
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 38: Test subjects

"You can't be serious. Is this some sort of a joke?" asked Kelrian. His brows were raised, his eyes were widened and his voice reflected confusion and surprise.

"Do I look like I make jokes?" Sen'za asked, tilting her head as she scrutinized the elves in front of her.

"Not really," admitted Elena.

The troll made a gesture with her hand. "Ya do whatever I want from ya and I will spare ya and make sure dat de otha trolls don't touch ya. Dat's de deal. If ya don't obey me... Ya can guess wat I will do with ya."

"I just don't understand why you want us to do this," said Kelrian.

"Dat's none of ya business. Do it already before I lose ma patience," the troll hissed. Her eyes were narrowed and her voice reflected annoyance so the elves knew she wouldn't discuss with them for too long.

"Fine, we will do it," said Elena. Kelrian turned his head and tilted it as he looked at her.

Elena's voice was as quiet as a whisper. "What? There are worse things she can force us to do than kissing. We better obey her, otherwise..."

Kelrian sighed. "You are right... We have to do it then," he replied hesitantly.

If it was up to him, he wouldn't kiss Elena. He loved Sylvanas so he would never kiss another woman. But in this situation, he had no other choice than kissing her. He knew it would feel wrong but he had to do it. He was asking himself why the troll wanted that. Why did she want that he and Elena would kiss? He assumed it had to do something with the potion she brewed but he had no clue what it was supposed to do.

He had an assumption but it didn't make sense to him. Why would a troll alchemist want to brew such a potion? He was sure he wouldn't find an answer to that because the troll wouldn't tell him. He could only do what she wanted and hope that the potion wouldn't work.

Kelrian looked at the troll, then at Elena whose lips formed a barely recognizable smile. Kelrian was sure she would enjoy that. She had always wanted him and it seemed that she didn't mind kissing him under these circumstances. He was thinking about Sylvanas. What she would say when she would find out what they were about to do. He was sure she wouldn't be happy at first but she would understand it because he was forced to kiss Elena. He was hoping she wouldn't be mad at him for long.

There was also the possibility that Sylvanas would never find that out because it was not unlikely that he would never get out of here. It could be possible that nobody will ever rescue him or Zul'jin would order their execution as soon as the alchemist didn't need them anymore. He could only hope that he would get out of there eventually.

Kissing another woman who was not Sylvanas was wrong but he had no other choice. His hands were tied, literally. It was the best to obey the troll, especially because she was not like the troll warriors. She was not bloodthirsty or sadistic. She didn't want to torture them or make them suffer. She seemed to be a nice person, except that she used them as test subjects for the potions she brewed.

Kelrian hesitated to lean in and kiss his friend but Elena didn't. She closed her eyes as she pressed her lips against his. He didn't kiss her back but feeling his lips on hers was enough to make her happy. She smiled into the kiss, holding it as long as possible. She pulled away eventually, opening her eyes. She was breathing heavily. Her gaze rested on him while his gaze rested on Sen'za.

He refused to look at Elena, feeling ashamed that he had kissed a woman who was not Sylvanas. He felt guilty, even though he didn't have to. He did nothing wrong but he still felt bad. He didn't ask to get kissed by Elena. He hadn't initiated the kiss. Nevertheless, he felt as if he had cheated on Sylvanas. That was not the case but it felt like that for him like that. He hated himself and he was hoping that Sylvanas would forgive him one day. If he would ever see her again.

He had thought of Sylvanas while Elena had kissed him. That made him feel less guilty. He just hoped he wouldn't have to kiss her again. If only he knew.


A few days earlier

"Fall back!"


"Save yourselves!"

Commands and shouts echoed through the air. The screams of injured soldiers and the panicked cries of other soldiers were drowned out by the extreme loud roars of the dragons. Fire was everywhere. The nearest forests burned just like a group of Alliance soldiers which had encountered a dragon recently. The red dragons were following the fleeing soldiers. Most of the siege engines had been reduced to ashes. Only a few ballistae were left which fired at the dragons. Some of their bolts hit the winged beasts. Two dragons died before their race members managed to destroy the last remaining ballistae.

