
Welcome to Underworld

Having been bullied most his life by everyone close to him, Wes can’t believe it when he finds the entrance to UNDERWORLD, a place that could only be explained, as his best shot to the life he wants…now if only he could get this stupid status screen out of his face….wait what! This is WELCOME TO UNDERWORLD

Chronos_101 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Chapter 006

Waking up, Wes groaned in pain.

"How far did I fall" he thought

Opening his eyes, he took a large breath, for what he saw really filled him with questions

Status: [hp: 1/20]

[Exp: 0/100]+10

Level: 1

Mana: 5/5

[Quest Complete]

Obtain System

Reward: 10 exp

"What the hell?" He said quietly

{Welcome new User}

Wes was taken back

"Uh thanks"

{Please Input Name}

"How do I do that," Wes asked

Nothing happened


{Name Accepted}

Wes was shocked. He didn't know what this was but it was kinda cool…in a weird way

{System unlocked}

Wes looked at what he could only describe as a video game status screen, and with that there were other things he could view as well, like his skills

Looking at his stats, he almost felt embarrassed

Strength: 2



Intelligence: 3

Luck: 1

Luck 1? Wes almost laughed at that.

"Of course my luck is crap" Wes thought, clearly annoyed. "What else is there."


Mana shot: 1 mp (mana point)

Note: charging the shot results in more sp used

[Next Skill Unlocked At Level 2]

Wes was taken back. He hadn't noticed but looking at his stats, there was one labeled "Mana".

"What the heck is Mana?"

{Mana is an internal power source that is located inside you're body; Expelling it can result in a powerful shot from wherever you direct it to expel from}

"So this thing can give me information too?" Wes thought. "That's kinda cool."

a new message appeared before his eyes

{incoming enemy wave 1/2}

{Prepare 1:00}



"What do you mean incoming enemy wave!" Wes yelled!

Wes looked around frantically, looking for whatever was coming at him. He saw large rocky peaks that stretched out as far as Wes could see. In the distance a very large city could be seen.

"If i make it to the city, will I be safe from the waves?" Wes hoped the System would answer

{Distance to nearest city: 100 miles}

{it's possible}

Wes took a minute to think before he noticed a new notification that chilled him

[New Quest]

Make it to Felt City before the oncoming Waves Kill you

Reward: 20 Exp

(Optional) Defeat both Waves of Enemies

Reward: Instant Level Up!