
Chapter 129 ~ To Be a Ruler

A chess board of mahogany wood and beautiful polished, wooden pieces rested upon a small coffee table that sat between the masked leader of the Black Knights and the Second Prince of Britannia. The black pieces stood on Zero's side of the board, while the white piece stood on the second prince's side.

Meanwhile, watching nervously, Cornelia and Euphie sat on a large, soft, and luxurious couch of leather adjacent to them. 

Mordred stood by Zero's side, while Suzaku, Darlton, and Kanon similarly stood by their respective liege's side. 

After agreeing to a short game of chess, they moved to the top right corner of the room, where a lounge was present. 

"Well then, shall we begin?"

"Of course."

Being the player with the black pieces and second to make the move, pressed the button on the chess clock to start the time. 

Immediately, the timer on Schneizel's side began counting down from 05:00.

[e4], [c5]

[d4], [d6]

[Nf3], [cxd4]

[Nxd4], [Nf6]

[Nc3], [a6]

A tense, heavy silence fell within the vast empty room with only the subtle clacking sound of solid, wooden pieces hitting the board and ticking clock to fill the absolute stillness. 

And as time went on and the game quickly entered the middle game, Kanon, Schneizel's right hand man who had been with him the longest, couldn't help but be shocked at their current position. 

His prince had always been a player with an iron clad defense and meticulous positioning. He would keep his position strong and protected while waiting for his opponent to make a slight mistake, and strike right in their weakest spot, just like a knight's lance.

However… Zero was playing even more perfectly.

He was outmaneuvering his prince at every front. Continuing to provoke Schneizel into attacking him. Deliberately creating a weak point in his position to bait the second prince to attack and trap him. 

And Schneizel had almost fallen for them several times… Thinking he had finally found a chip in Zero's armor. 

On the other hand, when Schneizel tried baiting him to attack and overextend, Zero never fell for it. Instead, he used the chance to consolidate his defenses and maneuver his pieces around the trap. 

Slowly but surely, Schneizel was being pushed back and was forced to take disadvantageous trades of his minor pieces, causing him to lose his bishop pair and double-up his pawns at unfavorable positions. 

I can't believe this… This is the first time I've ever seen his highness in such a losing position against anyone in chess…

A drop of sweat flowed down the side of his forehead as Kanon glanced at his prince nervously. 

There were no visible changes to his ever-smiling visage. There rarely was. And although he knew that his prince was still stalwart and did not falter in the least, the fact that he was losing still pained him. 

And soon, Schneizel found his queen trapped with no other way out but to trade it with Zero's queen. 

With both his rooks gone and left with a knight, a black square bishop, a three pawn-island, and a separated pawn against Zero's rook, two bishops, a three pawn-island, and one pass pawn on [h4], he was in a terrible and greatly losing position.

"You're quite the strategist indeed. I'm impressed. Or perhaps… I should say as expected of you?"

Schneizel shook his head, a helpless smile adorning his face. But despite his words, he still hadn't given up on the game. 


He moved his bishop to [d2] and checked the black king on [h6]. 

"Likewise. You are quite impressive yourself. This has been quite the exciting game."

Lelouch calmly moved his king to [g6], avoiding the check. 

And at this position, Schneizel's knight could easily move to [a6] and fork Zero's rook and bishop on [c7] and [b8]. 

But in doing so, Zero's bishop would be able to check his king on [f2] by moving to [b6], escaping the fork with the check. And after avoiding the check, his knight would have no good squares left to go and became a sitting duck in the midst of the battlefield. 

"Well, I'm glad."

Schneizel moved his king to [g6], getting away from the possible pin on the diagonal. Lelouch moved his rook to [b6], moving out of the fork that had become feasible after Schneizel escaped the pin.

The dance between Schneizel's minor pieces and Lelouch's rook and two bishops continued. But then, Lelouch made a move that surprised Schneizel.


"A forward king move…? Interesting."

Zero still had plenty of attacking pieces. But to choose to make a forward king move instead… It was quite a surprising move.

"If a king does not lead, then how could he expect his subordinates to follow? Don't you agree?"

Schneizel smiled, and nodded.

"That is certainly respectable. And I agree with your belief. So, I shall do the same."


Zero then traded his bishop with Schneizel's, using his king to recapture, and threaten to take his pawn.

And a few moves later, Schneizel's King stood before Zero's King and passed a pawn on the other side of the board, away from Schneizel's remaining knight and pawns. 

