dead weight. She shoved and strained, finally managing to roll his corpse off her just as Raina regained her senses. The one-eyed futanari was clutching the arrow protruding from her ruined eye socket, her other hand fumbling blindly for her iron club.

"I'll fuckin' kill you, you cunt!" Raina snarled, taking a wild swing. The heavy club whistled past Alexa's head as she ducked under the clumsy blow.

Scrambling to her feet, Alexa snatched up Mals' bloodied sword in one hand and her discarded dagger in the other. The futanari turned towards the sound, blind eye leaking viscous fluid as she raised her club defensively.

Alexa rushed forward, blades leading the way in a whirling dervish of sharpened steel. Raina's wild club swings went wide, leaving her completely open as Alexa's sword slashed across her hamstrings. Raina bellowed in pain as her legs were disabled from under her, sending the futanari crashing to the ground in a heap.

Not showing an ounce of mercy, Alexa pounced atop the downed bandit, raining down a furious hail of stabs with both blades. Raina's screams were choked off as her throat was opened from ear to ear, spraying Alexa's face with hot arterial blood. She continued stabbing and slashing until Raina's struggles ceased completely, leaving the futanari's corpse as a mutilated, unrecognizable ruin.

One-Handed increased to 31

Level increased to 9

Alexa pushed herself to her feet, wincing at the deep gashes and bites covering her body. She cast a healing spell, the warm golden light knitting her wounds closed and replenishing her vitality, but it stopped before it could fully heal her grievously-wounded body as it drained her slightly-regenerated magicka.

Restoration increased to 4

Restoration increased to 5

She took a moment to catch her breath, wiping Raina's blood from her face with the back of her hand. The metallic tang filled her nostrils as she looked at the carnage surrounding her. The two bandits lay in rapidly cooling pools of their own fluids, eyes glazed over in death.

"I really should've increased my power before deciding to take on an entire bandit organization, shouldn't I?" Alexa muttered.