
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · Derivados de juegos
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145 Chs

Chapter 35: Savour the moment

Author's Note: This chapter is a bit shorter than the others but it contains an explicit scene as compensation. Enjoy it. There might be more of such scenes in the future.


Verena looked at the map in front of her, her eyes glanced at the figures which stood on certain spots on the map. There was a figure which resembled Zul'jin and stood on the spot where Zul'Aman was. The city was surrounded by three figures. A high elf, a human and a dwarf. Verena rubbed her chin thoughtfully, regarding the map once again before she looked at the person opposite to her.

"What do you think? Shall we wait for a few days or attack tomorrow?" she asked Alleria who also had a thoughtful look on her face. Alleria walked around the table and stopped next to Verena.

"Sylvanas is on the way to our base. Maybe she has already arrived, maybe she needs a day or two. Depends on whether she travels by horse or has asked a mage to create a portal for her. It's not unlikely that she asked Zendarin to create a portal. I think it's better that we wait for her and discuss the plan with her. Maybe she has a better idea or we might have failed to notice something. It's better that we wait for her, especially because her presence boosts the morale of our soldiers," explained Alleria.

"You are right. I'm pretty confident about my battle plan. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to ask Sylvanas what she thinks about it."

"Glad we cleared that up."

"What are we doing in the meantime? Besides preparing our army for the upcoming siege on Zul'Aman."

The corners of Alleria's lips formed a smile. "I may know something we could do."

Verena gave her a curious look. "What would that be?"

Alleria didn't respond to her verbally. Her smile became wider as she made a step forward, stopping right in front of the slightly smaller woman. She put her hand under her chin, lifted it up and pressed her thumb against Verena's bottom lip. She stared into the widened eyes of the other woman, leaning in slowly. She stopped at the last moment as she heard someone clearing her throat.

Alleria drew her hand back, turning around to look at the person who had interrupted them.

"Am I interrupting something?" Sylvanas asked as she walked over to the table. Kelrian accompanied her and stopped next to her. Verena also glanced at the newcomers, hiding the jealousy, she felt when she saw Sylvanas and Kelrian standing close to another, as best as she could. Neither Sylvanas or Kelrian noticed anything.

"Does Turalyon know about that?" Sylvanas asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you are talking about," responded Alleria, stepping away from Verena. She walked over to her sister and pulled her into a tight hug. She kissed her forehead as she pulled away, then she greeted Kelrian with a handshake.

"I missed you, dear sister."

"I missed you too," replied Sylvanas. She regarded her older sister for a few moments then she walked over to hugged and put friendly kisses on each other's stepped to Kelrian and gave him her hand which he shook without hesitation.

"I'm glad you are feeling well again, my dear," said Verena, smiling at Sylvanas.

"Kelrian really helped me coping with Lirath's death. His loss still affects me but I can handle it now. I have stayed at home for way too long. I need to do something useful. Like leading our people to victory."

"Then you'll be pleased to know I've already worked out a battle plan. I just want to know if it's okay for you or if you have a different tactic. I hope you don't mind that I ask for your advice," said Verena.

Sylvanas smiled at her. "I don't mind. Tell me what you have planned."

"Zul'Aman is surrounded by mountains which means we can only enter the fortress by breaking through the gate. We will use catapults and battering rams to break through the wall or the gate. Dragonhawk riders, gryphon riders and our archers will attack the trolls on the wall so they can't attack our siege engines. Once we are in, we will fight our way through the fortress until we come to Zul'jin and end his miserable life. Well, taking him captive is also an option. Just saying."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. You are better at making plans than you think," praised Sylvanas.


The Ranger-General nodded her head. "Really."

"So, we can execute it like that?"

Sylvanas smiled. "We can and we will in two days."

Verena's lips formed a happy smile, her face reflected excitement.

"Is there anything else we have to talk about?" asked Sylvanas.

"Not really," responded Alleria.

Sylvanas looked at her sister. "Good, can I talk to you in private then?"

Alleria raised an eyebrow and gave her sister a curious look. "Sure."

Verena walked over to Kelrian. "Come, Kel. We will wait outside then." Kelrian nodded to her and followed her out of the room. Sylvanas looked after him until he left the room, then she turned around to look at her sister who still looked at her curiously. "So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Alleria.

"Did Verena tried to kiss you? Or did you try to kiss her?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"I'm just curious because she must know that you and Turalyon are a thing."

Soft laughter escaped the older woman's lips. "A relationship never stopped Verena from flirting with the person who interests her. She has always tried to lure me into her bed but she never succeeded."

