
90. Lies

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is frustrated that she can't figure out a riddle in the Miraculous spellbook.

Marinette: Tikki, I'm so confused! These riddles Master Fu translated are too cryptic.

Tikki: Their meanings are hidden on purpose, to protect the secret of our magic powers.

Marinette: Yeah but what good does it do if even the Guardian of the Miraculous, can't figure them out?

Tikki: Master Fu had trouble too with the first ones and remember, you were the one who helped him with the aqua power!

"That is true, Marinette," Master Fu said to the blue-haired girl with a smile. "I am truly not better at translating the cryptic riddles in the Grimoire than you are."

Marinette: (stands up, determined) You're right, I'm gonna figure this out! (Xuppu and Mullo grab an apple)

Tikki: (to Xuppu and Mullo) What are you doing? (They drop the apple on the keyboard, turning on the news)

Nadja: (on computer) The city of Paris is getting ready to celebrate the famous Prince Ali's birthday— (Xuppu and Mullo step on keys of the keyboard while struggling to move the apple and turn it to another news segment)

Alec: (on computer) This special report on the fascinating life of Adrien Agreste!

Marinette: (Marinette stops what she's doing and watches dreamily) Adrien…

"OF COURSE!" Everyone in the audience deadpanned and laughed in amusement while Marinette blushed red in embarrassment.

Scene: News segment on Adrien's life.

Alec: We were able to spend the entire day with this famous, young model! (Adrien yawns while posing for a wax statue)

Vincent: (taking pictures of Adrien while he poses) Perfect! Just-a Stunning! Mwah! I need a smile more al dente! Haha!

Adrien: (performing on stage. Talking with a pencil in his mouth) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Sarah: (judging Adrien) Not bad but could you do it for me with a bit more… orange? (Adrien laughs awkwardly)

"Orange?" Marinette asked her boyfriend in confusion along with everyone else.

"I don't know," Adrien answered as he shook his head, confused as well.

Scene: Marinette's room

Marinette: (sighs and smiles) What a fascinating life.

"Maybe fascinating to you, m'lady, but that is a boring day to me," Adrien honestly said to his girlfriend who winced in embarrassment at what she said on-screen.

Scene: Adrien's room.

Adrien: (sighs) What a boring day.

"See?" Adrien pointed out while Marinette and everybody else nodded in understanding, giving the blond boy pitiful looks.

Plagg: Without even a lunch break. Ridiculous!

Adrien: (plays piano music from his phone to make it seem like he's practicing) Finally! Free at last! Plagg, claws out!

Plagg: (holding a piece of Camembert) What? Oh no! (gets sucked into the ring)

Scene: Cat Noir on patrol, waiting for Ladybug.

Cat Noir: (using his staff to travel) Haha, Woohoo! Haha! (looks around) Bugaboo? (checks his phone)

Ladybug: (voicemail) Hi! It's Ladybug, leave a message!

Cat Noir: (leaving message) Hey, Bugaboo. Well here I am, your faithful companion at our rendezvous point just like always. It's time for our daily patrol, I hope you haven't forgotten. (waits awhile for Ladybug to show but she never does)

Plagg: (from phone) No messages. Don't forget my cheese!

Cat Noir: What could she be doing?

"Well, let's see: trying to figure out the Miracle Box, getting the kwamis under control, and going on a movie date with Luka," Angel teasingly pointed out in which everyone else chuckled in understanding and agreement.

Ladybug: (voicemail) Hi! It's Ladybug, leave a message!

Cat Noir: (leaving another message for Ladybug, discouraged) Maybe it's because now since you're Guardian of the Miraculous, (finger quotes) you've got all sorts of more important things to do (tries to cheer up) but hey, no biggie. I'm just the Cat for this job. I'll start without you. Hope to meet up with you later. Let me know. (looks disappointed again but starts his patrol)

Citizens: (see Cat Noir and excitedly call for him) Cat Noir! Cat Noir! Cat Noir!

Cat Noir: Time for some action, finally! (goes down to see them, gets into a fighting stance)

Citizens: Cat Noir! Oh my gosh. (three kids crowd around him, take a photo, then leave) Oh wow. Thank you Cat Noir.

Cat Noir: (unenthusiastically) At your service. (checking for a message again)

Plagg: (from phone) No messages. Don't forget my cheese!

Scene: Place des Vosges. Cat Noir sitting on a bench with Mr. Ramier and Mr. Banana.

