
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Luke a 13-year-old boy lover of all kinds of novels, series, and manga, dies and is reincarnated in Wednesday's world with above-average psychic powers. As he immerses himself in the world of outcasts and monsters, he will discover that it is not as simple as it seems. Luke in his new life is a descendant of the famous writer Edgar Allan Poe and must deal with an old family grudge.

Nathe07 · TV
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100 Chs

Practice with Sabrina

"Aren't you going to help me?" asked Sabrina, looking up from the floor at Luke.

"Are you one-armed?" asked Luke, showing no sign of helping her. This girl was like Bianca. The most popular one. She most likely had a lot of guys after them drooling and was used to being pampered. Just the thought of it bothers him.

"You're as rude as everyone says," Sabrina said, getting up from the floor and shaking the dirt off her clothes.

Sabrina was wearing a loud red pullover, a black skirt with black tights, and dark shoes. She wore a headband in her blonde hair, her nails were painted red as were her lips.

Luke clicked his tongue and started walking again without paying Sabrina any more attention.

"This is the first time I've seen you out on a day off," Sabrina commented following Luke.

"Are you a stalker? I can give you an autograph if you want," Luke said with a slight smirk, looking sideways at Sabrina.

"I'm not a stalker, and I don't want your autograph. Your last name is very famous in Nevermore. There's even a statue of your great-great-grandfather. Plus, your book Carrie is also very famous. A lot of people noticed that you don't leave your dorm on the weekends," Sabrina commented, unbothered by Luke's teasing.

Luke grimaced when he heard this. He didn't think so many students would be watching whether or not he left his dorm. This was normal though. The culprit in this was Carrie.

His last name was very famous at Nevermore, but not to the point that so many students would be watching whether or not he left his dorm. The problem was Carrie's resounding success.

It had been a little over a month since the book was published, and according to data passed on to him by his publisher, it sold more than 100,000 copies in one month. A resounding success. A book that sells 100,000 copies is considered a success, but for a book by a first-time author to achieve that figure in a month is something rarely seen.

Geniuses like Stephen King could do it. This made Luke's fame grow by leaps and bounds. He had already passed 100,000 followers on various social networks, and many news portals and YouTube were talking about his work and him.

Many treated him as a genius and praised Carrie. Others criticized Carrie for being too gory and that Luke's head was wrong for writing something like that.

100,000 copies in a month. Luke couldn't believe it. He would take a 12% royalty. Carrie was priced at $8.00, and it was paperback. So, in one month, he got 800,000 USD.

Of which USD 96,000 will go to Luke. Discounting some taxes a little less. In one month, he makes what a pro makes in a year. Luke drooled at the thought of this number. He already wanted to get his hands on the money.

He had become a literary celebrity in just over a month. His stories were being seen by thousands of people. The same with his photos and so on. Many wanted to interview him, but the publisher was taking care of that. In a short time, he would have his first interview. It would be embarrassing, but he would have to do it.

"Are you listening to me?" asked Sabrina, running her hand in front of Luke's eyes several times.

"Huh? What were you saying?" asked Luke, snapping back to reality. He hadn't heard a word Sabrina was saying.

"God... I asked what were you doing? Weirdly, you came out of your room. You're such a celebrity hermit," said Sabrina with a slight smile.

"I'm not a hermit," growled Luke.

"I'm going to training," he added.

"Oh, can I join you? I'll be helpful," asked Sabrina.

"Mm... That's okay," said Luke. He didn't think he would find a replacement for Enid so easily. He didn't tell Sabrina that he would use her as a training dummy. He'll tell her when he gets to the gym so she can't refuse anymore.

"Being a famous writer always helps," Edgar commented with a slight smile.

They arrived at the gymnasium where they had their fencing classes. The place was empty, but it was allowed if the students wanted to practice in their free time, although the fencing equipment they had to borrow.

"What do you want to practice? Do we have a psychic practice bout or what?" asked Sabrina curiously.

"How much do you weigh?" asked Luke, surprising Sabrina with the strange question.

"You don't ask a girl that," said Sabrina with a pout, but Luke remained silent, waiting for her answer.

'This guy...' thought Sabrina in disbelief that her charm wasn't working.

"42.5kg, (93.7 pounds)" replied Sabrina.

"That's a good weight to start practicing. Explain to her what immobilization is," Edgar said, and Luke started to explain to Sabrina what her role would be in this training.

"So... You want to use me as a training dummy?" asked Sabrina after Luke finished his explanation.