"I hope that it stays that way."

Alleria raised an eyebrow, a mocking grin appeared on her lips. "Why? You are not jealous, aren't you?"

Amused laughter escaped Sylvanas' lips. "Jealous? Why should I? Do you think that I'm jealous that Verena flirts with you instead of me? I don't really mind. Shall she grope you instead of me! I'm fine with that."

"So, you give me your blessing?" joked Alleria.

"Blessing? What do you mean? You are not planning on cheating on Turalyon, aren't you?"

"If so, why do you care?"

Sylvanas' face reflected irritation. "Why shouldn't I? I am your sister and I care about you. Your happiness is very important to me."

"So why are you against Verena and me if you care about my happiness?"

"Because you won't be happy with Verena. At least not in the long run."

"How can you know?"

"You are not interested in girls and you love Turalyon. What is wrong with you? You are acting strangely."

Alleria crossed her arms in front of her chest. "How do you know that I'm not bisexual as you are?"

"I'm not bisexual."

Alleria laughed.

"What?" asked Sylvanas. She was irritated by her sister's behaviour.

"You slept with two women and you had a relationship with one of them which lasted over ten years. If you are not bi, then the sky is red and the sun shines at night."

"Verena was just a phase."

"A phase? Over ten years? Are you even listening to yourself?"

Sylvanas frowned, confusion was reflected by her face. "I didn't want to talk to you privately to discuss my sexuality. I'm pretty sure in which way I swing but I'm not sure about yours."

Sylvanas took a deep breath. "Honey, it's not that I wouldn't want you to come together with Verena. It's just... I think you do a terrible mistake if you cheat on Turalyon. He will never forgive you. He might break up with you and then what? What would you tell your son? Or our parents?" Sylvanas made a short pause, considering what to say next.

"I just want to prevent that you do something you will regret later. You know better than letting your emotions speak and act for you. You and I know you will come to me weeks or months later and cry on my shoulder while you insult yourself for how stupid you have been. I don't want you to make a mistake. Verena has a girlfriend but that wouldn't stop her. She would only use you to make me jealous because she still hopes she can get me one day. She loves me. I am her goal, not you," Sylvanas paused again.

"You would be nothing more than a good fuck, maybe an affair but nothing more. She will drop you as soon as she has a chance to get me. I'm not begrudging you. I just want the best for you. You won't be happy with Verena, at least not in the long run. But Turalyon makes you happy."

Alleria was silent as she thought about what her sister had said. She covered her face with her hands as soon as she realized that she could have ruined everything if Sylvanas wouldn't have prevented the kiss with Verena and everything which would have followed. Who knows what would have happened if her little sister wouldn't have stopped her. She started to sob as she realized how stupid she had been.

Sylvanas' face reflected worry as she stepped to her sister and wrapped her arms around her body, hugging her tightly. She pulled down her sister's hood and ran her fingers through her hair, speaking comforting words to her.

"I don't know what is wrong with me," Alleria cried. "I'm acting strangely since the past weeks but I can't do anything about it. Something is wrong with me but I don't know what it is and how to fix it. I was about to ruin my relationship because I was mad at Turalyon for no reason. He just tried to help me and I pushed him away. What is wrong with me?"

"It's okay, sister. The world also turned upside down for me when Lirath died. It's okay to be confused. You just have to be careful that you don't do anything you will regret later. But I'm here for you. I will support you wherever I can and you can come to me whenever you want to talk to me about something," whispered Sylvanas in her sister's ear.

Alleria didn't say anything in return. She sobbed for a while but Sylvanas managed to comfort her. The older elf pulled away and dried her eyes with the handkerchief Sylvanas had given her. She looked at her sister who gave her a comforting look, the corners of her lips formed a small smile.

Sylvanas wrapped her arm around Alleria's waist. "Let's get to my room and drink something. I think you need it. Don't worry, I will make sure you won't drink too much, so you won't make the mistake of visiting Verena and doing things with her. We will talk about everything once we are in my room."

Alleria nodded to her and silently took her hand. She intertwined their fingers and gave Sylvanas the signal to lead the way. The younger woman gave her a small smile, regarding her for a few moments before she guided her to the exit and left the room with her.


"Do you really think she does that on purpose?" Kelrian asked as he turned his head to look at her. Sylvanas picked up the two glasses from the tray and brought them to the small table her lover was sitting at.