Cat Noir: So Mr. Banana, life's peachy huh? Peachy, banana, get it? (Mr. Banana doesn't respond) Forget it. So Mr. Ramier, it's been a while since you were akumatized right? Don't ya kind of miss being Mr. Pigeon? You haven't been feeling a bit depressed or desperate or angry? Annoyed maybe? Not even a little perturbed?

"What are you doing, kitty?" Marinette asked her boyfriend in annoyance along with everyone else.

"Sorry, m'lady. I must really be bored out of my mind," Adrien said as he winced at his conversation with Mr. Ramier.

Mr. Ramier: Thank you for asking, Cat Noir, but I am in the best of spirits, really!

"If he's been akumatized so many times, this must be really rare for him," Alya pointed out in a deadpan manner and everyone else murmured in agreement.

Cat Noir: Well I guess I'm out of here then. (gets up and slowly walks away, feeling low)

Mr. Ramier: (waves) Say hello to the lovely Ladybug for me!

Cat Noir: Sure thing… if I ever see her…

Plagg: (from phone, more annoyed) No messages. Don't forget my cheese!

Scene: Le Grand Paris Hotel. Cat Noir drinking milk while watching Chloé berate Sabrina.

Butler Jean: (placing glass on a coaster) A glass of milk as usual, Mr. Cat Noir?

Cat Noir: (nods head weakly) Mhm

"You do know you're not an actual cat, right, dude? You can have other drinks besides milk?" Nino asked his best friend with a chuckle along with everyone else.

"I'll have you know that milk is full of calcium which will make my bones stronger which will make me more effective for akuma attacks!" Adrien said as he defended himself with a frown while everyone else both chuckled and nodded.

Butler Jean: How is Ms. Ladybug? (starts pouring milk into glass) I haven't seen her for a while?

Cat Noir: (takes the milk and downs it) It's… been a little quiet recently.

Chloé: (angry, yelling at Sabrina) That purse was my life Sabrina! And you, you have gone and lost it! You are forbidden to speak to me ever again!

"Chloe, please tell me you're not talking about the purse that you're holding right now," Adrien said to his childhood friend while wincing at her ridiculously rude behavior towards Sabrina on-screen. Chloe stayed silent as she winced in embarrassment, knowing that is the purse that she is talking about. Immediately catching on, everyone else facepalmed in exasperation.

Sabrina: But Chloé— (trying to point to the purse that Chloé has on her)

Chloé: Shh, no talking! Zip it!

Sabrina: But—

Chloé: Shh!

Sabrina: But—

Chloé: (puts her finger over Sabrina's mouth) Zip it! And don't even look at me either! Hands over your eyes! (Sabrina gasps, upset, and uses her hands to cover her eyes)

Everyone in the audience bowed and shook their heads in exasperation that Sabrina does as she's told by Chloe on-screen no matter how ridiculous. Meanwhile, the two girls blushed red in embarrassment.

Cat Noir: (hopeful) Something tells me an akuma is going to show up!

Chloé: Hmm? (notices she's wearing her purse) Oh my purse! (to Sabrina) You dingbat! (hits Sabrina with the purse) You could have told me that I was wearing it!

"Yes, Chloe. Sabrina's the dingbat!" Marinette sarcastically pointed out in Sabrina's defense, in which everyone else laughed hard in agreement except for the blonde girl herself who frowned but stayed silent since she can't argue.

Sabrina: (attempts to explain) But I wasn't allowed to speak to you—

Chloé: (interrupts) And you still aren't.

Sabrina: Uh—

Chloé: Shh! (walks away and Sabrina follows her)

Cat Noir: (sighs in disappointment. Turns back to the counter) Make that (pushes empty glass towards Jean) a large milk, pal. (Jean gets out a pitcher and fills it with milk)

Scene: Paris rooftop. Cat Noir overhears Kagami as she practices fencing with her mother.

Plagg: (from phone, frustrated) No messages. Don't forget my— (Cat Noir clicks away before he finishes)

Ladybug: (voicemail) Hi! It's Ladybug, leave a message!

Cat Noir: (leaving another message for Ladybug, slightly annoyed) Hi again, Bugaboo. Guess who this is. Give up? It's the guy you stood up— (stops abruptly upon hearing Kagami)

Kagami: Yes, never let yourself be weak, Mother. I know that lesson well.

Cat Noir: Huh? (observes the practice from the roof)

Tomoe: And never be—

Kagami: Taken by surprise.

