
Web of Shadows: Spider-Gwen Against the Nightling

Somewhere in a universe that's a gazillion miles away, Spider-Gwen and this shady character, Nightling, have been playing their own version of cops and robbers. She slings webs and he... talks to squirrels, I guess? Joke, he controls shadows. Anyway, they've got this whole hero-villain dynamic going on. Could be epic, but then, wham! Feelings happened. Yeah, you read that right. I'm just as surprised as you are(not really I wrote it). Why am I even rewriting this? Oh, right. SnowApathie was like "Oh no, not a ChatGPT summary!" Why do books need summaries anyway? Isn't the mystery part of the fun? Its like someone telling you the end of a movie before you even went to watch it. I hate writing these so much, how does one even write one without spoiling parts of the book? Why are you still even reading this? Shoo, go read the chapters. So, long story short - it's a tale of two super-beings, some feelings, and a whole lot of ridiculousness. Might be worth a read, or not. Up to you! Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. Gwen Stacy and Spider-Woman belong to Marvel Comics. Nightling is an original creation. This work is not affiliated with or endorsed by Marvel Comics. For questions, art, discord-only side stories, join the discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/UCgqa5FKbE

Penpool · Cómic
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36 Chs

Tastes Good!

As the sun lazily seeped through the window, it bathed Olivia's apartment in a soft, dappled light. Nestled in a snug corner of the city, her abode was not large, but it radiated a warmth that was instantly welcoming. Gwen, more a permanent fixture than a guest in this house, had been folded into the morning bustle as Olivia's parents readied themselves for their workday.

The apartment, though modest, was undeniably charming. It featured three bedrooms, a living room spacious enough to accommodate a plush couch, a kitchen that always smelled tantalizingly of delightful culinary creations, and three bathrooms. The floorplan was straightforward: Olivia's parents occupied the master bedroom with an en-suite, Olivia had her room and a bathroom, and the third was a multipurpose one - used by guests and intermittently repurposed by Olivia's college-going brother during his visits.

Gwen was currently splayed on the couch in the living room, a seat that clearly had many stories to tell. This was Olivia's favorite spot to lounge and while away hours in comfort. The living room around them hummed with quiet life – an assortment of mismatched furniture pieces, a bookshelf crammed with an array of books, and scattered family photos, each telling tales of the family's journey.

"Sweetheart!" Clara, Olivia's mother, called out as she bustled into the room. Gwen braced herself for the impending affectionate onslaught. Clara was a woman of boundless warmth, her hugs akin to a full-body thermal blanket. As soon as she'd heard about Gwen's incident from her husband, she felt compelled to envelop Gwen in a bear hug that left Gwen slightly winded.

Conversely, Olivia's father had a more restrained approach. Upon learning about the incident, he had a quiet, serious conversation with Gwen's father. The discussion concluded with a firm handshake, a silent agreement of mutual support and understanding between the two fathers.

Just as Gwen disentangled herself from Clara's all-embracing hug and was heading towards the sanctuary of the couch, a tempest named Olivia erupted from her room. Seeing Gwen, she squealed with excitement, flinging herself at Gwen in an exuberant hug that nearly knocked them both off balance.

"Gwen! Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" Olivia exclaimed, bouncing like an overexcited jack-in-the-box (the toy, not the fast-food chain), her eyes twinkling like the stars above.

Taken aback momentarily by Olivia's fervor, Gwen offered a shaky grin. "Liv, would you take a breath?" She placed her hands on Olivia's shoulders, steadying them both.

"Nightling dropped by my place a little while ago," Gwen started, her lips curving into a brave but forced smile. "Got himself shot at the police station and decided to pay us a visit, threatening my dad to play doctor."

Olivia's face transitioned faster than a chameleon changing colors, her shock swiftly transforming into a layer of worry. "Oh, Gwen," she murmured, her arms pulling Gwen into a comforting embrace. Without missing a beat, she then commenced Operation Couch Comfort, guiding Gwen towards the well-worn couch and sinking down with her, draping an arm protectively over Gwen's shoulders.

The pair sank into the couch's inviting depths, Olivia scrutinizing Gwen with the intensity of a white-coated scientist. "Are you both okay? Did your dad do as he was told - never mind, obviously he did, that's why you're here… Anything else I should know?"

"We're okay, Liv. Dad managed to remove the bullet, and Nightling left soon after. He did mention something about targeting the police station again though. Hence, my stay at your place, probably for the next few days." Gwen responded, nestling deeper into Olivia, seeking the comforting familiarity of her best friend. She might be a superhero, but even superheroes needed a haven, and Olivia was hers.

"Olivia," Clara's voice floated in from the hallway, "stay home with Gwen today, alright? Keep an eye on her. Your father and I need to head to work, but George has arranged for some officers to patrol around here and by the station, so you two will be safe."

"Sure thing, mom!" Olivia's voice was filled with a jubilant tone at the prospect of skipping school, although concern for Gwen tempered her excitement.

Clara, a woman whose heart was as big as the universe, wrapped Gwen in another of her legendary embraces. Her hands roamed across Gwen's back, offering comfort as she whispered a soft "Poor thing" into Gwen's ear. With a final squeeze, she released Gwen, following her husband out of the house, leaving behind the comforting whispers of their serious conversation.