There was no time for him to maneuver his knight to the defense of his king. Even if there was, he simply could not win against a rook and a bishop. 

And soon… Schneizel's king had nowhere to run. 

With Zero's king blocking his way forward and his other pieces threatening checkmate in a few moves, his lost was almost certain. 

"... Well, it has certainly been fun."

"It certainly has."

His clock continued to tick with less than 30 seconds remaining, and in such a dire situation… Schneizel knew he had lost. However…



Schneizel placed his king right before Zero's, and gasps of surprise filled the room. 

"B-Brother, what are you…"

"Dear brother…"

"Your highness…?"

Cornelia, Euphemia, and Kanon all turned towards Schneizel with visible shock apparent on their faces. 

Even though they may not understand chess as much as the two playing, they understood the rules well enough to know that Schneizel had just made an illegal move that would cause his king to be taken. 

Did he just… lose on purpose by making an illegal move? Even if checkmate was almost certain… Why would he make such a move, instead of resigning?

"What is the meaning of this…? Are you simply handing me the victory?"

"Hm? What do you mean? Victory is already in your grasp. I simply… gave it to you earlier."


Zero clenched his fists as his eyes glared furiously at Schneizel from beneath his mask. 

With his enhanced intelligence and mind clarity as the [Archivist of Universal Knowledge], playing against Schneizel, who he had never won against in chess before, was simple. 

Since the late early game, Lelouch knew that his victory was all but guaranteed. 

However, he simply couldn't believe that Schneizel would do such a thing, just like he did in the Code Geass anime. 

And what made things worse… he was in the same position once more. If he took it, then he'll simply be playing into Schneizel's hand. 


"The Emperor would have taken it without hesitation…"

He recalled Schneizel's words from the anime… And the thought of being "similar" to that man simply disgusted him. 

His chest heaved under the pressure as he began raising his hand slowly and hovered over his own King, instead of Schneizel's. 

But just then, another hand clad in black took Schneizel's white King and placed the pawn beside Zero's king on its square. 


All eyes immediately turned towards Mordred, who held the white king in his hands. Their eyes wide as saucers. Even Schneizel showed a rare look of pure shock. 

"Well, that has certainly been quite the game, has it not? And I believe you've also achieved your purpose of learning Zero's character from the clear hesitation he showed just now. Am I right, your highness?"


For the first time ever, Cornelia, Euphie, Kanon, and Darlton saw a look they've never seen their brother and prince made before. 

A look of pure shock, confusion, and disbelief as he stared at Mordred, who had the white king in his fingers, spinning it.

"Forgive me for interfering. However, Zero would've retreated his king, and the decision would not be something he would've done if not for your cheap provocations. 

I'm sure you could've guessed it as well, given his hesitance of not seizing the victory you handed to him immediately. 

From it… you've guessed what kind of person he is, have you not?"



Zero mumbled his name as Schneizel stared at the man in the devil's mask. 

With just this one action, Schneizel's impression of Mordred had turned from him simply being an extremely skilled knightmare pilot… into something entirely different. 

This man before him… He might be even more dangerous than Zero.

"Hah… It is as you say. The emperor would've taken it without hesitation. But he didn't… It's certainly interesting to know that the leader of the Black Knights was someone who wouldn't take the victory if it was handed to him."

The strangely pleasant sound of a giggle that Schneizel nor anyone else in this room aside from Zero would've expected from the man known as the "Devil" within their ranks resounded. 

His magnetic voice was alluring, welcoming, and soothing, just like the "Devil's whispers". Even if they were on different sides in the war, they couldn't help but admit the fact. 

However, hearing his giggle, that almost seemed so normal and even… bright, was extremely surprising, especially when juxtaposed by his devilish mask. 

It was as if they're hearing someone laugh from teasing their close friend.

"Well, smart as he is, he certainly still has his flaws, but… That is where I, no, we come in."

Mordred placed a hand on Zero's shoulder before turning his gaze towards the golden-haired prince.

"And this is where the two of you differ, your highness."

"What do you mean…?"

Mordred stopped spinning the white king in his fingers and looked down to it. 

"Your highness. I must say, from my observation of your character thus far, I can confidently state that you are a natural-born ruler."


Schneizel narrowed his eyes to his praise. 

"You are destined to reign over your subjects. Perhaps, from the moment you were born, everything and everyone around you were destined to be pieces on your game board for you to control."

