
We Die Young

------------ -This is must be hell-  was the one thought running through his head Gyun coughed as he tossed the dead bodies off of him, he climbed to the top of the pile of dead bodies, sticking his sword into the abdomen of a man who was still wheezing with life. He leaned heavily on the hilt of his sword as he panted harshly, he used his sleeve to wipe the blood out of his eyes. His clothes were shredded, and he was bleeding profusely from dozens of shallow cuts all over his body, his eyes were bloodshot from exertion. With his other hand, he crouched down, reaching under a dead body he pulled something out of the abdomen of another dead man beneath him. Holding it up to his face, it was a silver mask coated in blood with beautiful engravings decorated to look like a demon. Pressing it to his face, he held it in place by circulating the qi at a certain frequency to keep the mask attached to his face. Looking across the battlefield, stood his last remaining enemies picking his sword up he took a step forward. --------------------------------------------------------- All credit for the cover image goes to Redlady 04 --------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: I recommend skipping everything from chapter 2 all the way to chapter 22, to be honest, the in-between isn't that good and you aren't missing much. Its to set up the world and the characters. But the story kicks in starting around chapter 22 so that's a good starting point if you want to skip the fluff. Tags: Action, some thriller, investigative, Anti-hero MC, Violent MC, political, overpowered, fast-paced, it’s not quite cyberpunk but the MC wakes up on September 26th of the year 2037 and technology has progressed but not significantly Update Schedule will be fairly consistent until the end of summer and I have to go back to school. It will be every 2-3 days there will be an 1800-word chapter or longer. I will announce breaks in the latest chapters so you will know why I may go radio silent for a few weeks. Thanks for reading This novel will also be available on Royal Road, the novel there will be improved from this one. However, I still plan on updating and putting out chapters here. The one on Royal Road will be where I put most of my effort.

ForerunnerOfSky · Acción
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55 Chs

Assault On OneNight (Part 2)

Panting as he ducked under a wild swing of a punch, stepping forward and holding onto the collar of the last thug, he smashed his helmet into the man's nose with a headbutt, the man tried resisting, grunting as he whipped his head into the mans face. A sickening wet crunch could be heard, leaning back and whipping his helmeted head smash into him. After the second blow, the man's legs gave out his hands fell limply and dangling, letting go of the man's collar, the unconscious thug whose eyes had rolled back fell to the ground motionless.

Standing in the empty, a mixture of unconscious and dead bodies lay motionless on the ground. The 'Hounds' behind Gyun were wiping their knives clean pointing at a camera on the wall that was looking at them. "looks like someone saw us"

Blood ran down from the top of Gyun's helmet and down the visor, his fingers tried to wipe off the blood but ended up just smearing the blood. Calming his breath his eyes darted from within the helmet as his view was tinted red. 

"Since we're exposed we move loud, kill everybody who's not a civilian understand?" pacing forward, to a door that had the stairs sign on it. 

"Hahaha....screw you, we don't work for you, we don't work for anybody" the smaller of three hounds spoke up as he twirled his machete.

Glancing between the three of them seeing that they seemed to be in agreement, "Tch...do what you want".

Opening the door, he stepped through and into the stairwell to head up to the VIP lounges and club manager's office. He heard shouts and rapid footsteps coming from the stairs above, counting the number of footsteps he guessed around 3 guards.

-Time to get to work-

As the guards swung a bat, he ducked under it grabbed the waistband of the man's ankle, and pulled him down the stairs behind him.

A dull thud echoed through the stairwell, as the pale lights and the white walls, accented the dark figure of Gyun, as he blocked a swing from a baton with his chained forearms. Wincing slightly he grabbed the man's arm pulling him close and elbowing the man's face. 

Using the man to temporarily block the other guard from approaching him, after brutalizing the man, he tossed him down the stairs into the recovering guard. 

Moving onto the last guard he allowed the guard's punch to land against his helmet, and a cry of pain rose from the man's mouth as he took a step back. 

Calmly stepping forward he grabbed the man's hair smashing his head into the guardrail and letting him fall to the ground holding his face. He turned to the first guard whom he'd tossed initially, he was now a few stairs below Gyun. 

Leaping down the stairs, he drove his knee into the man's body, though the guard had put up his arms. It didn't matter Gyun drove the back of the man's head into the white brick wall behind him. 

All three guards were on the ground, one was still conscious but he was crying silently as his nose had been caved in from the metal guardrail.



