
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Ming Jian stood tall, his presence commanding the attention of the entire crowd. He raised his hands, motioning for silence, and the buzz of excitement slowly subsided, leaving a palpable sense of anticipation in the air.

"Citizens of the Wei Dynasty," he began, his voice strong and unwavering, "Today, we stand together at the dawn of a new era for our beloved city. We have cast aside the chains of tyranny and oppression that once bound us under the rule of Emperor Liang Wei. The time for change has come, and together, we shall forge a future of justice, compassion, and prosperity."

The crowd listened intently, their eyes fixed on Ming Jian, who they believed to be their saviour from the cruel and harsh rule of Emperor Liang Wei.

"I stand before you not as a conqueror, but as a servant of the people," Ming Jian continued. "The Ming Clan did not rise to power for personal gain; we rose to restore balance and to give power back to the hands of the people. In this new era, your voices will be heard, your rights protected, and your dreams valued."

As he spoke, Ming Jian outlined the new rules and regulations that would govern the city. He emphasized the importance of transparency in governance, fair taxation, and equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their backgrounds.

"We shall mend the wounds inflicted upon us, heal the scars left by the past, and work towards a brighter future together," Ming Jian declared, his words resonating with hope and determination.

The crowd cheered, their spirits lifted by the promises of change and a better tomorrow. The people felt united under the banner of the Ming Clan, eager to participate in the transformation of their city.

"And now, my fellow citizens," Ming Jian announced, "there is one more matter that requires our attention. As you all know, the late Emperor Liang Wei left no heir to the throne. This leaves our palace in need of a new ruler, someone who can guide us through these transformative times."

Gasps and whispers spread through the crowd as they processed this revelation. The palace had stood empty since the late Emperor's death, and the prospect of a new ruler brought both excitement and uncertainty.

"But fear not," Ming Jian reassured them, his voice imbued with conviction. "The selection of the new ruler will not be a decision made in isolation. We shall seek the counsel of wise elders, listen to the aspirations of the people, and ensure that the chosen leader embodies the values and principles we hold dear."

The news settled upon the crowd like a heavy fog, enveloping them in a mix of uncertainty and responsibility for the city's future. They looked to the Ming Clan with hope, believing in their ability to lead them towards a just and prosperous tomorrow.

Amidst the murmurs that filled the air, one individual stepped forth from the crowd, their voice cutting through the uncertainty like a clarion call.

"Ming Jian! Your leadership and strength have been evident to us all. You are the one who should take up the mantle of the new Emperor!"

The suggestion caught the crowd off guard, but soon others joined in, the chant growing louder with each passing moment. The fervour in the air resonated with the resounding call for Ming Jian to ascend the throne.

"My dear friends, your faith in me is truly humbling. Yet, we must not rush into hasty decisions. The future of our city demands careful consideration and thoughtfulness. The decision of our next ruler should be made with the best interests of our people at heart," Ming Jian raised his hands in an attempt to quell the excitement.

Gradually, the crowd hushed, their cheers softening into whispers as they listened attentively to Ming Jian's wise words.

"Empress Xia has something to share with all of you," before any further decisions were made, Ming Jian turned to Empress Xia, standing beside him, and invited her to address the crowd.

"I stand before you today not only as Emperor Liang Wei's wife but as someone who has witnessed the true nature of his rule," Empress Xia spoke, her presence captivating, and the crowd couldn't help but hang on to her every word.

A wave of gasps and murmurs swept through the onlookers as Empress Xia revealed the harsh reality of her marriage to Emperor Liang Wei.

"He married me not out of love, but for influence and power. And I was not the only one; the palace concubines were mere pawns, manipulated to control noble families," she continued, her revelations painting a stark contrast to the image of the late Emperor.

Her words resonated with the crowd, sparking a mix of sympathy and anger for Empress Xia's alleged suffering at the hands of the former ruler.

"He transformed into a different man behind closed doors, committing unspeakable acts, including a horrifying assault on me," Empress Xia revealed, her hand gently resting on her belly. "As a result, I now carry a child—a product of his vile actions."

