
Webnovel reward system: Arcane kings online

As a web novel reader for over 4 years, I am quite proud of my novel reading hobby. But I never thought that one day my hobby would be the cause of such a life-changing event. [congratulations reader you have been randomly selected to be the first participant of the WEBNOVEL REWARD SYSTEM. Do you wish to participate YES or NO] Of course, I said yes. Only to find myself thrust into the world of the last novel I read. Arcane kings online. finding myself in a weird test created by an unknown powerful being, I was given only one mission, survive!!. So accompany me on this awesome journey of sexy elves, hot demons, fire-breathing dragons and yeah did I forget to mention that I plan on beating up the original main character of the novel? stop wasting time and join me, David as I make a legend that will be only mine DISCLAIMER: the picture of the book cover does not belong to me it's just a pic a saw on google and decided to use if you are the original owner just tell me and ill remove it. This is my first ever novel, and my grammar isn't the best so please help me to find my mistakes as I improve in this story. And please help me find any inconsistencies in the story

Zakeria15 · Juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

CHAPTER 6: Abigail's fate has changed

We ran and ran. Until we finally reached a crowded mall. I and Abigail have stopped at a bench in the mall near a clothing store. Both of us are out of breath and panting heavily. "Hahaha! damn, that was crazy" I say while looking at Abigail. She looks back at me, surprised. " Like seriously I was expecting a whole epic battle when we left the spirit contract plain," I continue in a joking manner trying to make her laugh. " Hahaha! you are crazy. You are crazy, you wanted to fight them? we are lucky we escaped hahaha!" my plan succeeded as Abigail said these words while laughing

" I was scared out of my mind... I...I was so scared" Abigail begins to stutter. I am surprised. Looking at her face I know what's coming next. " Waaaa! why me?" and here they are, the tears. I immediately move towards her and wrap my arms around her, hugging her. I have two younger siblings so I have some experience in comforting people. She clutches my shirt tightly and her crying becomes louder. But I don't mind. Unfortunately, the people around me don't seem to be so pleased. The people walking passed us give me disgusted looks. Some people even leave the clothing store near us to check on us. All of them look at me like a villain.

A woman walking past us says to her friend beside her. " You see, I told you all men are dogs. Look at how hurt the girl is. I'm sure he cheated,". A middle-aged man walked past us and said to his daughter. " I see that honey. If I didn't beat up your ex-boyfriend when I met him last week, you would have ended up like her," I can only hear these people say such things about me. But right now Abigail is more important than arguing with those idiots. I place my right hand on her head and I begin to stroke her hair. " Don't worry, don't worry everything is alright" I say to her in a gentle tone.

" He... he wanted to violate me. He touched me. I couldn't fight him...I...I...was so scared" Abigail says as her body trembles in my arms. Hearing this my heart is filled with guilt and gratitude. " Don't worry, I'm here for you and I won't ever leave you. I will protect you, I promise" I say these words to her as gently as possible. She looks up at me and I can see her tear-stained face. She drops her face and buries it into my chest. Seeing her in this state I felt like a piece of shit. While we were kidnapped I actually regretted trying to save her. I thought to myself that if I had run on my own I could have escaped from those twin brothers.

But now that I know who she is, I am grateful for what I did. In the novel, Abigail was introduced as a villain. She was a serial killer that killed and hated all men. When I read her back story. It was pretty bad. She had been raped by two cultivators for 4 days straight. With the latter half of the first day till the 4th day being on the blood fang array. Being surrounded by corpses and the smell of rotting bodies while she was violated and eventually killed and sacrificed in the array. She went through a lot of shit. It was during the activation of the blood fang array that Alina forcefully activated an arcus blood pact with Abigail's dissipating soul.

She took Abigail's soul to the spirit realm and created a new body for her. The deal of their pact was that Alina would give her power to Abigail. While Abigail will serve her for all her life. Abigail agreed, but she wanted revenge. So she traveled between the spirit realm and Ethan. Killing her abusers and everyone that was related to the man that violated her. She even goes on a killing spree on Ethan once in a while to blow off some steam. She was a murderous man-hater. But she hated male cultivators more than normal men.

