
Wealth System: Starting Sign-In to the richest man

[Ding, Congratulations to the host for being selected by the Wealth System. Wether to bind?] [Yes/No] "..." "Wh... What just happened?" Eric Terrier, who was knocked our drunk after breaking up with his girlfriend Nina, because he was poor and cannot afford to let her live the kind of life she wants, so she went looking for a rich old guy with pot belly A day after that [Ding, Sign-In successfully and get 100 million dollars cash] A Month after that [Ding, Sign-In successfully and won Bugatti Veyron] 6 months after that [Ding, Sign-In successfully and won 51% shares in Amazon] A year after that [Ding, Sign-In successfully and obtain technology and blueprint for a solar car] A few years after that, Eric became the richest man on the planet and established a colony on Mars. Reporter: "Mr.Eric, people all over the world wanted to know, how you became the richest man from nothing in a span of few years?" Eric: "... Will you really believe me if I say I don't know anything?" Reporter: "..." Audience: "..."

blankish_myth · Ciudad
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2 Chs

System Binding

Eric: "See you again tomorrow Boss."

Pearl: "Walk slow and Take Care."

Today, the first day of the month, Eric is extremely exited because he is about to ask his girlfriend for a date and finally become a man.

Eric and his girlfriend Nina has been in Relationship for 3 years, started during their high school days. They even joined the same university to continue their relationship and also made vows to marry each other after finding a job after graduating.

Nina became 18 last month.So, he(Eric) saved money for the pas decided to gift her favourite iphone and ask her out for a date tomorrow.

Eric is going home from his part-time job humming a ditty in a good mood.

It is night about 10PM. As he climbed stairs and came to his room, he can see Nina standing there in dim light near the room door.

Eric: "Hey Babe, Whats up? Why are you here at this hour?"

She gave him a complicated look, her eyes mixed with nostalgia before changing into firm determination

Nina: "Eric... Let's break up".

Those words sounded like a storm inside Eric's head, so much that he even forgot how to react for a few seconds and took a deep breath and replied with a small laugh.

Eric: "Are you joking babe? Let's go in and have some food shall we? I'll cook your favourite style of fried chicken"

But, there was no smile on her face, just a little impatience remained as she replied

Nina: "No... I'm serious, you can't give me the life I wanted to have. I wanted to spend my youth luxuriously, but you don't have so much money and still doing some small part time jobs. So, I don't want to waste my youth on you. I wish you happiness. Goodbye"

She turned around and walked down the stairs leaving a him in a daze along with dead silence except for her high heel stepping sounds growing distant.

Eric stood there for a long time before coming back to his senses as the chilling temperature outside became more chilling.

He shook his head wryly and opened to lock and entered the room and locked in.

Took out his phone and looked at this bank balance of 12,000 dollars. Which are all his savings since the beginning of college, with which he wanted to buy that iPhone and also a car after a few months of savings.

He suddenly felt that he is not in the mood to do anything and just wanted to forget all his worries and sleep for today

So, he went to the fridge and took out all the beer bottle he can find, turned on the TV and AC, and started drinking not even concentrating on the TV

He replaying today's event of breaking up with his girlfirend.... nope .... current ex-girlfriend and also all the events from his childhood till today and started thinking that life is very unfair to a lot of people in the world

He remembered the words his father once said to him, "The system in which the world functions is extremely unfair to the people who don't have money or power. But everyone in the world can rewrite their destiny by becoming strong physically and mentally, being disciplined, ambitious, consistent and relentlessly hard working"

He is only 10 years old back them, so he didn't understand the meaning of those words, just thought that his father is nagging to him again to be disciplined etc

Now that he became an adult and has seen the world he finally understood their meaning.

So, he decided to live different life from tomorrow and be ruthlessly ambitious, disciplined and become strong and do whatever it takes to become rich.

He drank about 8 bottles of beer and slowly fell asleep

In his sleep he seems to have heard some sounds

[Ding, Congratulations to the host for being selected by the Sign-In Wealth System. Do you want to bind?]


Next day, he woke up about 8:00AM in the morning for an alarm clock which rings daily

As he rubbed his eyes he seemed to see a blue screen in front of him.

He moved his hand forward, but found that it passed through the screen and pinched himself to see if he's still dreaming.

After confirming that he is not dreaming, he jumped of the bed and screamed

Eric: "F*ck!!!! I'm not dreaming!!!.. I really became a man with System... and that too a wealth system"

[Ding! Host, do you want to bind?]


Eric: "Yes... Of course 'Yes', only a fool would choose 'No'"

[Ding! Congratulations on binding the Sign-In Wealth System. You received a novice-gift package. Do you want to open it?]

[Ding, Congratulations on opening the novice gift pack, you received .....]

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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