Tomoe: (aggressively attacking with her bokken) Don't apply these principles to fencing, you'll never be as good as Adrien Agreste!

Kagami: Adrien? Don't worry, Mother. (makes Tomoe momentarily lose grip of her bokken, but she manages to catch it) I've got everything I need to succeed with him.

"Looks like you're improving with your mom," Luka said to Kagami in amazement along with everyone else while the Japanese girl blushed at the praise.

Cat Noir: (watching with a smile, leaving message) Patrol's over, Bugaboo! (closes phone and heads back to his room)

Scene: Adrien's room. Cat Noir arrives and detransforms.

Cat Noir: Claws in. (Adrien picks up his phone, stops music and longingly looks at the picture of Ladybug he uses as his phone's background)

Plagg: (over a picture of Adrien's fencing class where Kagami stands out in her red uniform) So your favorite cheese is missing from the plate and it's as if the others don't exist? Try another type, you might be surprised how much you like it!

"Plagg, you really gotta stop comparing humans to cheese!" Tikki said, tired and exasperated along with everyone else that her fellow kwami is comparing everything else in life to cheese.

"Hey, I may use cheese metaphors a lot, but at least I always get my points across!" Plagg retorted back in which everyone else shrugged in agreement as they can't argue with that.

Scene: Agreste dining room. Adrien eating alone.

Nathalie: (alerting Adrien by tablet) Ms. Kagami Tsurugi called to inform you that the time of your fencing has been changed to one hour earlier this week.

"What happened to Nathalie? She usually tells me my schedule in person," Adrien asked, a bit worried about his father's assistant despite her being a villainess.

"She's become too weak from using the Peacock Miraculous as Mayura, so she's been confined to her bedroom. She's still helping your father, but from her bed," Angel explained about Nathalie in which everyone else nodded in understanding.

Adrien: (happy) Huh, thank you, Nathalie. (warmly) Kagami, Kagami…

"I'm dating Kagami at this moment, right?" Adrien asked and Angel confirmed it with a nod much to everyone's surprise and Marinette's hidden jealousy.

Scene: Both Kagami and Adrien in their cars, headed to Collège Françoise Dupont for their fencing practice.

Tomoe: (on phone, speaking to Kagami) All these scheduling changes requested by the Agrestes are annoying. But you can use it to fit in another hour of Russian.

Kagami: (weakly) Yes, Mother.

Gabriel: All these scheduling changes requested by the Tsurugi are annoying. When you get home, make sure you try on the outfit I've just completed for your next photoshoot.

Adrien: (weakly) Yes, Father.

"You know, if the circumstances were different, I'd say that you two would be perfect for each other," Marinette commented about her boyfriend and Japanese friend based on their similar personal lives, in which everyone else murmured in agreement.

Scene: Adrien and Kagami enter the school. Fred Haprèle is confused to see them.

Mr. Haprèle: Kagami? Adrien? Your fencing class doesn't start for an hour. And Mr. D'Argencourt hasn't arrived yet.

Kagami: Oh really? And I was sure I wrote down the correct hour this time!

"I just lied to my mother and Adrien's father!" Kagami said as she covered her mouth and chuckled with everyone else following suit.

Mr. Haprèle: I'm sorry but you can't—

Kagami: (predicting what Mr. Haprèle was about to say) Stay at school without adult supervision? No problem, Mr. Haprèle. We'll come back for the class in an hour.

Adrien: What are you up to this time?

Scene: Adrien and Kagami enter the Art Room where Kagami shows Adrien her drawings.

Adrien: The arts and crafts room? What are you planning to do in here?

Kagami: (unzips her bag and pulls out a sketchbook) I've never told this to anyone but… I love to draw. I always have. (flips through pages of her art) Drawings never lie. The poses that people make are always a reflection of their personality. (Adrien gasps, surprised and impressed) But my mother won't let me do it. According to her, I'm not good enough…

"Kagami, your drawings are awesome!" Nathaniel said as he looked at Kagami's drawings on-screen with shock. Everyone else loudly murmured in agreement while the Japanese girl blushed at the praise.

"And that's something coming from a comic book illustrator," Marinette added as she pointed to Nathaniel.

"Your mom doesn't think you're good enough?! I don't mean to sound tactless…again, but she's blind! What does she know?!" Chloe commented and although she briefly frowned at the insulting comment about her mother, Kagami nodded as that is a valid argument.

Adrien: You're super talented, Kagami!

Kagami: You really think so?

Adrien: Mmhm

Kagami: (takes his hand and directs him to the platform in the room) Pose for me, I want to sketch you.

