
Welcome to the Interstellar Realm!

After a long day at work, an office worker starts walking home only to mysteriously find himself in a lush forest in an unfamiliar world. Dazed and confused, he receives a telepathic message from an AI called System informing him that he has died on Earth and his soul has been transmigrated to a magical realm known as the Interstellar Realm.

Kris22BG · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Choosing a Class

I stared blankly at the class options floating in front of me. Warrior? Mage? Druid? I had no idea where to even start.

"Uh, System? A little help here?" I asked hesitantly.

[Based on your stats from your previous life, I would recommend the Rogue class,] the mechanical voice stated. [Your high agility and perception would lend themselves well to stealth and precision strikes.]

"Rogue, huh?" I murmured. That did sound kinda cool. And if I was really stuck in this world now, it might be handy to be able to sneak around. "Alright, let's go with Rogue!"

The screen flashed and my ragged modern clothes transformed into a dark hooded outfit with a utility belt and dagger strapped to my leg. Stats and skills popped up in my vision, but I ignored them for the moment.

I got to my feet and turned slowly, taking in the tranquil forest. "Okay, I know you said I died, but can you explain where exactly I am? And what I'm supposed to do now?"

[You are currently located in the Eldamar Forest, on the western continent of the Interstellar Realm planet Galdara,] System explained matter-of-factly. [As for your objectives, I suggest proceeding to the nearest town to acquire provisions and information.]

"Right...the nearest town." I sighed, pushing back the hood to run my hands through my hair in exasperation. This was crazy. How did I go from filing TPS reports to traipsing through magical forests in another world?

But like System said, standing around wasn't going to get me anywhere. "Can you tell me which way to go?" I asked, picking a random direction. Suddenly, a glowing path appeared at my feet. Handy.

Well, into the great unknown I go. Hopefully I can get some answers in this town. And maybe a drink - dying really takes it out of you. Here's to my new life as a Rogue!