Half of the rangers tried to hit the orcs, who sat on top of the dragons' heads and controlled them, while they ran. A few of them died but most of them avoided the arrows and other missiles which were shot and thrown at them. They commanded their dragons to follow the fleeing army of the Alliance, burning hundreds during the chase.

The land burned so did the forests. Animals were injured, lost their home or burned to death. The orc's lips formed wide smiles as they saw that the number of their opponents became smaller and smaller the longer, they persecuted them. They followed them to the borders of Quel'Thalas, turning around when they received the order to return to Zul'Aman.

The dragon riders were not happy about that. They wanted to burn more elves, humans and dwarves but they obeyed their commander whose dragon was larger than all the other dragons.

Sylvanas' widened eyes followed the dragons who turned around suddenly and flew back. She was wondering why they stopped following them. They could have persecuted them to the gates of Silvermoon City but they didn't for a reason. Normally, orcs didn't retreat then they had the upper hand. The orcs she had gotten known to would have followed her army until they would have been killed the last remaining soldier of the Alliance. But they didn't. That confused Sylvanas but she was glad that they weren't following them anymore. She had already lost too many soldiers that day. She didn't want to lose more.

Everything had been fine before the dragons had appeared. The Alliance would have defeated the trolls if the orcs wouldn't have come. She was asking herself why the orcs were flying on dragons. There was no understandable reason why the dragons were fighting for the orcs. Dragons were peaceful creatures who didn't interfere in the wars of the mortals. They didn't choose sides. They were neutral. Normally.

For some reason, they were on the side of the Horde. Sylvanas wanted to figure out why the dragons were fighting for the Horde but she didn't have the time to do that. It was not the right moment to think about that. She needed to calm her army down and lead them. Her soldiers were scared, in panic and injured because their numbers had been drastically reduced by the dragons. Sylvanas assumed that more than half of the soldiers she had led to the battle were dead.

She led the remains of the army to the nearest base which was by far not large enough to host the thousands of survivors. The priests who had survived and the doctors and healers of the base began to treat the mortally wounded in the hope they could save them.

Sylvanas looked around and estimated the number of survivors. She guessed that at least ten thousand of thirty thousand soldiers had survived. Maybe more.

She had lost too many soldiers. So many lives for nothing. They didn't get anything in return. They killed lots of trolls but they didn't conquer Zul'Aman nor did they capture Zul'jin. They didn't achieve any of their goals but paid a very high price in return.

It was not Verena's fault that they lost. She planned everything pretty well and her plan would have worked if the orcs wouldn't have come. The Alliance had been on the winning side until the dragons had come out of nowhere. Nobody would have expected that dragons would come and defend the trolls. Not even the trolls themselves. They had been as surprised as the Alliance when the fire breathing creatures had appeared.

Sylvanas knew she had to figure out a plan. She knew she had to find a solution. She had to find out how to deal with the dragons. She had to do that but not now. She had to take care of the rest of her army. Later she could figure out how she should report the disaster to the king.

She walked to the nearest group of rangers, calming them down. She spoke to them shortly, telling them to calm down the others as best as they could. They nodded at her and spread out.

Sylvanas was about to walk to the next group as she spotted a familiar person. She rushed to her and pulled her in a tight hug, kissing her forehead at least five times. "Vereesa, my dear. I'm glad you are alive," she said and buried her face in her little sister's neck. The smaller woman smiled sadly, running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm alive but half of my group isn't. They died in the flames...," she whispered, her voice and her face reflected sorrow.

Sylvanas pulled away, regarding her baby sister. There was a long cut on her left cheek and a bruise on her right forearm which was exposed because the sleeve was torn. Her hair was dirty and messy, which could mean that she had been pushed to the ground or she could have fallen during the panic which had broken out when the dragons had arrived. But other than that, she was fine.