Adrien: How do you want me to pose?

Kagami: However makes you comfortable. (Adrien does one of his model poses. She starts drawing) I really admire Toulouse Lautrec. I'd like to draw you just like the characters he painted. Did you know he often signed his drawings with a monogram like many Japanese artists did? (looks at her drawing, unsatisfied) This isn't right, it's not you. (tears paper from sketchpad)

Adrien: Can I see it?

Kagami: (crumples paper and tosses it in the trash) Try a different pose. It should be easy to do a beautiful sketch of you because you're so handsome but what I want is to capture the real you inside. (Adrien tries another pose. Kagami starts drawing but stops) No, still not good. Change again (throws it away and Adrien attempts another pose). These are all modeling poses! (throws another away) Try something that's more natural, more you.

Adrien: Hmm, what about MEOW! (strikes Cat Noir pose while Kagami looks unimpressed) Uhh… (awkwardly) I mean now? (laughs nervously)

Kagami: No, you're not at all natural.

Adrien: (earnestly) Yes, I am. I promise, this is me!

Kagami: NO! (stands up, slamming sketchpad on table) That's you when you're being silly!

Adrien: (conflicted) What if when I'm being silly, I'm really me?

"Adrien, don't you ever consider that maybe your silly personality as Cat Noir is just a way of covering up your natural insecurities and vulnerabilities that came along from being born into the family and background that you're in?" Kagami asked her friend in which everyone else (especially Adrien) is shocked and impressed by her analysis.

"Maybe you're right, Kagami. Maybe I do act silly as Cat Noir a lot because I was trying to cover up the loneliness and sadness that I always experience as Adrien. And I certainly don't want the love of my life to see that I'm really a basket case underneath," Adrien said as he thought about it with a sad look on his face while everyone else gave him pitiful looks.

"In case you haven't caught that by now, kitty, your silly side didn't exactly win me over. Your hidden vulnerabilities and your sensitivity that you usually show as Adrien is what made me fall for you in the first place. So, don't be afraid to be yourself around me," Marinette softly said to her boyfriend who gave her a lovesick smile in which everyone else murmured in agreement.

Kagami: (Kagami stares then walks towards Adrien. She takes his hand and moves it to his chest then pushes him back to the wall) There. This is really you.

Adrien: (timidly) Do you really think?…

Kagami: Yes, you're… perfect. (Kagami tries to kiss him but gets interrupted by the alert on both their phones)

I'm not jealous! I'm not jealous! I'm not jealous! Marinette thought repeatedly in her head while trying to keep a straight face as she looked at the almost-kiss between Adrien and Kagami. But, Adrien noticed and silently snickered to himself.

Adrien: (checks his phone. Kagami does the same) Now it's really time for our fencing class. (Both he and Kagami smile)

Scene: Fencing class in the school gym.

Mr. D'Argencourt: En garde! Prêt, allez!

Kagami: (they fence, then Kagami takes off her mask and kisses Adrien's) Touché.

Adrien: (Adrien takes off his mask and tries to kiss her) En garde. (sees Ladybug pass the school, chasing Mr. Pigeon's pigeon plane) Uh… sorry. (backing away) I forgot something in the locker room… (he leaves and Kagami gives a small smile)

Scene: From "Truth" — Montparnasse Tower. Cat Noir sneaks up on Ladybug.

"See what I mean by this episode and the last episode happening around the same time? This is the same Mr. Pigeon attack that interrupted Marinette and Luka's movie date," Angel pointed out and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Cat Noir: (Ladybug listening to Cat Noir's message on her phone) —Just like always. It's time for our weekly patrol. I hope you haven't forgotten! (sneaking up behind Ladybug while she is completely distracted) Buga-Boo! (Ladybug reflexively throws him) waaah!

Ladybug: Hi-ya! (realizing) Cat Noir? (catches his leg with her yoyo)

Cat Noir: Wah! (slams into the window of the tower, cracking it) Oof!

Ladybug: Will you cut it out with your practical jokes? I could have really hurt you.

Cat Noir: (answering while hanging by the yoyo) M'lady, the only thing that really hurts me is when you make me go on patrol by myself. (sighs, relaxing his posture) I even missed your little angry pout.

Ladybug: Sorry Kitty Cat, I'm a bit over my head at the moment (pulling him up)

Cat Noir: I bet! "Guardian of the Miraculous", big name, big responsibility!

