
Time Flies

Mauro’s POV

Morning arrived pretty soon. Maybe it was because he had fallen asleep way too early or maybe because days didn’t seem to last long enough when Mauro was having fun. He dreaded the arrival of Monday. Monday meant he had to return home, everyone had to return home or at least leave Cancun. The brunet loved his family’s beach house. During lock down he had come here to do home office, he had wanted to be alone but as usual a rather big tick had latched upon him; Dany Flores. Dany wasn’t really feeling happy about having her last year of high school through the screen and with that she convinced her mother to let her go with Mauro. Unhappy about his mother's request Mauro took his younger sister with him. It would be a lie if he said he had not had fun with Dany by his side.

“Trust me,” chuckled Dany from the couch from where she was laying, “I bet you fifty pesos that Mr. Garcia will let us leave early because he didn’t plan ahead.”