"Have you seen Alleria or Verena?"

Vereesa shook her head.

"What about Kelrian and Nathanos?"

"I saw Nathanos somewhere after we left the fortress but I didn't see Kelrian," replied the silver-haired woman.

Sylvanas cursed under her breath. "We have to find them."

Vereesa nodded her head. "I will help you find them."

They walked from group to group, calming them down and asking them if they had seen the four persons they were looking for. The first few groups hadn't seen any of them but the fifth group told them they had seen Alleria somewhere near the freshly erected tents for the wounded soldiers. Vereesa and Sylvanas didn't hesitate to walk to the tents, spotting Alleria a few feet in front of them. Sylvanas didn't care that her sister was talking to a Ranger-Lieutenant as she approached her and threw her arms around her shoulders.

Alleria made a surprised face but the surprise was quickly replaced by relief. She returned Sylvanas' hug, smiling at Vereesa as she stroked the Ranger-General's back. She put a few kisses on Sylvanas' cheeks, then she pulled away and hugged Vereesa who smiled at her. Her smile was a sad smile but she was happy that her sisters were alive. She just couldn't show her happiness, knowing that thousands of people died that day.

"Have you seen Kelrian, Verena and Nathanos?" Sylvanas asked eventually.

"I saw Verena but I didn't see the others."

"Where is she?" asked Sylvanas.

Alleria's small smile vanished and worry was reflected by her face.

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow, her heart started to beat faster. "What do you know? Tell me!"

A sad sigh escaped Alleria's lips. "She is alive but..."

"But what?" Sylvanas interrupted loudly.

"She was mortally wounded..."

"What?" Sylvanas cried out. Worry was reflected by her face. She was shocked to hear the bad news.

Alleria dug a small hole in the ground with the tip of her feet and gave her sister a comforting look. "I don't know what happened to her but I found her heavily injured and pulled her up on my horse as we retreated. It's a wonder that she was still alive when I found her," she paused for a moment, staring in Sylvanas' eyes which were widened in shock. "The priests are not sure if she will make it but they will give her best to save her."

"I want to see her," demanded Sylvanas.

Alleria tilted her head, looking at Vereesa before she looked back at Sylvanas."I'm not sure if you want to see her in her condition."

"She is my best friend, let me see her. "

"Your wish is my command," responded Alleria. She took Sylvanas' hand, caressing its back as she guided her to one of the larger tents. Verena laid on a provisional bed, her entire upper body was covered by bandages which were soaked in blood. Her face was pale, her eyes glowed weakly.

Sylvanas rushed to the bed and bent down, taking her left hand which wasn't covered by bandages. She intertwined their fingers, caressing the back of her hand carefully. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as her eyes roamed all over her best friend's body. "What happened?" asked Sylvanas after she had managed to order her thoughts in her mind.

A sad smile appeared on Verena's lips. "The most beautiful woman on Azeroth comes to visit me. This must be a dream."

Sadness was reflected by Sylvanas' facial features and her voice. "Sadly, not. This is the cruel reality."

"So, it's true that we lost?"

The Ranger-General nodded her head hesitantly. "What happened to you?" Tears formed in the corners of her eyes but they didn't leave them. They didn't roll down her cheeks because Sylvanas' managed to hold them back.

"I don't know what happened. A dragon landed next to me and then... Everything around me went dark."

"She was hit by the tail of the dragon," spoke Liadrin.

Sylvanas turned her head, looking at the priestess. She was surprised by her presence. Liadrin had been in the tent the whole time but Sylvanas hadn't noticed her until this moment.

"The dragon threw her through the air and she landed on the rubble of a building. Her back is heavily injured," explained Liadrin.

Sylvanas looked at Verena then back at the priestess with the honey-brown coloured hair. "Can you help her?"