Mordred raised the white king in his hand up for all to see, and continued.

"You were not bound by rules. For you are the rule. And so, you have no qualms of breaking the rules made by others, and you would not hesitate to lead even you "King" to its death. After all, if that is what it takes to achieve your goal, then they're justified."

"How dare you-"

Schneizel raised his hand, stopping Kanon from berating Mordred for having, essentially, insinuated Schneizel daring to go against the emperor for his own gain.

Unperturbed by the femboy looking aide of Schneizel, Mordred continued.

"And you might've achieved your goal if Zero were to be alone. After all, genius and logical as he might be, he's still someone quite driven by his emotions."

Mordred looked towards Zero and smiled within his mask. His bright, soothing voice that belied his current appearance resounded once more as he patted Zero's shoulder. 

"But that's fine. Because he's not alone. Not anymore."

Lelouch felt the warmth of his dear friend's words in his heart. 

Thanks to his interference, he was able to snap out of his tunnel vision and disorrayed thoughts, and recalled his comrades in the group chat. 

His closest and most trusted friends and comrades. The ones who had given him the warmth of a family, and hope for the future. 

The ones who had changed his life for the better… forever.

Yuuji then gazed into the eyes of Darlton, Cornelia, Kanon, Euphemia, and Suzaku one by one, before returning his eyes towards Schneizel. 

"You have generals, knights, and armies at your disposal. Even the members of the Holy Britannian Empire's royal family would follow your words. All willing to move at your behest. You are one of the few people in the world with the power to change the world with your words alone. You stand at the top. But… has there ever been anyone who stood by your side?"

Mordred placed the white king piece onto the table, to the side of the board. And it gazed up at the Black King and the pawn by its side from below. 

Schneizel's eyes looked at the white king he had just put before returning his gaze towards Mordred. 

"Of course, I do. While they might stand behind me, in reality, all of my trusted friends, comrades, and family stood by my side, lending me their advice and their counsel, and I heeded them and took them to heart."

"Yet, no one tried to prevent you from making such a rash move just then."


Mordred glanced at Cornelia and Euphemia, his younger sisters and family, before landing his gaze at his aide and right-hand man, who was glaring at him as if he was his mortal enemy.

"Of course. It was but a simple game. It was not something that should be taken seriously. 

But it still reflects the reality of the people around you. Pray tell, your highness, has anyone ever dared to actually stop you from enacting the decision you have made?"

Mordred took his eyes off Kanon, as if losing interest in him, and turned his attention towards Schneizel once more.

"You may "consider" their advice deeply, but in the end, you are still alone in your decision. No one was by your side to stop you from enacting your decision, even if it was a foolish one."

The earl and right hand man of Schneizel clenched his teeth tightly as he glared at Mordred, who began putting the chess pieces back to its place on the board.

"Respectfully. As I've said before, you are born to be a ruler, your highness. You are gifted with intelligence, charisma, and iron will; an extremely rare but incredible mix of character and personality that would make for a perfect ruler. But unfortunately, because you are a ruler, you have no one who would and could stop you once you've made your decision."

Mordred picked up the black king after placing all other black pieces back to its place, and held it in his hands for a moment. 

"Zero might've been lacking as a ruler when compared to you. But that is fine. Because he has others who are willing to stand by his side, and correct him when he strays from his path." 

The members of the group chat. They were not his subordinates, unlike the members of the Black Knights, who might only see him as their leader who could lead them to victory. 

They were his friends, his closest ally, and the only ones who truly know Lelouch for the person he was. With them, Lelouch would have someone who would be able to care for him just as he did for his sister and help him in his fight. 

Yuuji placed the black king on its square, with all of the other pieces by its sides and before him. Then, he picked up the white king and placed it at the center of the board, in front of the rest of the white pieces. 

"I hope you remember this, your highness. You have all of Britannia behind you. But know that when you face the Black Knights, you are not facing Zero alone. But every single member within it and those who support it."

A deafening silence filled the room. And every single one of them held their breath, as if fearing that it would disrupt the silence. 

Schneizel stared at the white king Mordred had placed at the center of the board in silence. And for the first time in his life… the words of a stranger had managed to shake him to the core and make him rethink his life. Doubting his choices. 

The pregnant silence lingered… When suddenly, a loud explosion echoed from the stadium. And blood-curdling screams quickly followed after. 

"What was that?!"

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr.eon.com/verglasx ~!!

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