"Yes," Luke replied.

"Okay. Let's get started," Sabrina said, and Luke was surprised at how easily she agreed. Maybe this is why she is one of the most popular girls.

"First, I will try to immobilize you, but do not try to free yourself," Luke said, and Sabrina nodded as she waited quietly.

According to Edgar, he first had to get used to the technique of immobilizing a person. Luke didn't understand much, but he followed the instructions the ghost gave him.

"Concentrate. Try to immobilize her like you would do when you control an object near you," said Edgar, and Luke started to control his powers toward Sabrina.

Sabrina, who was playing with a lock of her hair was suddenly immobilized. An outside force restricted her movements. She could only move her eyes and could only continue to breathe. As Luke told her, she did not try to free herself.

Luke the cause of this had sweat on his forehead. He was using all his concentration to keep Sabrina still in place and it was very difficult.

'Why is this so hard' thought Luke sensing that he wouldn't last much longer. He knew Sabrina wasn't putting up any resistance. If she had he couldn't have kept her restrained.

After 30 miserable seconds, Luke couldn't hold on any longer, and Sabrina regained her mobility.

"You see? I told you. Trying to control a living thing with your telekinesis is much more difficult than with lifeless objects. Otherwise, it would be very easy to learn how to fly," Edgar said. Luke could only nod silently and accept that he was wrong.

'On his first attempt, he spent thirty seconds immobilizing a person, even though the girl isn't very heavy it's still quite a feat,' thought Edgar without telling Luke this.

Usually a psychic starts his training by immobilizing small animals like squirrels, birds, etc.

Sabrina also looked with surprise, but quickly hid it, "That's it?" asked the girl.

"No. Now I have to repeat it many more times. To get used to it," Luke replied after catching his breath. He didn't think it would be so different and difficult to immobilize a person.

"Good" nodded Sabrina. Even though it wasn't nice the feeling of being immobilized, she agreed to keep helping Luke.

"Then if you need anything, I'll help you," Luke said. He didn't like owing anyone anything.

"Oh, good. I hope you keep your word," Sabrina said with a smile.

The workout continued. Luke managed to get the time to two minutes, but by the time Sabrina tried to free herself she could only hold on for twenty seconds.

Too short a time considering Sabrina has a delicate figure and no great physical strength. If she were Enid she could free herself instantly thanks to her superior werewolf strength.

Wanting to immobilize a Hyde? Ha. What a joke. He's a long way from that. He was very naive to think he could immobilize a Hyde easily. What he could do is crush him by throwing objects at him at high speed.

"That's it. Do you want to practice something specific?" asked Luke, looking at Sabrina.

Since Sabrina helped him with his training it's time for him to help with her training or whatever.

"You're too tired. Another day you will help me. For now, pass me your number," replied Sabrina, pulling out her cell phone.

"What do you want my number for?" asked Luke.

"How am I going to ask you to help me if you hardly ever leave your room?" said Sabrina, and Luke grunted, but he couldn't argue against that logic, so he passed her his number.

"I have to go meet some friends. I'd invite you, but I'm sure you won't accept. See you," Sabrina said with a slight smile, as she walked out of the gym.

"If you want to advance with the immobilization technique you must practice every day. So you must have a person to help you," said Edgar.

"I won't train every day. I already owe that girl one favor," Luke said. He couldn't ask Sabrina to help him every day. He'd have endless favors to give in return.

"I don't think she'll do it for a favor. Besides, at best you'll have to help her practice like she did with you," Edgar said, looking strangely at Luke.

"I won't ask that girl to help me again," Luke said stubbornly. He hardly knew her well enough to ask her to help him every day in his practice. He would try asking Enid since he was closer to her.

'It is difficult for him to trust someone,' Edgar thought, stepping back into the necklace. He had known his great-great-grandson for several months now and every day he learned more about Luke's personality.

He realized that Luke didn't trust people and had a lonely, yet arrogant personality. Usually, a loner or antisocial person has a more submissive personality, but this was not the case with Luke.

John, Luke's father, had a very different personality than his son. He was extroverted and the most popular student. After all, his last name was Poe and he was very talented. The only thing they were alike in was the attitude to make frivolous and rational decisions.

Even Edgar noticed that Luke did not fully trust him or Natasha. It would be common for a child who lived all his life in an orphanage to meet members of their families and treat them in a more loving and dependent way, but this was not the case.

'In time he will open up,' thought Edgar without giving more importance to the subject.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

Link: https://www.p@treon.com/Nathe07