"I have already performed a spell which eases her pain and heals her wounds slowly but I can't tell if it's enough. I can only wait and focus my power for the next spell. Currently, I can't do anything. The spell cost me the last reserves of my mana," told Liadrin. "I spent so much power during the battle that I have not enough mana left for treating her better. I'm sorry I can't do more for her.

"Can't you give her some potions?" asked Alleria.

Liadrin shook her head. "I already gave her three potions. Giving her more won't make it better. We have to wait. There is nothing else I can do for her. At least not at this moment. We have to be patient."

Sylvanas came closer to her best friend until her face was only a few inches away from hers. "You have to fight, my dear. Don't you dare to die. I will never forgive you if you do so."

Verena's pale lips formed a weak smile. "You don't need to cry. I won't leave you. I love you too much to leave you."

Sylvanas wiped the tears away with the back of her hand while her other hand still held Verena's. "Everything will be alright, I promise. You just have to stay strong. Can you do that for me?"

Verena nodded her head weakly. "I would do everything for you," she whispered.

"Hold out and stay strong. You will survive, promised."

Liadrin stood up and put her hand on Sylvanas' shoulder. "You should give her some rest. It's better if she gets some sleep."

Sylvanas nodded and leaned over to Verena, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She pulled away and regarded her best friend for a few moments before she left the tent. Liadrin followed her. "Have you seen Kelrian?" asked the priestess. Worry was reflected by her voice, her eyes and her face in general.

Sylvanas shook her head.

"I hope he is alright. I hope he's around here somewhere," Liadrin said quietly.

"I hope so too. Take care of Verena I will look out for Kel meanwhile."

Liadrin nodded to her and entered the tent. Sylvanas turned her head, looking at her sisters who gave her worried looks. "Tell your groups to look for Kelrian and Nathanos. I must know if Kelrian is alright."

Alleria and Vereesa nodded at her and walked in different directions. Sylvanas regarded them for a few moments before she started to search for her lost lover.



Day 7

Once again, the mixture didn't work on the test subjects. I changed the concentration and amounts of the ingredients but nothing happened. The subjects drank the potion but they didn't behave as they were supposed to. I ordered them to kiss a few times but nothing happened.

Day 9

I changed the catalysator. The exchange of the herb goldthorn with another herb called kingsblood caused that the colour of the potion changed from pink to light red. Unfortunately, the potion's effect didn't change. Nothing happened when the subjects drank the liquids. Sharing kisses didn't cause the expected effect. I have no clue why it doesn't work.

Day 14

I added more ingredients which could increase the effect of the catalysator. I added the bones of a lynx to the potion but they didn't dissolve properly. Small bubbles were formed when I added finely grounded tiger teeth. The small bubbles disappeared when I added the scales of green snakes. Nevertheless, the potion didn't work.

Day 27

Still no results. The love potion doesn't work, even though I added the hairs of a succubus. Five trolls died to catch the filthy demon. Five deaths for nothing.

Day 33

I managed to scoop a few tears from the succubus. I added small amounts of the succubus' blood to the mixture. Then I threw a few leaves of sungrass in the pot. The colour changed to dark red. I gave it to the subjects but it didn't cause the desired effect. Side effects occurred. The male got sick and vomited three times on this day. The woman got a rash. At least it was not itching so the woman didn't make it worse by scratching her skin.

Day 35

The succubus managed to manipulate the guards and escape. Three trolls died. Leth'al, the new bodyguard of Zul'jin's mate, got stabbed in the left hip but he survived. Zul'jin's best hunters are following the succubus and try to catch her. Until they will return, I have to get along with the few small tubes filled with the succubus' tears and blood.

Day 42

I managed to cut out the side effects but the potion doesn't work. The trolls managed to catch the succubus. After some stimulation, I managed to scoop the succubus' release. I hope the potion will work this time. Succubi are known to charm men and women with their looks. Their hair or the liquids their bodies contain must be useful somehow.

Day 43

Still no results. I have no clue why it doesn't work. I'll add a few strands of hair from both test subjects. Hopefully, it will work this time.

