
2. Always together


★ Initiative: This story participates in the "Tana Libera Fill WEEK" event by We are out for prompt

★ Prompt / Track: # 3 Arrow, Oliver / Felicity, "when she saw him go, her heart always hurts a little more" by Maura L. Cohen

Oliver and Felicity always led the same life, nothing had really changed, even if soon someone, else would have moved their routine.

It had been days since he got out of bed and found her squatting in the bathroom, her forehead sweaty, her eyes tired and her face pale, it was not possible that he continued to belittle what happened.

"Now let's go pay a visit," Oliver said in a harsh voice, the same one he used when he didn't allow any replies.

Felicity got up from the ground, drew away her hand to make him understand that she was okay, that she could do it and reiterated, but the glare that her husband gave her was not enough.

"You've been sick for days and ..."

"What is it, this rule applies to me and not to you" she repeated harshly, when a few days before her he had made the same gesture to silence her and telling her not to magnify a simple scratch for something more. And, well, Felicity's reruns weren't needed when she reminded him all the times he wasn't listening to her and then shortly after, that very wound of hers became infected.

"Felicity," Oliver pleaded with a determined look, holding her up to the bed against her complaints and making her sit up.

She was about to reply, she certainly would have done it but when she saw a flicker in that expression that she knew well, she gave up. She was aware that hers would not be her only time, however the cough of vomit that rose from her throat made her understand that, perhaps, Oliver was not wrong after all.

She ran to the bathroom and emptied her stomach, the same one that had already been empty for hours and that she was mumbling with hunger, even though the smell of coffee made her sick.

Oliver picked up the phone from the bedside table, quickly dialed a number and waited for it to finish and hearing the now familiar voice of their family doctor spoke.

"Mr. Queen, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked raising his eyes, aware that the boy did not stop surprising him, so when he explained the situation, she made an appointment for that same day in the early afternoon.

Agitated Felicity passed her weight from one leg to the other, crossing them shortly after observing the waiting people who did nothing but stare at her.

She was used to it, she knew why they did it, however it annoyed her, she was a normal person and like everyone else, she had only been lucky enough to marry the billionaire Oliver Queen, the most coveted bachelor, but she didn't understand why it was a matter of state.

"Gentlemen Queen" called the soft and sweet voice of an infirmary as she approached her and asked them to follow her without giving any explanation, barely hinting at a smile.

Oliver ran his hands over his jeans, the steps they took seemed to coordinate with Felicity's and when she saw him sigh she once again turned to ash with her eyes.

The nurse opened the door, a doctor with a grizzled beard greeted them, her slender figure of her, the firm handshake and the friendly look she gave to Oliver made her understand that they knew each other about her, a detail that he had failed to tell her.

"My dear boy, this morning from your call you seemed nervous, I didn't understand the problem, but if I'm not mistaken, is it for your wife?" she asked, sitting in the chair, opening the agenda full of blank sheets and starting to write something.

Oliver was about to speak, but Felicity interrupted him and clearing her throat began to speak, she could not believe that she was really at the doctor for a bit of flu.

"Mrs. Queen ..." and she, she did not even have time to speak that she interrupted him, she settled better in the chair, looked up and with sweet eyes turned to him.

"Please, call me Felicity," she said tenderly, and she turned to her husband for a nod, which she did with her because she didn't want to go home with Felicity threatening him with death.

She was small but still a warrior.

"I'll start asking some routine questions, since I seem to understand that something is wrong," he agreed, trying to put the two at ease, but it didn't take a doctor to understand that the nervousness they were feeling could be cut with a knife.

The doctor asked a series of questions, both answered as sincerely as possible, although some of those Felicity found stupid and trivial, but she stayed away from telling him.

"When was the last cycle?" Dr. De Santis asked after a few minutes, glancing first at the woman and then at Oliver.

At that moment they both blanched, they gave themselves stupid for not having thought about it before and when they retraced their minds on the last month they realized that they had had a very eventful life.

"Well, your expressions answered my question, so before bandaging your head and giving you a heart attack, I immediately write you a series of tests to do, including Beta HCG" and, after that statement, every sentence she said seemed to lose its importance, they said goodbye and agreed on an appointment for next week.

Oliver and Felicity walked close but far, didn't speak, didn't even look at each other and the road that led them home was never so quiet.

Both were processing the news, but in their expressions something stood out, there was not only fear, terror but also the desire that that was true.

"Oliver I ..." she mumbled starting to fiddle with her hands looking him in her eyes, looking for confirmation that she wasn't disappointed or angry, but all she saw was nervousness and a hint of euphoria.

He was about to answer when both their phones started ringing, they didn't even have time to confront each other that taking the keys they went out again, this time their direction would have been a more familiar one.

They hadn't even left the elevator cockpit yet that Diggle reached them and updated them, that day not even the bad guys were resting, the two glanced at each other, promised to speak later and each took their own positions.

Felicity sat down quickly trying to forget the dizziness that hit her, next to her she found Curtis who had already started the search, but only her skilled hands were able to find the exact place of that exchange. Oliver glanced at her, begged her to stay calm, not fidget and stay safe, even if it was easier said than done, they knew they always got into trouble.

"Let's get ready," he said to his team.

Felicity saw each of them head towards the elevator, they all had their own costume, that armor that protected them and defended the world from them and, after one last glance they exchanged, Oliver pushed the door lock and they disappeared. .

When she saw him go, her heart always ached a little more and, that news certainly didn't help her keep her emotions in the drawer, in the same space in which she closed them whenever they were in the arrow cave and had to fight. the criminals.

Oliver and Felicity were always ready to face a new villain, one of many who wanted power in the city, but even if they did their job perfectly, their minds were occupied with something bigger, a mission like any other but they knew well that wasn't quite so.

Would they be ready to face this lifelong mission, which reserved sleepless nights, diaper changes, first steps, first kiss and many more firsts?

They had not had great role models, neither of them and in their eyes they reflected the same fear of being unprepared or not up to par, but that child already had an edge: they weren't just ordinary people, they were Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak and that meant everything.