
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasía
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70 Chs


Amidst the desolate muddy soil and the tangle of broken branches that encircled the area, stood a small cart, one of its wheels firmly trapped in the thick mud. The cart bore clear signs of being buried deep within the soil for a considerable period of time.

"Damn it! The horse isn't here. I knew we should have brought it with us," exclaimed a rugged-sounding man, frustration evident in his voice.

"What did you expect? Did you really think the horse would wait for us patiently in the midst of this wild storm, surrounded by all sorts of beasts?" retorted his companion.

"Enough of this bickering. Gather what you need, and we shall continue our journey towards the academy," commanded an old man with a dignified and elegant voice.

"Yes, Teacher!" responded the two men simultaneously, acknowledging their orders.

As the men rummaged through the cart, salvaging whatever they could, one of the students mustered the courage to inquire about something that had been weighing on their mind.

"Teacher, if you don't mind me asking, why did you entrust the introductory book on magic to this peasant?" the student asked, curiosity evident in their voice.

"Indeed, Teacher! Traditionally, the knowledge of magic has been reserved for nobles and those of high status. Allowing individuals of lower standing to access such divine knowledge could potentially lead to backlash." added another student, expressing concern.

The old teacher paused for a moment, his gaze thoughtful as he contemplated the question. Then, with a calm and wise tone, he began to explain his reasoning.

"It was the founding principle of our academy that an esteemed scholar could select a student based on their merits, regardless of their social status. This child demonstrated an exceptional ability to perceive and analyze natural phenomena. This child accurately predicted the duration and conclusion of the storm solely through observation of wind and rain patterns. Have any of you ever encountered an individual, let alone a child, with such a remarkable talent for predicting precise information?" the teacher responded, emphasizing the significance of the child's unique abilities.

The students fell silent, their previous doubts and reservations momentarily overshadowed by the realization of the child's extraordinary gift.

"Pure luck! How could a mere child possess enough knowledge about the weather to accurately predict it? It's nothing more than a fortunate coincidence," scoffed one of the students, while his companion nodded in agreement.

"I understand your skepticism," the teacher responded, maintaining his composure. "Luck can certainly play a role in certain circumstances, but it is important to recognize that there are instances where talent and intuition go hand in hand. While it is true that this child's prediction may seem extraordinary, we must consider that sometimes exceptional abilities emerge in unexpected ways. Only time will tell, if this child was part of a bigger picture or not."

"Now, let us redirect our attention towards our journey to the academy," the teacher concluded, a subtle shift in tone indicating their desire to steer the conversation away from the child, sensing the growing resentment among his students.


Meanwhile, Ethan held the book gifted by the scholar clutched tightly in his shaky hands. As he read the title of the book, he initially dismissed it as a mere children's tale, intended for entertainment. However, a sudden realization washed over him like a wave. He now resided in a completely different world, one teeming with fantastical creatures. If such incredible beings existed, why couldn't the realm of magic also be a reality here? A spark of curiosity and excitement flickered within Ethan's mind

Ethan swiftly concealed the book he had received from the scholar inside his room and hastened to seek answers from his father.


"Hmm? What is it, Ethan?"

Aware that the concept of magic would be unfamiliar to his young and unexplored mind, Ethan cautiously framed his question to avoid unnecessary confusion and inquiries about his own knowledge.

"Father, do you remember the three man that entered our Inn last night? as I was conversing with those three men a few minutes ago, they suddenly disappeared without a trace. How is such a thing possible?"

His father looked at Ethan, hesitating for a moment before giving him a hesitant response.

"Well, there's no reason to shield you from the truth. Those three men are indeed magicians."

"M-Magicians?" Ethan could hardly believe his ears. Magicians, the very beings he had read about in fantastical stories, capable of commanding the elements and wielding extraordinary powers.

"Yes, magicians are special people who possess the remarkable ability to harness and manipulate magical energies, allowing them to perform incredible tricks that seem impossible. They possess extensive knowledge of magical lore and spells, which they employ to wield their powers," his father explained, trying to convey the essence of what magicians were.

Excitement sparkled in Ethan's eyes as he exclaimed, "Whoa! I want to become a magician!"

His father let out a weary sigh, realizing the difficult truth he had to impart to his son. "I'm sorry, my son, but becoming a magician is simply not possible for us."

"W-Why?" Ethan's voice trembled with disappointment.

"You see, Ethan, the practice of magic is something that is usually only available to people born into noble families or those with high social status. They are the ones who are given the chance to learn and use magic. It's not fair, I know, but that's how things are. People like us, who come from different backgrounds, don't get the same opportunities. Instead, we sometimes have to do other important jobs, like serving in the military. Meanwhile, children from noble families have the luxury of focusing on their magical education without any worries," his father explained with a touch of bitterness in his voice.

Ethan comprehended his father's explanation, finding parallels between the social divisions he had witnessed in his previous life. He understood that people were often divided by social class, with privileges distributed unequally among them. However, he firmly believed that with a combination of luck and hard work, it was possible to bridge the gap between those born into privilege and those born into less fortunate circumstances. All he needed to do was demonstrate his worth and abilities.

'Now I understand what that old man meant when he told me to 'strive to comprehend the content of the book.' That academy must be the place where those noble children are sent to learn magic and if I follow his instructions and inquire about the recruitment trial he mentioned, I also have a chance to intake into that education." Ethan pondered inside, connecting the dots and recognizing the significance of the book and the academy he had been informed of.

The significance of the book and the academy Ethan had learned about intrigued him deeply. He couldn't help but wonder why the old man had entrusted such an important book to someone like him, who lacked noble status or high social standing. What could the old man possibly be planning by encouraging him to study its contents? These thoughts flickered in Ethan's mind, but they quickly dissipated in the face of his newfound purpose. Finally, he had something to strive for in this unfamiliar world—a chance to pursue knowledge and acquire the ability to wield real magic. It was an opportunity that any human from Earth would eagerly leap at, to learn and manifest extraordinary powers.

Ethan thought to himself, "For now, I should hide the fact that I was gifted the book from the scholar. I don't know how my parents would react if they learned about it. What if they decide to take the book away, thinking it could put me in danger? I can't let them remove my newfound purpose in this world."

Later that night, after the closing hours of the inn, Ethan hurriedly entered his room, closed the door behind him, and set a candle aglow on the nearby table. With bated breath, he retrieved the hidden book and gently opened its first page.

"Let's see what knowledge lies inside!" Ethan whispered to himself, his eyes gleaming with new found excitement and anticipation.