Day 48

I accidentally turned my not working love potion into a slow working poison. None of the test subjects died but they were in pain for three days until I managed to create an antidote. The two elves are recovering slowly. I have to wait for a few days until I can give them the next potion.


Sen'za opened her book and was about to note down the newest results as she heard loud knocks at the door. She put her book aside, wondering who would disturb her. She opened the door, her eyes widened when she saw the two persons who were standing in front of her laboratory.

One of them was Zul'jin's wife So'mi.

Her entire body was covered by clothes which were made out of brown bear fur. She had yellow eyes and blue dreadlocks which reached to the half of her back. Her tusks were decorated with golden rings and each of her ears was pierced by five rings. Next to her stood Leth'al. He wore his splendid battle armour and carried his magnificent spear in his left hand.

Sen'za didn't hesitate to bow in front of the co-leader of the Amani. She got up as soon as So'mi told her to, letting the heavily pregnant women enter her laboratory. Leth'al followed her, regarding the alchemist with narrowed eyes.

So'mi regarded the blue-skinned troll with disgust, then she averted her gaze and looked at Kelrian and Elena who were sitting in the corners of the cage.

"These are your test subjects, aren't they?" she asked in zandali, the language of the trolls, so the elves couldn't understand her.

"They are, your majesty," replied Sen'za.

The female Amani troll turned her head and looked at the table and the pot next to it. "What are you working on?"

Sen'za hesitated for a moment. "Nothing noteworthy."

"What would that be?"

"I'm working on a special poison which would only work on the high elves." She didn't avert her gaze to prevent that the queen might get suspicious and find out that she was lying.

The queen raised a brow. "That would be noteworthy, wouldn't it?".

"You are right my, queen. I'm sorry," responded the alchemist. She was nervous in the other woman's presence and she wasn't able to hide that.

"So, why didn't you tell me from the beginning?" she asked, giving Sen'za a questioning look.

Sen'za remained silent, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want to know what I think?"

Sen'za nodded her head.

"I may not understand much of alchemy but the fact that you need a succubus for your research makes me suspicious. I have the suspicion that you try to brew something which can cause that my mate falls for you," the green-skinned troll told.

Nervous laughter escaped the red-haired woman's lips. "How do you come to that conclusion?"

So'mi's eyes narrowed. "I know that you are after Zul'jin since you met him two years ago. I notice that you want him. I can see it whenever you look at him. Don't deny it."

"I..." the blue-skinned troll started but she was interrupted by So'mi who hit her in the face. The pregnant troll pushed her against the wall, not caring that she hit her head. Sen'za held her hands in front of her head, hoping that So'mi would stop hitting her. She stopped hitting her but only because Leth'al took over. He pushed the smaller woman to the floor and started to beat her with his fists. So'mi's lips formed a pleased small as she regarded the scene in front of her. The redhead's painful screams were music to her ears.

She averted her gaze eventually, walking to the cage where Sen'za's experimental subjects were held. "You have fine specimens there. But only two. A male and a female. That's suspicious."

She walked back to Leth'al and Sen'za, looking at them for a few moments before she walked over to the alchemist's desk and picked up the book which was lying there. She opened it and skimmed through a few pages. She raised an eyebrow, an amused expression appeared on her face as she turned to the red-haired woman. "You really believe that love potions work. I don't believe such things work but I can't allow that you steal my mate if you manage to create a working love potion. He is mine, not yours."

Sen'za didn't respond to her, not even as Leth'al stopped to hit her and got up. She didn't get up nor did she look at the female Amani troll. Her face was covered by her own blood, her head hurt and her nose was broken. But not only her head hurt. Leth'al had kicked her in the stomach and even in the back several times. She was not moving, knowing it would only cause pain to her.