Opening the door to the VIP floor, he left the stairwell with a variety of unconscious and dead bodies. He peeked his head out looking left to right, down the VIP hallway, he saw nobody either way.

Stepping onto the VIP floor, which was different from the VIP lounge, he noticed that the decor had completely changed both the outside and the entrance of the club, were very much punk and more of a rave-esque style. But the floor was now an expensive-looking carpet, and the walls and lighting of the hall were completely different seeming like a high-class hotel.

There was an elevator at the end of the hallway, Gyun assumed that was the elevator to the top floor and where the leader would be.

Cautiously walking down the hallway there were a variety of closed rooms to his left and right. Knocking on each door, as he walked he heard no response from any of them however on the fifth door he paused as he heard a voice respond. 

"What?!" The voice was slightly slurred and faint, music could be heard faintly from the room, and the room was most likely soundproofed to some extent. Leaving Gyun to believe it was most likely a random patron but the tone sounded annoyed and almost angry at him. It was the type of voice that grated on his nerves, stopping as he stared at the wooden ornate door for a moment, before shouting again to make sure the person inside could hear. 

"I brought more drinks, sir!" as he stood in front of the door, the door handle turned and as the door was cracked open he kicked it open.

"What the fuck?!" A yell could be heard as the door was kicked open, and a man stumbled back holding a hand to his forehead. Ignoring him stepping inside Gyun looked around, it was a large room with a karaoke machine in the corner with televisions on either side of the walls. Expensive sofas and a large table in the center of the room, with a full spread of bottles of alcohol Gyun guessed were expensive. But as Gyun glanced at the people he closed the door. 

There were four younger men who looked to be in their late 20s, their attire was entirely designer clothing. As well as five women who were dressed in much less expensive clothing, all of them were in various states of undress, their stares were blank as they lay on the sofas, and one was on the table completely naked. 

They hadn't reacted to Gyun breaking the door, nor the fact that the men were groping them as he had walked in. 

That left only one conclusion in Gyun's mind, they were drugged, and the four men, hurriedly pulled up their pants as they turned to look at Gyun. Their cheeks flushed and reeked of alcohol, as they stepped right in front of him yelling.

Tuning them out, he tilted his head to the side as he was reminded of his former fellow Dreamwalker member who had been captured and tortured in unspeakable ways by the Aegians for weeks on end to the point when Gyun found her, all the light in her eyes had disappeared and she had pleaded for death to Gyun eventually he obliged sending her off peacefully.

Glancing to the corners of the room, he verified there were no cameras in the room.

Taking off his helmet, he let it fall to the ground his typically emotionless expression was no longer calm, and his breathing elevated and became heavier.

He could hear her pleading cries in his head even now, the way they found her burned into his memory. His pupils shook with anger, as he looked at each and every one of the young men's faces.

No regret, no guilt, only annoyance at being disturbed the absurdity of their disgusting acts not affecting them in any way.

Checking his watch, he still had 13 minutes before he needed to be out of the building, he could afford these trash 3 minutes of his time. He muttered to himself under his breath, as he locked the door behind him.

"Hey speak up you bastard do you know who I am?" The one who Gyun had hit with the door shoved Gyun. 

But he was sent a heavy punch from Gyun's chained fist plunged into his stomach, coughing the man threw up on the floor. The other three men's faces paled, though one stupidly, perhaps because he was drunk grabbed a bottle swinging wildly. 

Grabbing his karambit from his back, he sliced the man's throat, severing the arteries cleanly in a smooth movement. Gyun grabbed the bottle as the man's grip loosened and his hands shot to his throat. Falling to his knees he grasped at his throat desperately, trying to stop the blood from pouring out.

"Damn...you got off easy, well take your time if you hold down hard enough you might live long enough to watch your friends die"

Shoving the dying man's head onto the floor, he moved to the kneeling man who stared terrified at his dying friend. 

Brandishing the knife he squatted down, tracing the knife's edge with his gloved fingers accentuating the blood on the edge of the blade. 

"I only got a few minutes so I won't be able to take my time but trust me it will be plenty for people like you" his voice was shaking from anger, his eyes had lost all humanity in them.



Wiping the blood from his hands, he picked up the women who were unconscious and set them on the sofa covering them with the dead men's jackets. Checking his watch he noted that it had taken just under three minutes on the scumbags.

