
Second Hand Embarrassment

Rory’s POV

It was funny. Rory had never been interviewed by SkySports, but the moment they touched her home soil, Rory seemed to become a lot more interesting. After all Aurora knew she was, yet people weren’t really ready to accept that.

Her outfit of the day was no other than a pair of high waisted ripped denim shorts with a Silverlane special design just for her, Mexican spice added. Checo’s special Mexican edition La Rouge cap rested over her well combed blonde hair as she stared at the interviewer through her yellow Falcone.

“Mexico is such a colorful country,” said the woman with the microphone

“It really is,” agreed Rory, “Actually as you know this weekend is not just focused on the Gran Prix,” smiled Rory looking at the camera, “In two days we will celebrate one of the most beautiful celebrations. El Día de Muertos.”

“Oh absolutely! Now please tell me about your outfit, walk me through it,” asked the woman gesturing to Rory’s clothes.