Ladybug: (helping him up) I promise to never forget our patrols again. (Cat Noir winks at her, both head to defeat the villain)

Cat Noir: Woohoo!

Scene: Luka leaves André's ice cream stand after the events of "Truth". Adrien meets Kagami there to get ice cream.

Adrien: (runs to meet Kagami) Kagami! (Takes ice cream but sees Ladybug fighting the Lollipop Sentimonster so he gives it to Kagami) I gotta get going. My father's probably worried. (leaves while Kagami looks down, disappointed)

Scene: From "Truth" — In front of Françoise Dupont. Adrien receives a message from Kagami.

Adrien: (to his classmates) Bye guys! (Adrien gets into his car, while Kagami's car pulls up beside it. They roll down their windows and attempt to kiss but he sees Ladybug) Uh… forgot something in my classroom, (opens car door and runs back inside) call ya later!

Kagami: (frustrated, sighs) Tatsu, let's go!

Cat Noir: (appears from the roof, launches himself with his staff) Wee!

"OK, my father really does have the worst timing!" Adrien said in frustration that his dates with Kagami keep getting interrupted as well as Marinette and Luka's on-screen. Everyone else murmured in agreement.

Scene: The Liberty. Adrien and the rest of Kitty Section perform the end of the song they started in "Truth".

Rose: (Finishing a song) Yeah!

Marinette, Nino, Alya: (Stand up, cheering. Kagami claps) Yeah! Woohoo!

Nino: (runs over to Adrien, showing him his phone) I got it all on video, dude! You guys were awesome!

Adrien: (critical of himself) I wasn't, Nino. I messed up the intro.

Ivan: We can go over it again if you want, Adrien?

Rose: Yeah, let's play it again.

Kagami: Adrien, it's time!

Adrien: Five more minutes? (Kagami shakes her head)

Adrien: Well… I'll be better next time, I promise. See you guys. (Kagami takes his hand, he drops his bag in shock. Kagami helps him with it. They walk off the boat. Unaware Marinette's bracelet fell out of his pocket, Kagami notices and grabs it)

Scene: Just outside the Liberty, both wait to be picked up while Kagami tries to talk to Adrien.

Adrien: Our cars aren't here yet. That's too bad; we could have played the song again.

Kagami: But this way, we have a little time together.

Adrien: (not understanding) We'll have plenty of time together when we go to Prince Ali's birthday.

Kagami: Together (takes his hand) just the two of us, I mean. I'm so happy when I'm with you. (Adrien sees Ladybug and gets distracted) I have a feeling we're a lot alike. Do you feel the same way? Do you also- (realizes Adrien isn't paying attention, turns around to see what he was looking at) Huh?

"And that's when Luka was akumatized into Truth," Angel once again pointed out and everyone else murmured in understanding.

Adrien: Sorry, I thought I saw a wasp.

Kagami: (softly) Do you love... me too?

Adrien: (still distracted) Excuse me?

"Ooooh!" The teens cringed their faces at Adrien's response to Kagami's question on-screen while the blond boy blushed pink in embarrassment and guilt.

Kagami: (becoming upset) Adrien what's going on?

Adrien: I… forgot something on the barge, when my bag fell. Don't wait up for me. Let's meet up at Prince Ali's birthday. (leaves)

Kagami: (car pulls up and Kagami gets in, upset) Tatsu, take me to the City Hall.

Scene: Adrien hides in an alley and transforms.

Plagg: I hope we can still celebrate Ali's birthday. Fancy parties always have the best cheese boards!

Adrien: Later, but right now, Ladybug needs me! Plagg, claws out! (plays message from his staff phone)

Ladybug: (from message) Cat Noir, Hawk Moth's merged his powers with the Peacock to become Shadow Moth. He's created a supervillain and a sentimonster at the same time. I need you out here!

Truth: Now you must tell the truth to anyone who asks you a question, I'll do the honors. Who are you Ladybug?

Ladybug: I… am…

Cat Noir: (interrupts and pushes Ladybug into the water) A super swimmer!

Scene: City Hall. Kagami arrives at Prince Ali's birthday party.

Mayor Bourgeois: (shaking hands with Prince Ali) Dear Prince Ali, on behalf of the city of Paris we all wish you a very happy birthday.

Tomoe: (somehow notices Kagami walking up beside her) Didn't I arrange with Gabriel Agreste that his son would accompany you here?

Kagami: Oh um… he's here, Mother. A journalist's interviewing him outside. I'll go and find him. (leaves room)

Scene: Kagami sits on the steps outside the City Hall and solemnly looks down at the charm she's holding.