A heavy silence, like a veil of anticipation, enveloped the crowd as they hung onto every word of Empress Xia's compelling narrative. Her tale was a masterful blend of truth and carefully crafted deception, and it struck a deep chord within them. The people listened with empathy and compassion, their hearts swelling with sympathy for the suffering she claimed to have endured.

As the crowd contemplated Empress Xia's proposal, they were filled with admiration for her strength and determination. They saw her as a beacon of hope, someone who had survived the dark shadows of the past and emerged with a vision for a better future. The idea of a child ruler, guided by Empress Xia's wisdom and compassion, resonated deeply with them.

"My dear citizens, if you place your faith in me and crown this child as our new Emperor, I pledge to implement policies that prioritize the welfare of the common people. Taxes shall be fair and just, and we shall invest in education to nurture bright minds from all walks of life," Empress Xia, sensing the people's trust in her, continued to speak with fervour, promising even more that would appeal to their hearts.

The crowd's hope soared as they envisioned a future where their voices would be heard, and their struggles acknowledged and addressed. Empress Xia's words were a balm to their wounds, and they eagerly embraced her vision of a caring and inclusive society.

"Furthermore," Empress Xia declared, "I shall work tirelessly to improve the lives of the less fortunate, ensuring that no one goes hungry or suffers needlessly. Our city will be a shining example of compassion and unity."

The crowd erupted into cheers, their hearts swelling with gratitude for the Empress's promises. In her words, they found solace and renewed hope for a brighter future.

Ming Jian, observing the outpouring of support for Empress Xia, realized that the people had placed their trust in her wholeheartedly. He admired her ability to connect with them on such an emotional level, and he respected the genuine desire she showed to improve their lives.

"My fellow friends," Ming Jian addressed the crowd once again, "Empress Xia's proposals carry immense weight. She has shown true dedication to the welfare of our city and its people. Together, we can forge a path of prosperity and harmony for generations to come."

The people listened intently, their hope rekindled by the possibility of a wise and just ruler for generations to come.

"But," Ming Jian continued. "We must tread carefully and ensure that this decision is not driven solely by emotions. The council we form will take into account every aspect of this crucial choice."

The crowd nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom of careful consideration.

"For now, until the council reaches a decision, I accept the role of regent with humility and dedication," Ming Jian declared, his voice carrying the weight of his commitment to the city's future.

The crowd erupted into cheers once more, reassured by Ming Jian's unwavering dedication.

As the day came to a close, the fate of the city was still uncertain. The secrets of the past were entangled with the hopes for a new era. Li Zhen watched unconventionally as the city's destiny hung in the balance, and he knew that he, too, had a role to play in unravelling the truth that lay beneath the surface.

Li Zhen couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment as he watched the events unfold. The contradictions were staggering, and he struggled to reconcile the image of Emperor Liang Wei he knew from his sister's letters with the one being portrayed now. How could the crowd so easily believe in Empress Xia's fabricated story and turn against the memory of their late Emperor?

In his time nursing Li Mei, there had never been any mention of chaos in the empire or news of war spreading throughout the country. He found it hard to believe that such significant events could have occurred without any indication of reaching their village. Were they living in blissful ignorance, shielded from the harsh realities of the outside world?

The crowd's fervent support for Ming Jian as the potential new Emperor also perplexed Li Zhen. He understood that the people were desperate for change and yearned for a just and compassionate ruler. However, the ease with which they entrusted their faith to a leader they barely knew raised doubts in Li Zhen's mind.

He knew that uncovering the truth behind the late Emperor Liang Wei's reign and the current political situation in the city would not be an easy task. The complexity of human nature, the interplay of power and deception, and the weaving of secrets would require careful unravelling.

As the sun set on an eventful day, Li Zhen found himself deep in thought, contemplating the mysteries that lay ahead. He had journeyed to the city with the hope of understanding his sister's choice and finding answers about Emperor Liang Wei. But instead, he found himself confronted with an intricate web of lies and truths, all intertwined within the City's Secrets.

Perhaps, one more place that he had yet to visit might hold the answer he has been searching for. And that place is the art studio, where Li Mei spent most of her days capturing the true nature of being that she had come across.