So'mi had her arms crossed in front of her chest, regarding the smaller troll with a scornful smile on her lips. "I hope this was a lesson for you. Stay away from my man and stop working on your stupid love potion. It won't work anyways like all of your previous projects. I wonder why Zul'jin keeps you after you have disappointed him so often. I don't understand why he has selected you as his new right-hand. You are a worthless piece of shit," she made a small pause, regarding the alchemist from head to toe. "He won't want you anyways. He prefers experienced women like me and not virgins like you."

Loud laughter escaped So'mi's lips. She turned her head and looked at the cage. "You won't need your test subjects anymore," she said.

"Shall I kill them?" asked Leth'al.

"Kill the man. Leave the woman alive, she will serve as a reward for those who bring me the Ranger-General's head. Until then, you can give her to the soldiers. They will have a lot of fun with her."

Leth'al nodded his head. "As you wish."

"You can't do that!" shouted Sen'za.

So'mi raised an eyebrow, her face reflected amusement. "What did you say?"

"I said you are not allowed to harm them. Zul'jin gave them to me and promised me that no one will touch them," replied Sen'za. Her voice was calmer and her facial expression had changed. She was angry.

"I rule over the Amani with my husband. I am Zul'jin's queen so I can do whatever I want."

"I need them for my research," shouted the alchemist.

So'mi tilted her head. "I don't care." She turned her head, looking at her bodyguard. "Kill the man."

"As you wish, my queen," responded Leth'al. He turned around and walked to the cage slowly, ignoring the screams and shouts of the blue-skinned troll. He opened the cage door and stepped in. He regarded the elves with an amused smile on his lips. They were sitting close to another and regarded him with a curious look on their faces. They had no clue what was going on. They didn't speak the language of the trolls so they couldn't know that Leth'al had been ordered to kill Kelrian.

He drew his dagger from his belt, his smile became wider as the man got up and held his hands in front of his body. He would have no chance against him, nevertheless, he tried to defend himself. Leth'al respected him for that. He had a fighting spirit so he wouldn't let him suffer. He would end it quickly. The troll lifted his hand above his head, ready to end the blond man's life with a single blow.

But he was not able to execute the deadly blow because a knife hit him in the back and caused that he stopped dead in his tracks. A short painful cry escaped his lips. He pulled the knife out and turned around. His eyes reflected anger and he gritted his teeth as he regarded the red-haired woman who stood next to her desk. He shifted his gaze to his leader who signalized him to deal with the troll first. Leth'al's smile became wider.

But before he was able to make the first step, he was forced back by chains which were wrapped around his neck. Kelrian's chain cut deep in Leth'al's flesh and stole his breath away. The troll shook his body and tried to get free but he didn't succeed. Kelrian strangled him with the chain while Elena wrapped her chain around the troll's feet and brought him down as she pulled on it with all of her strength. The troll was lying on the floor which allowed the elves to pin him down and strangle him.

Leth'al lashed out and tried to get free but the chain around his neck stole his breath and his strength. He was much taller than the elves and physically stronger than them. Nevertheless, he couldn't do anything against them. He became weaker and weaker the longer they strangled him.

So'mi didn't dare to help her servant. She was too afraid that something would happen to her so she stayed away from the cage and watched in horror that her bodyguard was strangled to death by the two prisoners. She ran, trying to reach the door and alarm the guards but the beaten troll tackled her and sent her to the ground. Sen'za climbed on top of her and started to hit her in the face.

One punch. Two punches. Three punches. Several punches.

So'mi's nose broke. Her entire face was covered by her own blood as Sen'za stopped eventually. She got up and walked over to her desk. She opened the first drawer of the small cupboard next to it and pulled a knife out. The co-leader of the Amani trolls screamed as she saw the sharp object in her hands.

Sen'za walked over to her but a hand grabbed her arm and prevented that she could stab the pregnant woman. She turned her head, surprise and confusion were reflected by her face as she saw the person who had stopped her.

"How did ya manage ta get free?" she asked Kelrian.