Scene: Ladybug and Cat Noir talking after just defeating Truth.

Cat Noir: Woo hoo! (sighs) M'lady, it's been a while since I've had that much fun.

Ladybug: (laughs) If battling a supervillian with three eyes and a giant monster buddy is your idea of fun, I can't imagine what your other days are like…

Cat Noir: A baddie, a sentimonster, and Shadow Moth. It's even more exciting with his new name don't ya think?

Ladybug: He can change his name as often as he likes, he'll still never win.

Cat Noir: You can count on me and my jokes, Bugaboo.

Ladybug: Well… you don't have to overdo it.

Cat Noir: Truth is, I only ever have this much fun with you. Catch ya later! (vaults away) Wee!

Scene: Kagami confronts Adrien outside the City Hall.

Cat Noir: Claws in. (detransforms)

Adrien: (runs to meet up with Kagami) Kagami. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.

Kagami: (hiding the charm behind her back) And I hope you found what you were looking for.

Adrien: Huh?

Kagami: Back at the barge.

Adrien: (nervously) Uh, the barge, right. (gives thumbs up) Yeah, I found it thank you.

Kagami: What was it?

Adrien: (dismissively) Oh you know just that thing, that Lucky Charm that Marinette gave me. (attempts to take it out of his pocket to show her but realizes it's not there, worried) Ah no, did I lose it?! (attempts to cover up his accidental admission) Again…

"Uh-oh!" Everyone quietly exclaimed under their breaths, predicting what's going to happen next.

Kagami: You mean… (shows him the charm in her hand) this one? (Adrien is shocked) You know, I lied too. I lied to my mother so that we could see each other. I even lied to her when I said you came here with me tonight. I lied at every fencing lesson so we could spend more time together. You see, we're both a couple of liars. Except I lie because I want to be with you. (points at him accusingly) You lie… because you don't want to be with me.

Adrien: (outstretches his arm) Kagami!

Kagami: I'll go in first. (opens door and sighs)

"It's official: unknowingly dating a superhero is not fun at all," Luka said to Kagami since he completely understands what she's going through on-screen. Kagami gave the blue-haired boy a slight smile and chuckle in agreement.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: One simple lie and trust crumbles to nothing. And what if in the end everything in our world is just a lie? Fly away my evil akuma and plague that deceived heart!

Scene: Inside City Hall. The akuma infects Marinette's bracelet in Kagami's hand.

Shadow Moth: Lies, I am Shadow Moth. I bestow on you the power to rid the world of liars. All I ask in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous! Do I have your word?

Kagami: Trust me, no more lies will be allowed in my new world Shadow Moth.

Adrien: (opens door, sees the akumatized bracelet) No!… (closes door; Lies starts creating a sphere) This is all my fault. I've gotta save Kagami!

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out!

Scene: Lies goes after people at Prince Ali's birthday party. Cat Noir shows up to stop her.

"So, what's my purpose as this particular supervillain?" Kagami asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"You want to rid the world of liars. So, with that expanding beam of light you're creating, you're immobilizing anyone that's ever lied in their lives," Angel explained about Lies' superpower.

"So, really I'm just immobilizing everyone?" Kagami rhetorically asked in which everyone else murmured in agreement and Angel confirmed with a shrug and nod.

"Well, there is a 0.05% chance there is at least one person in the world that has never lied once in his/her life," Max said, based on his calculations much to everyone else's frustration.

"Max, what was the point of that statistic?" Adrien asked in which everyone else loudly murmured in agreement while Max blushed pink in embarrassment before Angel replayed the episode.

Jagged Stone: Oh Prince Ali you're one year older but to us you're still a real rock and roller (the audience claps; Penny attempts to stop Fang from eating the guests' cakes)

Roger Raincomprix: (notices Lies' sphere) In the name of the law, what is that?! (aims his taser at it)

Lies: I am Lies! Have you ever told a lie, Agent Roger?

Roger: Of course not… a policeman never lies.

Lies: You are a liar!

Roger: Help! (Officer Roger is paralyzed)

"Daddy!" Sabrina exclaimed in horror at seeing her father immobilized by Lies on-screen.

Lies: And you, Mother, have you lied as well?

Tomoe: Kagami, I will not allow this! (attempts to stop Lies, but is paralyzed. André hides in a corner but is paralyzed; Prince Ali tries to run away but trips; Bob Roth and XY attempts to hide behind some boxes)

Cat Noir: Kaga— (stops himself) Lies! Stop this right now!