She handed one to him while she put the other in front of her as she sat down. "I have no proofs at all but I know my best friend very well. It's not unlikely that she put you in Elena's group when she heard that I'm doing better. Just like I do, you know that she still longs after me. She wants me. Maybe she hopes that you and Elena...," Sylvanas paused. Her heart hurt at the mere thought of Kelrian choosing someone else over her. She banished those thoughts and continued to tell what she was thinking. "Maybe she hopes that you and Elena come together somehow... Her goal is to come together with me. So..."

"Do you really think she would sabotage us to get what she wants? That's Verena, your best friend, we are talking about. Didn't you tell me that she just wants your happiness and that she would accept anyone as long as you are happy? I also thought she had a girlfriend."

"That wouldn't stop her, to be honest. She would dump any woman if she could get me."

Kelrian frowned, taking a sip of wine from his glass. He enjoyed the delicious taste of the red liquid in his mouth before he swallowed it. "Have you tried to talk to her about that?"

Sylvanas shook her head. "Not really and I don't want to quarrel with her about that. At least not before the siege. I have to rely on her when we go to battle together tomorrow. I don't want that there is bad blood between us, not before an important battle."

"I understand you," he replied, taking another sip. "But you will talk to her one day, right?"

"I will but not until we get Zul'jin dead or alive," she told. "Lirath's funeral will be held as soon as the trolls are defeated. Then we will help the human against the orcs."

"Shall I join you then? I didn't know your brother at all but I want to be there for you and support you," he offered, giving her a comforting look.

A thankful smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips. "I will think about it. You must know that not only my family will be there. Others will join us too. Friends of Lirath and many of my captains and lieutenants. You won't be able to hold me and I won't be able to cry on your shoulder because people will find out about us if we do so."

"What if we wait until everyone else has left? Then we can go to your family's crypt where I can hold and comfort you while no one watches."

"Sounds like a plan."

They were silent for a few moments, staring at each other while they emptied their glasses. Sylvanas refilled their glasses, emptying half of hers within a minute.

Kelrian broke the pleasant silence after a while. "I have to admit that I'm nervous about the upcoming siege on Zul'Aman."

Sylvanas leaned forward, giving him a comforting look. "It's okay to be nervous. I was nervous as well when I joined my first real battle. The battles you attended so far are only skirmishes compared to what is awaiting us. Zul'Aman accommodates more than one thousand trolls. Most of them are fighters. The battle will be bloody and we will lose a lot of soldiers. But we have to conquer Zul'Aman and capture Zul'jin if we want to defeat the trolls once and forever. I can't promise that everything will be alright, I can only hope for the best outcome. Normally it would suggest that you stay close to me but I think it's best if you stay as far away from me as possible. First, because we might distract each other and also because lots of trolls will try to kill me so it's better if you go with Verena and her group."

Kelrian raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm not sure about anything, to be honest. I don't want to you to be in danger, on the other hand, I need my best rangers at my side... I will think about it and tell you tomorrow if you will go with my group or with Verena's. Maybe I even put you in Alleria's or Vereesa's group. In the end, we will meet in front of Zul'jin's keep and storm it together. It's not that we won't see each other."

Kelrian leaned over and put a hand on her face. He caressed her cheek, smiling at her. "I can understand why you are afraid but you don't have to. I can take care of myself."

"My brother could take care of himself too. He may have been very young but he was a very good fighter even though he was not even a recruit. My sisters and I have trained him. Nevertheless, he died. Even the best can fall. The group of your mother belonged to one of the best groups we had but all of them except your mother died because they were ambushed. Everyone can die. Even I can die. Our people may regard me as a goddess but I'm not a goddess. I'm mortal. I can bleed and I can die just like everyone else. That's why I'm so worried about you. I'm afraid of losing you. I already lost my brother. I don't want to lose you too." Her voice was low and sounded very sad. Her gaze rested on her feet.

She felt a hand under her chin which lifted it up with ease. She had no other choice than to look at the handsome face of her lover whose lips formed a comforting smile. She stared into his sky-blue eyes, feeling her mood brighten up as she held his gaze. "We have to think positively. We won't win if we only imagine all the bad things which could happen. We have to believe in ourselves and hope for the best. Everything will be alright. I promise."

He leaned in and kissed her. She returned the kiss, putting her hand on the back of his head. She ran her fingers through his soft blond hair, biting his bottom lip softly. He parted his lips, allowing her to sneak her tongue in. Her tongue brushed past his and explored every corner of his mouth. Kelrian's tongue entered her mouth eventually, mimicking her actions.