"I opened the handcuffs with the help of a knife which hung on his belt," he responded, pointing at the dead troll. He had an impassive expression on his face as he looked at her.

"Let me go so I can kill dat bitch," Sen'za hissed.

"I don't know what is going on between you two but I'm not standing here and watch you killing a pregnant woman."

"She deserves it," hissed the red-haired woman.

"I can't judge if she deserves it or not but I won't allow that a pregnant woman is hurt or killed. Not even during times of war. A child should never suffer because of the actions of their parents."

The troll didn't say anything in return. She made an annoyed face but then she put the weapon away. She regarded Kelrian for a few moments before she looked back at the green-skinned troll who still laid on the floor.

"We will need her if we want ta get out of here. De otha trolls won't let us pass but if we take her hostage dey will," spoke the alchemist.

"You want to flee?" Kelrian asked surprised.

"I can't stay in dere. Zul'jin will kill me when he finds out dat I injured his whore of a wife. We have ta flee as soon as we can,"

"You are right. I've just a small question before we go. How many days did you hold us captive?"


Kelrian's eyes widened. Fifty-two days. It was longer than he had expected. He had thought they had been brought there two or three weeks ago but instead, they had been captured almost two months ago. He didn't want to imagine how Sylvanas was feeling. Did she hope that he was still alive? Or had she already accepted that he was dead? Was she mourning for him? Was she alright or did the grief broke her?

He couldn't imagine how Sylvanas was feeling. He was afraid losing him might have affected her pretty hard so he wanted to return to her as soon as possible. He had to show her that he was still alive. He was worried about her.

"Give me the key so I can free my friend," Kelrian demanded. Sen'za obeyed and handed him the key which she had taken out of a drawer. He signalized her to keep an eye on the pregnant troll, then he walked to Elena and freed her from her chains, pulling her up. Elena hugged him tightly and pressed a kiss on his cheek before she pulled away. Her clothes were as dirty as his but they didn't care. They just wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.

"We do it like dis: You two will hold ya knives against our throats while walking. Dere is a small corridor which leads ya to a secret exit so ya don't have to walk through the entire fortress. Only a few guards will be dere but dey will let you pass when dey see de knives in front of our necks," explained the alchemist.

"Why are you helping us?" asked Elena. "You could just leave us there and leave the fortress alone.

"De otha trolls will think dat I'm a traitor if I flee. So dey will search for me and kill me. If we do it like dis, dey won't kill me. Dey will think I got captured as well."

"Makes sense," replied Elena.

"We need ta find somethin' which shuts So'mi's mouth. I don't want her ta tell de guards wat we have planned."

Kelrian turned his head, checking his surroundings. "I'm pretty sure you have something we can put in her mouth. A sponge or a piece of cloth."

"I do," said the troll as she walked to the cupboard. She took three pieces of cloth out of it. One she stuffed in So'mi's mouth. The other two she bound around her eyes and mouth. So'mi was unable to see and say anything. Sen'za handed a knife to Elena. "Just bring us out of de fortress to de nearest forest. But let me gatha a few items first."

She walked to her desk and put a few potions and other items in her backpack. She took a necklace out of the lowest drawer of the cupboard and put in there. The necklace was made out of animal teeth. Large ones, small ones, sharp ones and broken ones. She walked back to Kelrian and handed him her backpack, signalizing him to carry it for put it on his back then he put his arm around her, holding the knife against her throat. Elena walked over to the troll queen and lifted her up, doing the same with her.

Kelrian looked at Elena, then at Sen'za. "Are you ready?"

"Ya also need ta put a gag in ma mouth, othawise de guards might think I'm not ya prisoner. Dey will ask themselves why ya have gagged de queen but not me."

Both elves nodded. Kelrian got a piece of cloth in Sen'za's mouth. Elena ignored the muffled sounds So'mi made as she pushed her to the room's door. Kelrian opened it, allowing Elena and her prisoner to walk through it first. Kelrian closed the door as soon as he and Sen'za had left the room.