Lies: Oh look, let's see if this new candidate can pass my lie detector test.

Cat Noir: I'm not lying when I say I'm gonna free you from that evil Shadow Moth.

Jagged: And I'm gonna help ya. Yeah!

Cat Noir: Get away, Jagged.

Jagged: I'm not afraid, I'm an artist. I'm always keeping it real with my fans.

"Except when it comes to paternity," Luka muttered bitterly in response to what Jagged said on-screen, still a little unhappy to the fact that the rock star turned out to be his and his sister's father and wasn't present in their lives.

Bob Roth: That's not true! You lie about your age! (uses the box covering XY to cover himself)

Jagged: Hey, this is not rock and roll!

Lies: A world without lies will have no need for superheroes, Cat Noir!

Scene: Outside City Hall. Ladybug and Cat Noir back away from the ever-growing sphere.

Cat Noir: (attempting to summon his power) Cata— (Ladybug stops him)

Ladybug: No! If you touch the sphere, you'll freeze.

Cat Noir: Not if I've always told the truth.

Ladybug: Yeah, but is that the case?

Cat Noir: Hardly. How 'bout you?

Ladybug: Of course not, Kitty, we're supposed to lie. If only to keep our identities a secret. And if we touch that thing, there'll be no one left to stop her from swallowing all of Paris!

Cat Noir: Okay, so what do we do?

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (receives a box larger than her; she opens it to reveal a camera drone with a remote) Uh..

"A DRONE?!" Everyone in the audience (including Marinette herself) exclaimed in confusion of the Lucky Charm given.

Cat Noir: I can't wait to see what you're gonna do with a drone.

Ladybug: Okay, we can't go inside, but I doubt this machine ever lied. Which means… keep her busy while I send this spy bird inside! We'll stay in touch. (puts in earpiece)

Cat Noir: (puts in earpiece) Your wish is my command, M'Lady. And that's no lie. (teasing Lies from the top of an advertising column) Yoohoo! My name isn't Cat Noir, I'm not a superhero, I hate Ladybug, and I think Shadow Moth should have been called Peacock Moth! Way funnier! I forgot, my favorite dish is cauliflower with béchamel sauce.

Shadow Moth: Lies, catch that deceiving Cat and seize his Miraculous!

Lies: You have my word, Shadow Moth. (Ladybug discovers Lies' bracelet) Liars will always have to pay in the end!

Ladybug: I know what the akumatized item is.

Cat Noir: Great, so break it!

Ladybug: How do I do that when I can't touch it? (Ladybug, through the drone's camera, notices all the guests at Prince Ali's party paralyzed, except for Fang)

"How come Jagged Stone's crocodile is the only one that's moving?" Kim asked, confused along with most others.

"Because Fang is an animal and animals can't lie!" Marinette answered as soon as she got the idea and everyone else murmured in understanding and agreement.

Cat Noir: You're right, only someone who's never lied can get into that sphere and do it, but that doesn't exist! (Ladybug notices Fang, four slices of cake, and the drone's remote)

Scene: Streets of Paris. Cat Noir runs across the rooftops from Lies' rapidly expanding sphere.

Ladybug: Yes, it does Cat Noir! It does exist! Fang! Jagged Stone's crocodile. He's never lied. He's an animal, he wouldn't know how!

Cat Noir: You're right!

Scene: City Hall. The drone attaches its four arms to the slices of cake. It flies outside the building, chasing Fang, who has broken away from Penny's leash.

Scene: Streets of Paris. The drone and Fang pass by paralyzed Parisians. Ladybug follows it, past the Arc de Triomphe and the Montparnasse Tower.

Ladybug: It's working!

Citizens: (screaming) Ah! Help! Help! (Lies stops at the Montparnasse Tower, which is now shorter than her sphere. Cat Noir extends his staff so he can be safe above the sphere.)

Ladybug: But if Lies sees him coming, we're toast! (Fang gobbles one of the cakes)

Cat Noir: There are only two liars left in Paris and one of them knows the ultimate way to catch her attention.

Ladybug: No way! Don't do it! What if I fail?!

Cat Noir: You know what? I trust you. (Cat Noir detaches himself and deliberately falls into Lies' sphere)

"NOOOO!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed at the sight of Cat Noir sacrificing himself again on-screen.