She would become enemies of all the cultivation organizations on Ethen.

Her assassination skills were so good that she wasn't caught easily. Until one day she met the protagonist. Bai Fan notices that she is contracted with a cursed weapon. Bai Fan confronted her and demanded that she tell him where and how she received her powers. The fact that Bai Fan is a male cultivator and his arrogant attitude leads to her trying to kill him. Bai Fan escapes from her because she was stronger than him. But they eventually met again a few days after their first fight. Bai Fan having received extra strength from playing AKO this time was able to kill her using a special skill. The skill he used was able to stop her from contacting Alina. Thus Bai Fan became enemies with Alina. But due to her link to Ethan being dead. She couldn't come to Ethan and murder Bai Fan.

There is more that happened after that. Right now I only care about the girl in my arms. I make to myself a silent promise. If those twins are still alive after today. If I ever see them again I will kill them. Not just for Abigail, But also for myself. As for Shang Bai Fan. I will Kick his ass someday. It's not that he's a bad guy. It's just that his too arrogant and his actions will cause the deaths of some characters I like. So he deserves an ass-kicking. Suddenly the crying from Abigail stops and her gripe on my shirt loosens. I realize that she has fallen asleep. I look at her sleeping face and I can't bare to wake her up. She just looks so cute.

I pick her up with my arms into a princess carry." This is going to be a long walk home" I say out loud. I don't know where she lives. One of my greatest flues is my soft spot for women. I guess she'll be coming with me home. Even though I'm tired I begin walking toward the bus stop. Although I know what her original fate was meant to be. I don't care. I will keep my promise and protect her. The idea of knowing I have changed someone's fate actually feels good. I don't know if she will have a better life due to my actions or not. But I will stay by her side as long as she allows me to. A transmigration story such as mine can't be completed without saving a damsel here and there, right?

----- 3rd PERON POV

Back in the area near Joe's restaurant. The surrounding buildings have been destroyed. The restaurant is nothing but ashes at this point. Sitting in the middle of this battlefield is an orange-haired woman. She is currently trapped in a barrier that prevents her from escaping. Her facial expression is one of anger. " Those bastards. I can't believe I let them escape" the orange-haired beauty says as she stomps her shoes onto the barrier. " Woosh!" accompanied by the sound of the wind a group of men in black suits appears on the devastated land. " Miss Jessica, are you alright? where are the Lao brothers?"

A tall man with blond hair immediately asks upon seeing that no enemies are in sight. The girl stares at the man like his an idiot. " Do I look like I'm not okay?" Jessica says to the man in ridicule. The man felt his face turn red. If one would look at Jessica, apart from her angry facial expression. She is perfectly fine. Not even a scratch can be seen on her body. " Those bastards got away this time. But I retrieved the stolen item. They used a very powerful item to keep me sealed in this barrier so I wouldn't go after them. But I made sure to leave them with something to remember me by." Jessica says this and looks in a certain direction. Everyone followed her gaze only to see a human arm laying in a pole of blood.

Seeing this everyone could only admire her talent. At the young age of 22, she is already at the peak of the core formation realm. The Lao brothers are also at the peak of the core formation stage but they are already in their thirties. She went up against two experienced cultivators of the same stage but she is uninjured. Yet her enemies were left in a miserable state and forced to escape. " Should we help you out of the barrier miss.?" the blond man says. This time everyone looks at him like an idiot. " Of course not. I just enjoy chilling in this barrier so much" Jessica says her voice filled with sarcasm.

" I understand miss. Please enjoy yourself," the blond man replies in an understanding tone. "Pah!" the sound of multiple men palming their faces resounds in the area. " Hey Alex, when was the last time you and I spent some quality time together ?" Jessica says. An evil smile on her face. Seeing that slime Alex now realizes she is pissed. Confused as to the cause of her anger he looks at his colleagues for help. Only for them to turn away from his gaze. The other men in suits can only give him sympathetic looks and pray for him to survive what this woman will do to him. " GET ME OUT!" Jessica screams.