Resheathing his knife, he moved to the door putting back on his helmet, grabbing the bloody messes that were once men's legs he opened the door and dragged them outside the room, they weren't light but they weren't heavy for him. Being relatively close to the elevator he moved towards it dragging the the four bodies by their ankles.

He had only walked a few steps toward the elevator as it dinged, opening it revealed an older man he was a foreigner. Information Gyun had read on him beforehand flashed through his mind, 34 years old former army infantryman and later ranger who saw action in the Congo war. Later he spent a brief stint with the Triple Canopy Private Military Company where he would spend some time in the Middle East.

Cole Robeshaw and former manager for 'them' before defecting, his codename 'Lone Star', he was wearing a dress suit with no tie. 

Dropping the bodies, Gyun put up his hands in preparation for a fight, Robeshaw smiled as he stepped off the elevator, "That's cute" 

Reaching behind his back he grabbed something, Gyun's perception of time slowed as Robeshaw's hand began coming around from his back information passed through his mind. 

Robeshaw or 'Lone Star' made his name in America killing high profile targets with a gun, the report stated a chance of firearms. And while guns were banned in Korea, they weren't extremely hard to get a hold of, all this information culminated into one conclusion.


In an empty hallway with no cover, Gyun was left with one option to close the distance or die trying.

In the split second that Robeshaw drew the gun, a black pistol, and pulled back the slide to chamber a bullet. Gyun whipped the chain off his forearm as he darted forward, Robeshaw ducked under the chain, letting the chain snap loudly like a whip. 

He extended his arm to shoot as Gyun pulled back on the chain, smacking him in the back of the head. Grabbing the gun, he pushed the muzzle up as they struggled for control, stepping his foot behind Robeshaws. He tried to trip him by hooking behind his leg but Robeshaw stepped out, punching with his hand into Gyun's side. 

Close together, they struggled for control of the gun and for a dominant position, both with one hand on the gun and struggled for a position with the other hand in a clinch. Chest to chest the size difference was made apparent as Robeshaw was almost a head taller than Gyun. Kneeing him in the stomach, and grunting as he shoved Robeshaw into the wall. Robeshaw tried resting his head on Gyun's helmet as he punched into his stomach.

Taking advantage Gyun jumped upward headbutting him in the chin while stepping his leg in front of Robeshaw's legs turning his back and tossing Robeshaw over his shoulder onto the ground. Holding the gun as he pointed it away from him, Robeshaw grunted as he was slammed into the wooden floors. Pulling his knife from its sheath he slashed the wrist of the army ranger.

A scream erupted from Robeshaw, as he turned trying to get to his feet, his grip loosened on the gun as he tried to stand up. Taking the opportunity Gyun twisted the gun out of his grip, as Robeshaw stood up. Gyun kicked him back as he fell back to the ground, he pulled the trigger firing 3 times into the man's chest.

The gunshots rang out through the empty hallway, though the sound was slightly muffled within the helmet. Panting from the exertion he stumbled backward as he caught his breath, within the helmet, his eyes darted around looking through the blood-stained visor. The hall's lights reflected off his shiny helmet. 

He whipped his head back around as he heard a wet cough, looking down Robeshaw's blond hair matted his face blood was seeping from his chest the wooden floors beneath him began to turn red as blood pooled beneath him.

Blinking he coughed out some blood as he raised his head to look at Gyun, "Jus-"

A shot rang out, echoing throughout the hallway as the gun's muzzle smoked, and a small hole appeared in Robeshaw's forehead he was now lying motionless, glancing around before approaching his body. Gyun squatted down, searching his body, he ignored the still-open eyes of Robeshaw.

Pulling out the holster for the pistol and an extra magazine, he attached the holster to his hip, stuffing the magazine in his holster. Standing up he spared no second glance at Robeshaw, walking to the elevator and stepping inside.

As the elevator doors closed, and the lights within the elevator were neon pink, holding the gun up he ejected the magazine, counting the rounds as the elevator doors closed. 

Pressing the button, he stood in the center of the elevator, within his helmet his black hair stuck to his face from sweat, those bright violet eyes that were one in a million were unperturbed despite the fatigue beginning to set into his body.

The lights flashed across his face as he slid the magazine back in the pistol, pulling the slide back to chamber a bullet, he checked to make sure a bullet was ready to fire. Sliding it back into his holster, the elevator dinged as the doors began to open.