

Amber's ,16,naive,sweet, beautiful and innocent wants to experience the last thing on her wish list before her time runs out, Love. All thanks to her battling a dangerous lung infection with no cure. She falls in love with someone who loved her back to bits. But Amber realises what mistake she did after she took into consideration how he was going to cope in her absence left with a year more to live. She tries to stop loving him and for him to stop loving her but fails terribly. An over protective mother tries everything in her power to stop her son from loving an ill conditioned girl. And with enemies like Emerald his best friend and Willa his cousin who were in love with him so many years back before Amber their threat Amber showed up. In addition to all the hurdles, Amber's mother lies in coma in a state of uncertainty, how will she cope? Will she actually overcome the anger of a roaring protective mother? Can she fulfill her last wish just before her death? / [Cover not mine]

Sh_ine_M · Adolescente
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19 Chs

You're flat, boring, straight-forward and annoying.

"Excuse me sir, but I was just about to grab that!"

He looked at the last pair of sneakers on the shelf now in his hands and looked back at the frail looking figure that stood in front of him and handed the pair to her then moved on to another area. She felt a bit sorry for him even though she really wanted the shoe for her sister as her birthday present. So she run after him.

"Uhm..you know what? You can have these. I found another colour of these. But he looked like he wasn't even listening to her. "Uhm excuse me sir?! Sir?!" She called out as he kept on walking shelf to shelf and run infront of him with her arms spread out wide to block his way. He took out his bluetooth headphones and looked into her eyes for the first time. Sparks seemed to appear around her once his gaze fell on her but it looked as if only she could see it. She recognized this face immediately. How could she not? Who would not? She stood star struck with her lips opening and closing like a pucker fish. He looked at her crazy beautiful face, fixed his bluetooth headphones and moved on.

"Huh...he's gone? Sir please you can have the shoes am okay now".

"No thanks" he said flatly.

" 'No thanks?' Please you'll make me feel bad, have it please!" She pleaded on.

"So feel bad!"

"What?! You don't actually care if I feel bad or not?" She asked quite stunned.

"Obviously not!"

"An ego you have there! While I am here caring, literally begging you to get this pair of nice glittery girly shoes as though it'd be of benefit to me instead? Wait.... are you getting them for someone else just like I am?" She followed him as he stopped to look at a particular feminine product on the shelf.

"You wear makeup? Want some advice on what the best brand is? Just trying to help out here."

He looked at her smooth 'no make-up' face and ignored her while she offered him her best smile advertising her cute dimples. What irony?!! "How did you get here with no paparazzi following you in? You know it's nice meeting you even if you are so annoying and boring. The rumours were right about that one. I have a couple of questions for you. Mind if I ask? Do you think I'm bothering you?"

"Yes" He answered flatly.

"Oh well, sorry but I can't stop talking. It's my hobby".


"What they say is true. You're flat, and boring, straight-forward and annoying. How do you live with your family?!"

"Can you keep silent for a bit please?! I'm talking to my sister!"

"You're talking to your sister? And where is she? Oh...or do you consider me your sister? Or..." Then her eyes fell on his bluetooth headphone. "You're actually answering a phonecall?! I'm so sorry. Tell her I say hi! Which of your sisters is it? Rit or Razi?"

"It's neither of them. Which one did you say I should get again?"He asked his sister on the other side of the phone.

"Tell her I can offer her my best suggestions". she blurted again. She just couldn't get her soft rosy lips to keep tight for a second. The only time she wasn't talking was when she was asleep or hungry.

He took out the headphones and gave her a soul shattering stare!!!!

"Who's that, Alex?" His sister questioned him for the second time on the phone and he waited for some seconds before speaking

"I told you already! I don't know? But she looks like someone from another planet I think. Might be one of your stupid numerous fans who knows? You got me into all these famous mess with you, you know." he answered and inhaled sharply but slowly to keep himself from exploding. Oh how he wished he had not accepted to get his sister her stupid makeup product. He should've just told his driver to move on. One favor he'd done had turned into his misery.

"Can it be possible if I speak to her? She sounds nice to speak to". His sister asked a little scared he might reject and of course he did.

"You want me to disconnect the Bluetooth headphones and hand the phone....MY phone over to a complete stranger???!You must be insane Rit. I'm getting you your stuff" And with that he hang up, left the area, paid for the item and got into his car. Just as he buckled up, he heard a knock on the window. He didn't need to look around to know she was the one. He rolled down the glass and waited to hear her more of her nonsense.

"Uhm, it'd be nice if you drop me off at the end of the road? It's where I live."

"No, I can't"

"But it's just at the end of the road".

"Exactly. Which is why you can easily walk there instead of bothering me this hot afternoon!"

"I described it as 'just here' 'cause it's a car. It'd be a mile for me."

He reached out to his pocket and slapped her hand with two bundles of crispy dollars. "Take a cab or order an Uber!"

She slapped him back on the face with the heavy bundle leaving a mark to represent the gravity of how she slapped him. "You think I need your money to take a cab? What exactly do you men see women like?"

After two whole minutes of complete silence he motioned for her to get into the car. She jumped into the car and slammed the door shut then smiled, "Shall we?"