"You seriously gotta stop doing that!" Marinette yelled at her boyfriend with a mixture of anger and sadness, then hugged him in which he hugged her back in comfort.

Ladybug: Cat Noir, no! You're completely crazy!

Cat Noir: Crazy about you, M'lady.

Ladybug: No, just plain crazy… reckless… (Lies spots the paralyzed Cat Noir)

Shadow Moth: The moment of truth is near! Grab Cat Noir's Miraculous, then it'll be Ladybug's turn!

Ladybug: Hurry up! (As Lies begins to take Cat Noir's ring, the drone drops the last cake near her bracelet. She screams as Fang bites it, also breaking the akumatized object)

"That was too close, Marinette. Fang could have bitten my hand off," Kagami pointed out in frustration and everyone else murmured in agreement while Marinette nodded in embarrassment.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: NOOO!

Scene: Streets of Paris.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little akuma! Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye bye little butterfly! Miraculous Ladybug! (The Miraculous Cure unfreezes everyone, including Cat Noir, who reacts in fear as Fang licks him)

"Awww! Fang is like a little puppy!" Rose squealed at the sight of Fang licking Cat Noir's cheek like a dog.

"Yeah, a little puppy with big chompers!" Adrien pointed out that his fear of Fang is justified and everybody else couldn't help but agree with him as they are a little scared of the crocodile as well.

Citizen: Yeah!

Ladybug: (yo-yos over to Cat Noir, frustrated) Seriously, you've got to stop doing this to me!

Cat Noir: (teasing) Yeah, but I can't resist this angry little pout of yours when you bring me back. (Ladybug's frustration subsides)

Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it!" The two heroes once again fist-bumped and kissed in victory.

Scene: An alley. Cat Noir detransforms.

Cat Noir: Claws in.

Adrien: (sighs dreamily) Ladybug.

Plagg: Oh how romantic! I get it, even if I do love every cheese on the plate, I always come back to my favorite, Camembert. (Adrien takes out a wedge of Camembert, Plagg takes and eats it)

Everyone in the audience (except for Plagg of course) sighed in frustration at another one of Plagg's cheese metaphors on-screen.

Scene: Kagami takes out her frustration on Adrien during fencing class.

Mr. D'Argencourt: En garde, prêt, allez!

Adrien: (Kagami fences very aggressively and forcefully knocks him into a pole) Ugh ah, ouch!

"It appears that I'm still angry at Adrien," Kagami said as she winced at her aggression on-screen and everyone else nodded in agreement.

Mr. D'Argencourt: (blocks Kagami's saber) Stop it! This is a fencing class here, not a joust. Fall out!

Scene: Locker room. Kagami breaks up with Adrien.

"And now, Adrien and Kagami are breaking up," Angel pointed out as she pointed to the screen.

Adrien: I'm really sorry I hurt you, Kagami. You know, all those wonderful times we had together… they weren't lies.

Kagami: I know. I know that you're hiding something but I also know that there is sincerity in you too.

Adrien: So…can we still be friends?

Kagami: How can you trust someone who's lied to you? (hands him his charm) When I'm ready to see you again, I'll let you know. (she leaves; Adrien stares down at the charm, sadly)

Scene: Ladybug and Cat Noir sitting on a ledge in view of the Eiffel Tower.

Cat Noir: You know the difference between us and the rest of the world M'Lady? We can't be completely honest with each other. We keep secrets and… sometimes we have to lie.

Ladybug and Cat Noir: But we always trust each other. (they pound it)

"Looks like I saved you four a lot of mistrust and heartbreak by bringing you all here," Angel said as she pointed at the two heroes, Luka, and Kagami as everyone in the audience murmured in agreement. "The next episode is called Gang of Secrets."

"Gang of Secrets?! Let me guess: it's more than one supervillain?" Marinette guessed and Angel confirmed it with a nod.

"It's like what happened with Adrien's cousin. A team of old supervillains working together against a common target," Angel explained much to everyone else's surprise.

"Which supervillains this time?" Adrien asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"Lady WiFi, Princess Fragrance, Reflekta, Timebreaker, and Horrificator," Angel answered as she pointed to the five girls (Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix, and Mylene) much to their and everyone else's shock.

"Who are we targeting?" Alya asked, concerned as she might have an idea as well as the other girls.

"Marinette," Angel answered, then directed her attention towards the girl in question. "Ever since you became the guardian and broke up with Luka, you have been isolating yourself and pushing everyone away including your friends." Everyone in the audience nodded and murmured in understanding while Angel played the episode.