"Well… how about we order food later? I need to let Coach Simmons know I won't make cheer practice today. Is it cool if I spill the beans, or would you rather I keep quiet?" Olivia asked, her fingers dancing across her phone screen with practiced ease.

Gwen pondered Olivia's question, her gaze drawn to the patterns on the worn-out rug beneath their feet. "Let's keep it on the down-low… The last thing I need right now is to become the center of attention when I eventually return to school."

"Gotcha," Olivia chirped, her thumbs flying across her phone screen. Within seconds, she had sent a message to her coach and opened up TikTok, her fingers already scrolling through the latest dance challenges and cat videos.

Just then, Gwen's phone vibrated with a new notification. Pulling it out, she saw a message waiting on Snapchat.

TheLuke: Hey Gwen, not feeling well, so won't be in school today. It's nothing about yesterday, so no worries. 7:12 AM

She was about to type out a quick 'Okay,' when her phone was abruptly nearly snatched from her hands by an overly dramatic Olivia.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! YOU DON'T TEXT A GUY BACK INSTANTLY BEFORE YOU'RE OFFICIAL! THAT'S LIKE… BASIC DATING ETIQUETTE!" Olivia hollered, her fingers desperately grappling with Gwen's for the coveted phone.

"W-What!? Why!?" Gwen's surprise morphed into mild panic as her phone became the center of a full-blown tug-of-war, Olivia's determination escalating the situation into a wrestling match right there on the couch.

"Oh no, you don't!" Olivia cried, taking the offensive. With surprising agility, she clambered onto Gwen, pinning her best friend down with a leg lock as she continued to wrestle for the phone. A flurry of tickles, giggles, and occasional yelps filled the room as the duo tussled for control, each one striving for the upper hand.

With a triumphant yelp, Olivia finally wrested the phone from Gwen's grip. She held the prize aloft like a warrior who'd just snagged the golden fleece. Panting slightly, she let out a triumphant "HA!" before quickly collapsing back onto the couch, phone clutched tightly in her hand.

"Lesson one, Gwen," Olivia began, adopting a serious tone that was incredibly hard to take seriously given she was sprawled haphazardly over her friend on the couch, "Girls for guys like Luke are a dime a dozen. If you want him to really notice you, you can't just roll over and play easy. You've got to make him work for it."

Gwen, having recovered from her momentary shock, scoffed at Olivia's statement. "I don't even like him that way, Olivia," she huffed, trying to wiggle out from under her friend's weight.

"Sure, sure," Olivia replied, waving her hand dismissively. Her voice had a distinct 'I don't believe a word you're saying' tone to it. "You just keep telling yourself that. But when you do realize you like him, and you will, just remember what I said. Now give me a second to respond to Luke."

For the next few minutes, Olivia monopolized Gwen's phone, her thumbs flying over the screen in a texting frenzy. Gwen, pinned under her best friend, could do nothing- well that wasn't exactly true, but for some reason she didn't really feel like stopping her.

"What did you text him?" Gwen questioned. She might not have stopped her, but she did want to know what Olivia sent.

Olivia's mischief was as unfathomable as her high spirits were infectious. "Ohhhh, nothing much!" she said, an impish twinkle in her eyes as her lips stretched into a cheeky grin, "Just told him he tasted good!"

Gwen's reaction was immediate and explosive. "YOU DID WHAT!?" she squealed, shoving Olivia off her. She pounced on the phone like a feline pouncing on unsuspecting prey.

She saw the message glaring at her from the screen, the evidence of Olivia's mischievous actions.

StarryEyedWanderer: Alright, ya taste good 7:15 AM

Her hand twitched, eager to delete the evidence of this embarrassing interaction but then she noticed it - the tell-tale sign of Luke's Snapchat icon. He was active, he was reading the message! In her panic, she flung the phone away as if it was a ticking bomb.

"He-he saw it! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE, LIV!" Gwen screeched, staring at Olivia with wide eyes of horror.

Olivia, shockingly serene amidst the chaos, scooped up the discarded phone with a calm demeanor. "Oh- he responded…" she murmured nonchalantly.

Gwen swallowed the lump in her throat. "W-What did he say?" Her voice trembled, a blush staining her cheeks at the thought of Luke's possible reply.

But Olivia didn't answer. Instead, she started typing away, her fingers dancing across the screen like a pianist playing a frenzied melody. "Nothin' much!" she tossed over her shoulder at Gwen, who watched her with a mix of horror and fascination.

"OLIVIA?!" Gwen's exclamation echoed around the room.

In response, Olivia merely raised an eyebrow, turning Gwen's phone screen towards her with a devilishly triumphant smile. "Oh, calm down, calm down, he said 'what,' so I responded as one should!"

Gwen hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest, before squinting at the screen.

"When I bit you on that train, you tasted good," Olivia had responded to Luke's confusion.

Gwen's face contorted into an expression of pure horror while Olivia merely continued to grin at her like the Cheshire Cat. The room fell into a strange silence, the phone ominously quiet despite Luke's active status on the chat, adding another layer to the suspense hanging in the room.

As the silence stretched, Gwen and Olivia locked gazes - one filled with a strange, gleeful satisfaction, the other filled with abject horror and disbelief. The tension was palpable, the anticipation for Luke's response thick in the air.

We got 10 more so here you go... however probably keep this thing going for 2 more chapters as I am out already written ones and have to write em myself...

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