In a lavishly decorated bedroom, three beautiful women can be seen. " Smack, smack!" two slapping noises resound in the room. A purple-skinned beauty can be seen laying on the floor. With disheveled hair and a sad expression. " Why me ?" the woman says in a wronged tone. " We told you not to jinx him Alakshmi. Why can't you control your urges" The golden-haired woman Lachesis says her voice full of annoyance. She is standing up while looking down at the sad girl. " His only mortal and a human as well. Just you looking at him is crazy enough.

You know your gaze has enough power to curse a whole nation with misfortune for hundreds of years. We only allow you to watch him with us because of how high his luck is. I am here and I can negate you. But you jinxed him," the black-haired woman beside Lechesis reprimands Alakshmi in a neutral tone. Her name is Tyche. " I just couldn't help myself. He is just beautiful and tempting. " Alakshmi says in a sad voice. "That is not the problem. Your jinx can even cause gods to die. He is mortal and weak. Look at what he had to go through due to your jinx. Your jinx lasts for as long as your target exists.

Even if Tyche can bless him with her fortune he will have to suffer with your bad luck for all his existence, not even death can save him," Lechesis says in anger. Lechesis is the one that is most frustrated by their situation. Her desire for David is even higher than her sisters but she controlled herself, why couldn't the others do the same? " Just let Tyche bless him with her fortune even if it can't stop bad things from happening. Her fortune also won't be stopped as good things will happen to him. I mean look at him he survived a crisis with cultivators while he is a normal human. His luck is so high that he is gaining benefits from my jinx. If Tyche adds her fortune then he will be safe... I mean he will not die too easily,"

Alakshmi says with slight embarrassment. The other two look at each other and they can't refute her words. In all their lives they have never found a being with as much luck as David. David's good luck is only lower than Tyche who is the being with the most luck in this universe. She is the lady of luck the god that rules fortune and good luck. " Fine your plan will work. But we must not let mother find out about this, understood?" Tyche says in a cold tone. The other girls say nothing in response as their gazes are focused on someone behind Tyche.

" And what should I not find out?" a kind and gentle voice comes from behind Tyche. Her body trembles in fear. Her Facial expression changes. This on its own would shock most gods. Even if the god of destruction were here she wouldn't flinch. Turning around Tyche sees the figure of an incredibly beautiful woman. Light brown skin, gold eyes, and her long white hair is tied into a long braid. Standing at a height of 2 meters. Her motherly aura and kind smile would make anyone feel comfortable. But at this moment Tyche and her sisters can only dread what they are about to face.


Somewhere in the blood plains ruled by the blood demons. A beautiful garden can be seen. A black werewolf and a beautiful Jaryū are sitting on a chair opposite each other. " The boy is surprisingly kind for a human. He is taking care of Abigail so gently. But I still don't like him," Alina says looking at Amarok. " You know your hate for men is going to make life difficult for you. I mean how are you going to find a husband when you act like this to all guys you meet?" Amarok says in amusement. " All men are dogs..." Alina says only to realize what her words mean. A vain bulges on Amaroks forehead. " I am a man, and a am a werewolf. What are you trying to say about me" he says in clear irritation.

" Come on Amarok you have been my best friend for as long as I have lived. We are practically blood sisters" Alina says with a smile on her face. Another vain bulges on Amaroks forehead hearing those words. When Amarok and Alina first met they were only 4 years old. Amarok was so pretty that everyone and Alina thought he was a girl for most of his youth. During that period, Alina called Amarok her sister and she still does to this day. If David knew about this he would be smiling from ear to ear as this was information that was not written in the novel he read.

Amarok stands up and walks away leaving this place. " Hey, wait," Alina says this time her tone serious. Amarok keeps walking. " Why did you so easily accept the boy's contract and even convince me to agree? Knowing you. I expected you to rip his head off during the conversation" Alina asks full of curiosity. Amarok pauses and then he speaks. " that boy, I smelled their scents on him." Hearing those words Alina's body trembles. She looks at Amarok with a shocked gaze and asks. " You don't mean them, do you?" Amarok continues his walk and says, "Goddess Alakshmi and her sister. All 3 of them, he is covered in their smells. That fact his still alive means he is special. Don't fuck with him, and don't tell him about it. I don't think he knows" with those words Amarok's body disappears leaving a shocked and frightened Alina.