
Welcome to my Supernatural World

Seven friends who knew nothing about the supernatural world, becomes tangled up in the lives of a family of vampires on the run.

Trini_Army · Fantasía
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25 Chs

The beginning of the end

I haven't laughed this much in a long time, I am feeling a little more relaxed after today's training but unknowingly this was to be the proverbial calm before the storm and all our limits would be tested. The days went by quietly I always sured everyone was safe and kept in touch with all our human friends daily. So after months of normalcy it caught me by surprise when I went into Sang's office on Monday morning early to find him not at work, "Vicky did Sang call in sick today or is he coming in late?" I asked Vicky as I walked out of the kitchen and into the bar. Vicky shook her head "Not that I know of." she answered, I then rang his phone but there was no answer, strange I thought. I then decided to call Jung-Hwa but his phone went to voicemail, "Hmmm interesting." I mumbled, I went through my morning work routine, thinking maybe I'm overthinking this and everything is okay. At two o'clock in the afternoon I decided to call Sang again, now his phone was going straight to voicemail now so I tried Jung-Hwa's phone again and Tae-Hui's phone also but just like Sang's phone both of their phone's also went straight to voicemail. Worry began to set in and my mind began playing all possible scenarios to the situation at hand and most of them ended bad.

My stomach began to feel nauseated so I grabbed my things and left the restaurant, I called Tyler as his precinct was close to where Joo-won worked, "Tyler did you see Joo-won today?" I almost shouted into the phone. "No I didn't, I usually see him on my rounds every lunch, but not roday." he stated, "Tyler something is wrong, Jung-Hwa, Sang and Tae-Hui aren't answering their phones." I said as worry and fear crept into my voice. While hurrying to my car Tyler stated in an authoritative tone "Go get the kids, Nikki and Kaylee, I'm going for Simone and Stephen." he finished as he hung up. I quickly entered my car, started it and raced over to Jadenne and the twins college, along the way I called Nikki and Kaylee and explained what was wrong, Kaylee decided to get Dan and meet me at home. When I got to the college I ran to the office, at the office I spoke to the dean, using my vampiric power of persuasion, I got him to release the twins, Jadenne, Da-eun, Soo-min, Dae-Hyun, Cho and Young-Soo. I waited outside for them, when they came out I ordered them into the car and I sped home, Cho and Young-Soo kept looking at me through the rearview mirror.

When I got home Tyler and Stephen were already there with their wolf packs, "Simone, Nikki and Kaylee are on their way." Stephen said as he hurried us into the house. "I sent wolves to Sang and Jung-Hwa's house and also Tae-Hui and Joo-won's house." Tyler started "Stephen sent his pack to Tae-Hui, Joo-won and Jung-Hwa's work places." Tyler finished. "We could not find any trace of their scent or any scent at all." Stephen whispered as he pulled me aside, I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself at this news as that meant magic was involved and that meant the Council sanctioned their disappearances. I sat the kids down and began "Cho, Young-Soo, Dae-Hyun I'm sorry to have to tell you all this but Sang, Jung-Hwa, Tae-Hui and Joo-won are missing." I finished, "WHAT???" Galaxy shouted. I looked at them, the devastation in their eyes broke my heart more than I expected... this was why I believed in distancing myself from others..... I immediately thought to myself. This is wrong I can't handle this, as my mind began to race someone placed their hand on shoulder as if sensing my thoughts.

"We will fix this." Kaylee whispered into my ears, when did she get here? I didn't hear the door I turned around and there she was with Dan in tow. "Don't cry babes we will get them back." Kaylee said with a smile at the kids, I didn't even feel the tears as they slowly slid down my face. An arm snaked around my waist, "We believe in you tell us what needs to be done and we will do it." Cho said standing behind me. I took a deep breath as the doorbell sounded, we all looked at it, I walked towards the door and slowly opened it the two large gray wolves in the foyer began to growl. As I opened the door Simone and Kaylee began to quietly chant spells, ther on the other side of the door was the Greenly sisters again, Gia and Jenna. They looked at me smiling then Ace and Hades stepped into view, "You disappointed me Stephen." Ace stated looking at Stephen, then at me. "Look what you've done love." he began smiling, "All you had to do was accept our role and marry into one of our families and your friends would still be alive." Hades finished the statement Ace began with a smirk. Hades looked at me, I felt my heart stop, Dan suddenly ran past me and in a quick fluid motion Dan transformed into a form I had never seen before.

Dan slammed his fist into Jenna's chest, Jenna stood almost directly in front of me his hand went straight through her chest, her eyes opened wide as he pulled his hand back out, her heart in his hand still pumping. Dan then squeezes it until the organ is completely squished between his fingers, Jenna then crumples to the ground and Gia began to scream, Ace and Hades looked at me and smiled. "Someone has been feeding on human blood." Hades uttered "Gia time to leave." he added and just as sudden as they appeared they all left, I turned and looked at Dan at his new form which was slightly taller than his usual form, he had huge crystallised wings, his eyes were now like two huge diamonds or orbs of glass. His skin was crystalline and hard it shone like diamonds in the light, it was smooth to the touch and a beauty to behold.