Feeling his tongue in her mouth and his lips on hers made her forget everything that worried her. All the bad thoughts were banished out of her head. The only thing she could think of was Kelrian. The man she loved with all her heart. He was the one who gave her the strength to get through everything. He had helped her out of her deep depression phase. He had comforted her, convinced her that Lirath's death was not her fault and reminded her that her people needed her. Without him, she would still be in her room and do nothing every day except for looking into the distance.

The two love-birds pulled away eventually, breathing heavily as they stared in each other's eyes. Kelrian noticed the lust in her eyes and Sylvanas didn't miss that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

"We don't know what will happen tomorrow. The next day could be our last day on this world so we should make the best out of the moment," she said, licking her lips.

"You are right, my love," he responded. Sylvanas got up and pushed the table aside. She signalized him to get up which he did without hesitation. She unbuttoned his trousers while she kissed him a couple of times. She sneaked her hand in his pants, smiling as she felt his big thing becoming stiffer and stiffer under her touch. She didn't stop kissing him, pressing her breasts against his chest as she pulled his manhood out of his pants. She started to stroke it with one hand, the other hand toyed with his hair.

He ran his fingers through her gorgeous hair, moaning into the kiss. Sylvanas smiled into the kiss, letting her tongue brush against his for a couple more times before she broke the kiss. She stared into his eyes, a cheeky smile appeared on her lips. Before he could do anything, she bent down until her head was on the same height as his large manhood.

"I missed that big thing," she admitted without blushing or showing any sign of shame. She rubbed her face against it before she took it in her mouth, letting her tongue lick over its tip. She took as much as possible of his manhood in her mouth. It was so large that not every inch fitted in her mouth.

She was very good at pleasuring him orally. She was so good with her tongue that she made him cum within a few minutes. She swallowed it, gave his dick a few strokes before she got up and kissed him, making him taste himself. It tasted weird for him but he didn't complain.

He didn't complain either as she pushed him back on his chair. She stripped for him, getting rid of all of her clothes. She undressed him as well, then her hands started to caress his toned stomach muscles. She sat down on his lap and kissed him, allowing him to put his hands on her breasts and knead them. She moaned into the kiss and didn't stop him from kneading them roughly, pinching her nipples and twisting them a little. She ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked on her boobs. She stroked his manhood with her other hand, causing that quiet moans escaped his lips.

After a while, she decided she had enough foreplay so she took his manhood and inserted it in her sex. It stretched her inner walls and made her feel really good. The effect increased when he started to push his hips up and down, hitting a certain spot over and over again. Her walls were penetrated, her g-spot go hit over and over again. He made her feel better than everyone else before him and she was a better lover than all the girlfriends Kelrian ever had.

Their lovemaking was passionate and steamy, their sweaty bodies were pressed against each other all the time. His hands rested on her butt, hers stroked his back and even scratched it from time to time. She left love bites on his neck, not caring that someone would see them in the next few days. She allowed him to do the same.

Cries of pleasure, moans and other noises, which expressed that they were enjoying their lovemaking, were hearable. They were having a good time but it didn't end when Kelrian reached his climax and came inside her.

Sylvanas had once admitted to him that she had never done anal before. At this moment, she told him that she didn't want to end as an anal virgin if she would die the next day so she offered him to make love to her butt hole. She had never offered it to anyone else because she had been insecure if they were the right ones. But she was not insecure about Kelrian. She knew he was the right one.

He didn't say no to her offering, preparing her butt hole with his fingers until it was wide enough for his massive thing. The first few minutes were painful but the longer his dick remained in her tight ass, the more she got used to it. The pain vanished and was replaced by pleasure. Their lovemaking lasted for another hour until Kelrian climaxed and filled up her ass.

They wrapped their arms around the other, breathing heavily as they cuddled. They didn't say anything but they stared into each other's eyes as they relaxed and enjoyed the presence of the other.

An hour later, Kelrian laid in the bed. He was so exhausted from their love-making that he had fallen asleep faster than Sylvanas had expected. She, on the other hand, was awake and sat on the edge of the bed. She was still naked as she searched through her bag for a certain tin. She pulled the tin out, her eyes widened when she realized it was empty.

She couldn't remember that she had used the last birth control pill. She looked for another tin of pink pills but she didn't find it. She found it strange. She always had two tins in her bag. But one was missing and one was empty for some reason. Did Alleria take them? Or Vereesa? Or her mother?

She had no clue who had taken them without telling her. She could only hope that this day was one of her safe didn't want to get pregnant in the middle of a war. She knew she had to get a pill from someone. She had to seek out her sisters. Luckily for her, the guest rooms they were resting in were on the same level as her room. She stood up from the bed and got dressed quickly. She made sure her hair was perfect before she left the room and closed the door behind her.