

Takuma continues his attacks against Akatsuki. While Iris watched in horror as her older brother and the man she loved fought. She knew the battle had three outcomes and only one would benefit her. If Takuma won she would live a life in chains forever reminded of the love she lost. If Akatsuki won she would be free but would constantly fear the Ichijo family coming after her. The third option would be throwing herself infront of Akatsuki as Takuma swings. This could end the fight between the two but end her setting her free completely. Iris took a deep breath after looking at the pros and cons of all three options. Iris with a bit of Effort jumps to her feet. She stumbled back a bit before rushing forward.

Iris pov

I couldn't watch this any longer the fight had to stop. In any other situation two guys fighting over me would make me feel great. This time however is different both of them I care about, so I don't want them to fight. Takuma was in mind swing it was my chance. I donkey kick Akatsuki to move him out of the way. "HANNA NO!" Takuma screams his eyes filling with tears. The blade cut me from my legs shoulder and ended at my right hip. Akatsuki rushes to me catching me as I fell. "Iris no please no don't leave me." I was get cold and my vision blurry. I reach for his cheek smiling at him. "Its not forever my love we are not saying goodbye. I will see you again maybe not for a little while but it will be worth the wait. Go find a girl to share that mannor with. Fill the halls with laughter from children and yourself. I want you to live life to the fullest that way you will have stories to tell me. Akatsuki I know I didn't say it enough but I love you. I loved you from the moment we met even into death. I will always love you so please don't let my passing ruin you. My love this door is closing and another will open for you. I promise you so smille for me." I said tears spilling from my eyes. It takes alot of effort but He smiles that smile I love.

No ones pov

Akatsuki held Iris crying over her body screaming why would she do this?

Takuma was taken by the senate who waited for Akatsuki to decide his fate. At Iris funeral not a dry eye was found. She was so loveing and giving that it was hard to hate her. Her grandfather from the Ichijo family shed a few tears saying he was sorry. It took time but Akatsuki did what she asked. He married Ruka and had children that were full of life and joy.

The day came when he was passing Ruka sat by him holding his hand. "Go to her I will be ok." was the last thing he heard before being taken to a garden the one he wanted for her. "What took you so long my love?" He turned to see Iris in her wedding dress between two people. One looked like a older version of Takuma while the other was a spitting image of Iris. He rushed to her pulling her into his arms. "I missed you every day. My heart hurt for you not being by my side. I love you so much Iris." The woman just helped him. "I know but I was never far from you Akatsuki." She said making him pull away and look confused. She placed her hand over his heart. "Its because I was always right here." She said before kissing him.

Love can be born threw any circumstance as these two found something that would live one even after there passing. His children will pass down stories of the brave woman that saved the man she loved. They will also speak of the man that never once stopped loving his bride that got away but was never far.