
Welcome to the world of Onyxia

Living her life to the fullest, Flora was always in a cheerful mood. Everything changed when she discovered a portal in her school. She had no time to react when two hands pushes her in. The moment she opened her eyes she's now in a luxurious forest in the middle of nowhere. Her epic journey begin and she will meet fantastic creatures on her way home.

Touintouin · Fantasía
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13 Chs

A time of crisis, already

Flora looked at the mighty emerald bird, her feelings were mixed between a true, primal fear and on the other end she was in awe, she's never seen any bird that big and majestic. On instinct she act fast, rushing to the nearest tree, hoping the unknowing creature didn't spot her. She's now against a giant root, the eagle can't see her from here but she can't see it either. Flora is waiting a very long time, asking herself, is it gone? Is it playing hide and seek with me?

The bush in front of her shake just like something was moving in it. She swallow her own saliva, hoping the thing hidden in it doesn't want her as its next meal. A deer with a brown fur with blue lines come out it. The pinkish antler curve in a beautiful and mesmerizing full circle. The deer didn't spot Flora at first, it's just after it grazed some tall grass it finally did. The eyes of the deer is similar to a galaxy, no, even more beautiful, with no pupils, it's like looking at a clear night sky. Both look at each other, gauging if the other is what they fear the most: a predator. Or at best something that can be ignored.

Flora hear the bird flapping its wings from the very large branch it was waiting on. She though to herself "Shoot I knew it, it's still there!"

With her unconditional love for cute animals she try to Shoo at it so it can flee. She doesn't want to be bird food but she doesn't want either to sacrifice another creature to avoid it.

- "Shoo, Shoo!" As she wave at her to scare it off.

The deer seems even more curious now, it doesn't seem to be accustomed to human beings, so it's not scared at all. At most, she definitely got its attention, for sure. What Flora didn't anticipate was the next move of the giant eagle. As she desperately try to make the deer to go away, a ray of lightning strike the deer.

First, Flora is blinded by the pure blue light. Second when her vision is clearer and she can finally look at the scene in front of her, she sees the deer on the ground with smoke escaping from the burned fur. Third, she felt so sad for the sorry beast laying dead on the ground. "How unlucky for it to be strike by lightning in the middle of a dense forest." Flora though with sadness revealing on her face.

The sublime and scary bird she started to forget because of this sudden incident, land in front of the dead carcass of the deer. With cheer luck, the giant beast has its back turned on Flora, she's nonetheless petrified by the wind provoked by the landing of the eagle. The bird scream in a high-pitched note that makes destabilize her and nearly missed a step because of it. From the look of it the bird just scream in joy or it is to notice everyone in the vicinity to not approach around here.

The heart of Flora is racing like it never did, never a moment in her life made her body react like this. She had tough experiences throughout her life but a life threatening, never. She was in total panic but at the same time she didn't know what to do, just one thing: Do not make a noise Flora or you're bird food.

She kept repeating those words i her head as the bird is enjoying its well cooked meal in front of her. What she didn't connect was the part of the lightning in this events, the angle definitely didn't come straight from the tree, but instead it came in the direction of where the bird was sitting.

Flora is looking for an escape around her, she notice a big and round bush on her left. The problem was that the bush is situated at nearly seven meters from her. Going slowly, she stay close to the tree, without notice of the not well mannered eating bird. She can't keep her eyes out of it, a feeling of fascination and primal fear is in conflict within her.

The first meter passed, Flora felt like the time was freeze, it felt like an eternity. The second she starts to know how to do it, she look around to not step on a stick or something that would catch attention of the giant. After the first half she's high spirited and well devoted to the task, even daring to consider it a game. Now very close to the bush, she feels like she made it, half looking at the bird that nearly finished the carcass, half looking at where she's stepping. The problem happened at the last meter between her and the bush: The ground around the bush is covered on dried leaf, the one that makes a crackling noise when you step on them.

Flora didn't need to step on it to know what would happen if she did. The options were to either jump and, if she makes noises, to run as fast as she can or to climb the root and to not fall on the ground. Of course neither of them was an optimal option but she just know the bird isn't going to stay there forever. Climbing would take too much time and she wasn't a really good climber at first. "Jumping it is then" while moving her lips with no sound coming out of it. She analyze the ground, the only hope she had was to land right between all the leaves, a tiny foot could do it, just like hers.

1, 2, 3, she jumps in the air. Her attention was distracted because she was looking at the mesmerizing feathers of the green emerald eagle. It was like lightning was passing through each of them. Without looking at where she would land, a crackling sound comes out from her stepping on leaves but a bigger breaking noise came out of the bush in front of the bird.

Flora felt like her jaw was about to fall off her head if it wasn't tightly attached to it. What came out of the bush was another giant creature, this one was harder to describe. The body shape is one of a dinosaur, to be more precised, a T-Rex like shape. Instead of feathers or scales, its body was partly covered of a long and brown fur. The jaw let escape some spitfire as it breathes, close to what people imagine of a dragon. The bottom legs of the creature is heavy armored by rock skins, protecting them in case someone wanted to hit it. The body fully out of the bush, the spitting fire creature has in addition a tail just like its legs, covered in hardened rock. The tip of it is a whip, heavy noises comes from it as it shake it to intimidate the giant bird.

She knew what was happening here, the two beast are fighting for this territory and her, Flora, was too close of it to feel safe. Even though a part of her wanted to stay to look at this epic battle that was about to start in front of her, what makes her take the decision to run as fast as she can was when she spotted lightning coming out of the beak of the giant eagle. This was also straight out of a fantasy book, she didn't want to be roasted by misfortune if by any chance the bird miss its initial target.

Flora is now running through a forest she doesn't recognize a thing in it. In the background she hear the battle between the two monsters, the screams of the monsters is partially covered with explosions of unknown causes. Around her is a vegetation close to nothing she knows. The trees are a hundred meter tall, with a large trunk bigger than a baobab for the bigger ones. Climbing atop of one is a no. Smaller plants are of color that doesn't feet a plant, in Earth perspective, some are of a deep purple, another has no leaves but just big round transparent fruits.

She finally stop because she's out of breath, on a good note, she doesn't hear the monsters near her anymore, she even doesn't hear them at all. She inspect the weird scenery in front of her, a human made structure or so it seems was badly in shape in front of her. Made of white stone and covered in roots and moss by the ages without someone to take care of it, the entrance of the temple is fused by a tree. From each side of what was the door are statues on the left the statue is one of a woman holding a giant sword, on the right is a statue of a man but the head is missing on this one with the right leg too. From the look of it, the tree is dead for a very long time now, the upper part of the trunk is broken, leaving sharp bark of the old tree pointing at the canopy.

Flora is hesitating, shall he enter the temple like structure or stay outside? The decision was already made, she entered to search for a safer place and, if lucks is with her, finding clue of her appearing in this world.